dutch passion orange bud. 1st seed grow.


Well-Known Member
I hear ya on the hermy shit, but don't fret yet. One of my OB pheno's (thank god it's the less potent one) hermies very easy, every time I grow. The reason I dont care is cause the pollen isn't viable. I still never get more than 5 seeds per 1.5lb harvests. The other pheno I have is awsome just doesnt yield as much, so much more poten though,almost gooey. Now that I have White Rhino and Trainwreck I am going to rid the growroom of the other pheno and keep the better one, I will have other plants to give me yield and the sativa dominant Orange Bud for my head.:fire:


Well-Known Member
Im gonna see if I cant take my 420 scope and find all the male parts and cut them off. Ive had herms that grow pollen sacs way up in the bud where you cant see it. But tell me a little more about the pollen they produce.


Well-Known Member
Im gonna see if I cant take my 420 scope and find all the male parts and cut them off. Ive had herms that grow pollen sacs way up in the bud where you cant see it. But tell me a little more about the pollen they produce.
What else ya wanna know??. Honestly If a plant hermies it's near impossible to find them all and stop seeding from happenening if it going to. Just hope that either the pistills are past recieving the pollen to form seeds(there is a small window to fertilize, males know when, hermies dont as much), or that the pollen itself isn't viable (wont fertilize no matter what time it lets go).


Well-Known Member
OK. so pollen from a feminized hermie isn't viable?
Not neccessarily, I am just saying that my OB from dutch passion experiences with hermies have had non viable pollen. I have also had bagseed hermies try and seed my whole crop. Its completely random. As I said before it's even possible that the hermy flowers on my plants just don't release the pollen at the right time. Whatever the case though I have never had an issue with the pollen from my OB plants. I actually make a point to let the buds I see with a seed in it time to mature more so I can get some feminized seeds. When a hermy pollinates a female it is usually like a 90% chance they will be female. This was the original process by which feminized seeds started being made.


Well-Known Member
I topped this plant before putting it into flwer. It still is growing like crazy and I need some ideas as to what can be done with it. Its only one week into flower and is already exceeding my heiht capacity with only a few inches to spare from my light, but no burning. I still have some room to work with but as fast as this plant is growing I'll be soon running out of room. Could it be supercropped?


mr west

Well-Known Member
low stress training. I bent my plants once to keep then topping out in my box, they are fairly hardy plants. Have u got plenty of sideways room?


Well-Known Member
yes, theres plenty of room for branching out. The thing about bending it over is that the stem is really thick and Im not sure how much bend the stem will take before it snaps.


Well-Known Member
I topped this plant before putting it into flwer. It still is growing like crazy and I need some ideas as to what can be done with it. Its only one week into flower and is already exceeding my heiht capacity with only a few inches to spare from my light, but no burning. I still have some room to work with but as fast as this plant is growing I'll be soon running out of room. Could it be supercropped?
I am not trying to be dick at all bro, keep that in mind, but I just have to say...I told you so, hehe. I wasnt joking when I searched this thread out to tell ya these plants stretch like crazy. It's definetely to thick of a main stem to supercrop. Even if it didnt snap,they have to be properly trained so it isnt one big bend. You could try to supercrop some of the side branching, but its not going to shorten the main cola at all. Ya have at least another week of stretching before buds starts bulking up so ya def got something to fiugre out. I will try and think of something you can do in the meantime..no real ideas right now.


Well-Known Member
Could I supercrop the 2 tops?

Well then ya would have to worry about the plant going hermy. The point is to kinda get the supercropping done in veg to shape the plant.def use this as an learning experience. I had good luck tying the plants down my first run when they got to big. Get some twine and day by day pull them down some more. U should get the side branches to then grow upward . Ya wanna basically try and get he mainstalk as horizontal as possible.


Well-Known Member
It looks like I'll be able to take some cuttings very soon. Right now I could make about 16-20 clones. The only thing standing in my way is I dont know how to use my oasis cube tray with the standing water tray and the humidity dome. Heres what Im talking about. I know what clones I'll take but Im reluctant to do so because of my set up.



Well-Known Member
very nice! Yours are stretching exactly like mine, the ones I didnt feed bushmaster to I guess, But the stalk bulks up in only a few days. It makes me wonder how big exactly are these bud gonna be or is it all just stem? I tied the top over on one of my plants so it wouldnt out grow the tent.


Well-Known Member
i assure you that they will fill in nicely.they get to thier desired height then they fill in . grow #21. it supposed to have a 16 % thc cntent, thats wy i grew them.
iwas gonna do my bb next, but i am going to do some hash plants.No more than 2 ft. tall fini.very stoky. real nok out stone.Hashplant is my fav. i just thought i'd try this. stretchy ass


Well-Known Member
If you guys were to check out the beginning of my Orange Bud journal ya would see what happens when they aren't scroged or supercropped. They create one main big ass bud that fills in very nicely. ill post a pic from my first and second go with it. I just wanted to max out this plants yield and one main cola wont do it. This is also with very minimal nutes.



Well-Known Member
I also got it for its THC and CBD content. Did I mistake you or are you on your 21st harvest? Cant wait untill Im that experienced with the plants. I ll know everything in my head instead of guessing and re-researching everything.