DST's Vertical Step Grow - Headband and Cali Orange


Well-Known Member
I just put a livers into 12/12 but I think it'll be grown normally. I reckon a cheesey carpet scrog at the back is in order again. I do like the Livers (was finishing off the jar last night) but it's deffo not quite as strong as the Exo.

And so it begins again, you gonna do a livers Vscrog to go the other side of ur space?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Lmfaro, I find the livers to be stronger than the cheese, thats one of the ways to tell em apart lol, the livers has a strong body stone to it whereas the exo cheese is mostly in the fizzing head stone department


Well-Known Member
Perhaps I am measuring as to how messed up my head is then?!?! Still think the Exo cut I grew was stronger. And from what I understand if you let it go long enough then the body is there as well.....we'll need to agree to disagree on this one then. May be my next Livers plant will be better.


Well-Known Member
oh my........lol.

I don't think so Westy. As I said, I wouldn't class something that effects your body to be stronger than something that effects your head more. Think the nappies are going to your head mate, lol.
or maybe i got it wrong after all and ya cheese is livers and ya livers is exo? SOrry :(


Well-Known Member
top half of the page is dogtastic, dog is always on discussion on this thread in one form or another.

killed it with the ecfsvsm mate. i think you'll do equally well with this run too, the multiple branches will fill that screen no doubt.

all's cheesey in the damn i take it then?


Well-Known Member
Morgen Jongen, het Dam is altijd een echte cheesey plekje te zijn.
top half of the page is dogtastic, dog is always on discussion on this thread in one form or another.

killed it with the ecfsvsm mate. i think you'll do equally well with this run too, the multiple branches will fill that screen no doubt.

all's cheesey in the damn i take it then?


Well-Known Member
no idea what half of that meant, i got the good morning and the cheesey dam bit, haha.
you sound like don after a night on it.

how's tricks?.

my ever postponed dam trip has been set back even further thanks to these fuck monkeys, wanted to make the cup and get some fresh genetics too, do you go to the cup events?


Well-Known Member
Was just a good morning and confirming that the Dam is a real cheesey place, in many ways;)

To be honest, I have never been to the expo, I generally just go down to the Grey Area and sit and chief it up with my mates. May be I should pop down at some point......

Tricks are good, just feeling a little fukked at the moment. Not sleeping well at all, feel like I might as well have a bairn I was up 4 times last night. Woke up at 2:30 wide awake thinking, it must be morning, only to see the clock readin 2:30..ffs. Then 4:30, 6:30, then finally 7:00.....gies piece man. Not that I'll get much sympathy fae the likes eh Daddy West et al, lol.

Some pics of the outdoors. Seem to have the branch mould under control (milk and bicarb for FTW!!!) But now battling with PM, ffs. And due to it now being a bit drier, I am also seeing the odd mite here and there (combo of the sun and dry weather over the last few days must have brought them from somewhere.) Anyway, they are beefing up a bit, finally.


mr west

Well-Known Member
aww mate, I know how ya feel and its nae good, least you get the day to yaself sort of lol. Tichs looking tichy loving the outdoor man. Last day of sun for us englanders, autumn is here.


Well-Known Member
Cheers bud, I think Autumn is def upon us...but you never know with this crazy world climate we have these days.

mr west

Well-Known Member
maybe we will skip straight to spring lol. What would kill all the nasty bugs then? I know the dam can get really cold in winter with the flatness and wind-chill factor, hopefully we'll get a nice cold snap too


Well-Known Member
Complaints were aired last night regarding the stench of my Cheese Vertical scrog....mutterings of, "house stinks of weed all the time" made me decide to shift her into the flower cab.....ah well. Let's hope she gets a bit more growth on her to fill up most of the screen.


Well-Known Member
Have to keep the home happy. I could see using odor control just to keep peace! ;)
Good Morning D sorry to hear of your insomnia. Valerian tea and or a melatonin will fix your rhythm up bud!
Peace Man, hope the day is well!


Well-Known Member
Lmfaro, I find the livers to be stronger than the cheese, thats one of the ways to tell em apart lol, the livers has a strong body stone to it whereas the exo cheese is mostly in the fizzing head stone department
I agree mate. I have some livers I took at just over 9 weeks and I'm struggling to smoke the stuff due to cutting down and my tolerance being lowered. I think I prefer her at 8 weeks myself.


Well-Known Member
Sorry D forgot where I was for a minute then lol. Outdoor looks fuckin tasty mate that greenhouse is a beast. Got my dogs in flower now along side some engineers dreams. Deep Psycho next up