Dannyboy602- Busted


Well-Known Member
I feel you on not growing dan....
Atleast you didn't get shot though,this bullshit could of been way worse.I wish you the best in all of this and I hope the cops catch everyone of them dickheads that had anything to do with this.You always seemed like a decent guy on here and didn't deserve this shit to happen to you.Good luck in your upcoming court hearings.I know it sucks thinking about it but 6 months and house arrest isn't bad at all for what you got caught with and I hear george hill isn't that bad.


Well-Known Member
cool, brutha. let me know if ya need anything. you'll be okay with no sheet. and i knew you didn't tell a soul.

Trich Fiend

New Member
Thats too bad for Danny, he is a good egg. Sounds like his friends actions are what ultimately threw him under the bus. Good luck Danny we will all be praying for you.

How does stating the truth make PP a bigot? Guess its the same as sharing facts and not forum BS and hype makes you a troll here...
The hell with shooting the 3 perps. Make pinatas out of them instead...old school justice.....
hold up, we've got one more for the klan rally.

Trich Fiend

New Member
hey danny. best of luck to you man. sounds like it's been a tough few weeks. i wish you and your family all the best.

Darwin Riddle

Well-Known Member
I'm praying for you and your family Dannyboy!! Hang in there. I'm glad you weren't hurt when this bullshit when down...it must have been all so surreal...specially if you were baked, at the time. Take care and I hope this isn't the last we see of you!!


Well-Known Member
respect for dealing with an almost 'worst case' situation
there seems to a glimmer of law enforcement understanding about who's the threat to the community


Well-Known Member
months...i'm almost sure. i'm lawyered up...
Stay strong, you got this, bro! 6 months ain't shit. Sucks, but you get to catch up on some reading, right? ;) And I have to say, way to keep a cool head about yourself. I think you've handled the situation the best way possible...also, smart thinking, telling the robbers you had people coming over. Glad no one got hurt, and I'm sorry for your finanncial loss. Once again, my thoughts are with you...

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Danny I tip my hat too you. You are a man with integrity that deserves the utmost respect. No matter the possible consequences you stood up and cooperated with authorities.....thats doing the right thing. You define what being a real man is all about....:clap::clap::clap:

J and J

I don't think anyone would argue that you're racist for pointing out facts. It would be easy to argue that you're racist when you make connections between unrelated incidents based on race.
I just think it's very irrelevant. Dude is blabbering about stupid stuff that doesn't even matter.
He needs to understand all of human society is f*cked up, not just a specific "race", or as this moron sees robbers, an "ethnic group".
But hey, who cares what I think, "as long as we have the first amendment rights I'm taking advantage of them."


Sector 5 Moderator
Yeah some people really have a problem confronting the truth. I'm not trying to cause problems, and there's not a racist bone in my body but that does not prevent me from seeing things as they really are. The numbers do not lie. There were over 50 innocent white people killed in L.A. over Rodney King's beating. Where was the outcry over that? A 13 year old white boy was doused with gasoline and set on fire and burned to death just because he was white - over the Trevon Martin shooting. Where is the outrage over that? Why is it that I point out facts and people get all holier than thou? Just because you make accusations does not mean they are true, and in this case they certainly are not.


Well-Known Member
A 13 year old white boy was doused with gasoline and set on fire and burned to death just because he was white - over the Trevon Martin shooting. Where is the outrage over that? Why is it that I point out facts and people get all holier than thou? Just because you make accusations does not mean they are true, and in this case they certainly are not.
I feel sooooo bad for Danny! He is a good guy, he doesn't deserve this. And that is just ridiculous potpimp, idk why people react like that. It's honestly pathetic.