Dannyboy602- Busted

J and J

Yeah some people really have a problem confronting the truth. I'm not trying to cause problems, and there's not a racist bone in my body but that does not prevent me from seeing things as they really are. The numbers do not lie. There were over 50 innocent white people killed in L.A. over Rodney King's beating. Where was the outcry over that? A 13 year old white boy was doused with gasoline and set on fire and burned to death just because he was white - over the Trevon Martin shooting. Where is the outrage over that? Why is it that I point out facts and people get all holier than thou? Just because you make accusations does not mean they are true, and in this case they certainly are not.
And yet you're still being irrelevant to the thread.
This thread has nothing to do with race.
This is the forum you should do your little rant about African Americans >>>http://www.chimpout.com/forum/index.php?<<<
That seems to be more in your ball field.


Well-Known Member
first off sorry danny for all you have been threw, i love how threads veer off topic we should start a thread for threads that have went terrably wrong


Well-Known Member
Damn I just read what happened to danny.. fuck that sucks balls big time. Fuck marijuana laws man, the story even points out that he wasn't a trouble maker. Some fucking bullshit.. makes me wanna cry.


Active Member
OMG . for real :? i Luv how the cops are so proud of busting this peaceful grower and yet they totally don't give a shit about the fact that he was robbed and shot at. Uncle sam you are a bully !


Well-Known Member
they would have been met with a barrage of bullets if they kicked my fuckin door in. hate to hear it. but sometimes bad luck happens to good people.


New Member
take down all the derailing comments. not just mine. more than 5 people on this thread agree that potpimp derailed the thread with his racial remarks. please remove them or explain yourself MOD. you keep erasing all of our posts but not his. explain yourself please.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
what is there to explain? posts were deleted already. you want me to delete the whole thread?

you tell me the post numbers of what you think should be deleted. I'm all ears


Well-Known Member
take down all the derailing comments. not just mine. more than 5 people on this thread agree that potpimp derailed the thread with his racial remarks. please remove them or explain yourself MOD. you keep erasing all of our posts but not his. explain yourself please.
GAWD DAMNIT take it some where else


New Member
what is there to explain? posts were deleted already. you want me to delete the whole thread?
not at all. but why is it that you delete our posts but not potpimps? that's what i'm asking. seems to me that he started the derailing of the thread making it a racial issues. EVERYONE with the exception of 1 or 2 people in the thread agree. so far about 5-6 people have commented that his remarks were irrelevant and stupid. so if you are getting rid of the trash in this thread then let's get rid of his too. doesn't seem fair that you leave racial comments up in a thread that has to do with Danny's arrest and people wishing him the best of luck.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
not at all. but why is it that you delete out posts but not potpimps? that's what i'm asking. seems to me that he started the derailing of the thread making it a racial issues. EVERYONE with the exception of 1 or 2 people in the thread agree. so far about 5-6 people have commented that his remarks were irrelevant and stupid. so if you are getting rid of the trash in this thread then let's get rid of his too. doesn't seem fair that you leave racial comments up in a thread that has to do with Danny's arrest and people wishing him the best of luck.
out of all the posts deleted, the majority of it was potpimp.


New Member
at of all the posts deleted, the majority of it was potpimp.
my bad...for some reason a bunch of his posts stayed up until i refreshed. sorry about that. i made a mistake. my humble apologies. please erase my posts or feel free to leave them up and make me look like a jackass. either way i extend my deepest condolences to you kind sir and bid you good day!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
my bad...for some reason a bunch of his posts stayed up until i refreshed. sorry about that. i made a mistake. my humble apologies. please erase my posts or feel free to leave them up and make me look like a jackass. either way i extend my deepest condolences to you kind sir and bid you good day!
it's okay. I got a hard skin. lol


Well-Known Member
Danny good luck man!! What about an illegal search and seizure law?
my atty is on it. one thug was caught. he's 19-20. facing 15-20 for attempted murder. after he sits and stews for a while he'll sing like a bird. i walked around the block today appologizing to the neighbors. i never wanted to bring this kind of attention to where we live. LOL...If i had all that money the newspsper said...I'd be totally gone...haha...but i never produced more than a half pound/month. It's very had to make anything indoors. I need sunshine....in another state. ha


New Member
my atty is on it. one thug was caught. he's 19-20. facing 15-20 for attempted murder. after he sits and stews for a while he'll sing like a bird. i walked around the block today appologizing to the neighbors. i never wanted to bring this kind of attention to where we live. LOL...If i had all that money the newspsper said...I'd be totally gone...haha...but i never produced more than a half pound/month. It's very had to make anything indoors. I need sunshine....in another state. ha
keep your head up danny. we've got your back. if you need to get outta town for a while send me a PM and we'll smuggle you into Cuba or something...:lol: