Club 600


Well-Known Member
quick Q fr the club.

Does any one use a hooka.

i ask this cuz my girl just won a 4 hose hooka and free charcoal and sheesha or how ever it is spelled. this thing will be used for weed though, ive never used a hooka for weed or the other shit. i just tried the sheesha and it tasted great but im not sure how to place it in the bowl.

do i light the coal then put the sheesha/weed on top or put that on bottom then add the hot coal on top.

i was thinking for weed i should just use a lighter each hit so a bunch is not smoking up in the air being wasted.

any way any info on how to use with sheesha and wee would be cool.
ill post a pic later
I have a hookah, they're great for "social" times when everyone in the room is cool with mmj

The only way I've ever used mine was with strawberry tobacco or sheesha (not sure the difference???) and it tastes great. We don't use mine that much, after I run out of charcoal I'm usually too lazy to go out and get more but every once in a while I'll pick some up when I buy a new bong and spark it up from time to time


Well-Known Member
Good to hear gen :-) im recovering from a fudge session last night :-) yummy.

lol check this shit out! wtf lmaoshidmt... that stands for laughing my a$$ off so hard I dropped my taco ;-)

All I can say is, "dude", LMAO!!!


Well-Known Member
Morning O.G's lol, I was having a late one lastnight and while looking around found this clip of a Vertical grow with Vertical scrog of some tidy looking Casey Jones. Check it out...
Looks like my next idea for the Casey fella Alot of pop-corn on the sour grape, but the C.J is Giving plenty:lol: Good looking scrog method and for a closet grow it has to be one of the best ive seen. Mucho respect to the man @? lol



Well-Known Member
Morning O.G's lol, I was having a late one lastnight and while looking around found this clip of a Vertical grow with Vertical scrog of some tidy looking Casey Jones. Check it out...
Looks like my next idea for the Casey fella Alot of pop-corn on the sour grape, but the C.J is Giving plenty:lol: Good looking scrog method and for a closet grow it has to be one of the best ive seen. Mucho respect to the man @? lol

Looks like Jig's grow to me.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
OK guys, here are my contributions to the day. I started giving the herijuana x big white and my lovely blackjack gravity on sunday. A few more weeks and I'm hoping to be chopping those two. My killing fields is really doing well now, I am very pleased.

Have a good day my 420 brothers and smoke one for me, I'm out.



Well-Known Member
it wouldn't surprise me if most people have forgotten...bloody stoners, lol. We have only been talking about it for about 4 weeks. COME ON PEOPLE.........

no European entries??? you all suck, guess the prize will go to the other side of the pond again!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.


Well-Known Member

going to the face..

cesspool 4 1/2 weeks 12/12 me thinks

o so frosty:lol:way better than the last run...

nugs hard as hell already:bigjoint:and the smell when i play wit her "clit":lol:mmmmmmso sweet.

these gals love sittin aroud the campfire...

:eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke:bongsmilie bongsmiliebongsmilie


Active Member
argh well ill have some awesome photos, but the girls are all secure untill friday. ill have to sit back and watch until then.