Club 600 Breeding Showcase


Well-Known Member
normally if you compare a dog nug with a nug of something else and it looks the same size, the dog is generally heavier. The difference with the Deep Blue is that it will grow large colas as you can see, with the DOG it can also grow large flowers but the nodes tend to be further apart so you generally don't get a whol cola, you will get intermittent flowers on each side of the nodes. But if grown correctly (I recommend loads of super cropping, LST, train train trian away!) In my verticaal set up they work perfectly as I can get flowers all up the branches of equal size and beauty.

If I compare side by side, a dog clone will produce pretty much the same in my set up as a Deep Blue grown from seed 12/12 (in fact probably more).


Well-Known Member
Whats the rough difference in the average yields between the 2 out of interest?
i have 4 deep blue under a 600w hps and 11 dog kush under another, i think the kush will give me more in terms of top quality buds. i hate big plants

the deep blue is in an 11l pot with 1 week veg from rooted clone in a .3l pot under cfl, it was then transplanted to an 11l for nearly two weeks under the 600w. i supercropped it very lightly after a week flowering.

the dog was transplanted straight into a 5l and vegged under the 600w for a week, it got topped shorty after transplant.

dst is right about yield, the deep blue for me is only slightly beating the dog in an sog style grow, the dog has strong stems and grows vertically towards the light, this means you can cram more plants in and increase your yields.

i'll get some pics of the plants grown sog style to show how they compare.


Well-Known Member
I gave a sample of my dog to a friend months ago, like 6+ and the douche never tried it. Then he text me last week to say hey dude I found that little baggy you gave me in my garage! I was like shit man that things gotta be so damn crispy by now I would just toss it. He replied back, fuck no man I smoked it! And it's good! I didn't think it was gonna do anything at first and now I just keep coming up!

I had the weird pheno that I crossed with my own plants to make Chaka OG. I'm still working to bring the hermie out of it but the buds so good it's worth the effort!


Well-Known Member
It'll get around 6 weeks of curing. It's already been in a couple of days. There are a number of jars to select suitable samples from.:)

hey d, hows the doggie looking your entering into the cup?? how much cure u putting on it?


Well-Known Member
It'll get around 6 weeks of curing. It's already been in a couple of days. There are a number of jars to select suitable samples from.:)
Put my name on one of those will ya? With the luck I've had growing them, my fault not theirs, it looks like I'm just gonna have to come and try it out there. Dammit!!! ;p


Well-Known Member
i just might be able to come out there and try it myself. i really hope the dog does well ive been telling my growing buddies about it for about a year now i think


Well-Known Member
i just might be able to come out there and try it myself. i really hope the dog does well ive been telling my growing buddies about it for about a year now i think
If the dog entered is anything like the pheno don had I can't see why it wouldn't win it's the bomb!


Well-Known Member

these plants had a week veg then four weeks flowering. (around 3 feet tall including pot)

the plants in the centre getting hit by both lights are more hungry than the rest, they went too long without a watering which made matters worse. i have moved the plants around and will add some more nitrogen to the next feed for the yellowest ones.

i'm expecting them to get chunky, they are stinking already.


mr west

Well-Known Member
I got half a dozen deep blue cross engineers dream ready to be sexed, must get a few snaps, I put my first sus male in the tent to speed things along.

mr west

Well-Known Member
1st time with this cross for me am mate, I think one of the american boys has grown it hmm not sure lol might be duchieman ????