FinShaggy Breeds Strains with an African Genetic Base (Revolutionary Breeding Company)


Well-Known Member
Just to prove what complete hostile trolls you are (that have been wrong about everything they have said), you have not even been on topic 1 single time.


Care to comment about the topic, or would you rather continue on with your Ad Hominem from Falsehoods.


South African Kwazulu

African Buzz

Hindu Kush

Cheese Bomb

Green Crack

Can I give you a word of advice? Don't water these seedling till June 3rd

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Just to prove what complete hostile trolls you are (that have been wrong about everything they have said), you have not even been on topic 1 single time.


Care to comment about the topic, or would you rather continue on with your Ad Hominem from Falsehoods.


South African Kwazulu

African Buzz

Hindu Kush

Cheese Bomb

Green Crack
You're way ahead of your time and people aren't able to grasp the concept of your teaching styles. Let's face it, you're famous, you're way above em bro, another level type shit. Your teachings will be studied for centuries to come.

I'll stand with you but we need backup, maybe like a sister or something. Get her on board then we'll all exchange numbers.


Well-Known Member
You're way ahead of your time and people aren't able to grasp the concept of your teaching styles. Let's face it, you're famous, you're way above em bro, another level type shit. Your teachings will be studied for centuries to come.

I'll stand with you but we need backup, maybe like a sister or something. Get her on board then we'll all exchange numbers.



Well-Known Member
I don't know guys, if that kid is 18 and his biggest crime is ignorance and delusions of grandeur, going after his family and friends is crossing the line, IMHO.
It makes you bullies, and it's not the kind of behavior I came to expect from this forum, except for unclebuck maybe.
@rollitup .