Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!


Active Member
hey scout, i live near kingston too, I'm growing some cyber crystal, and some unknown sativa strain. You go to school here? I got some great spots around the sydnaham and harrowsmith area


hey scout, i live near kingston too, I'm growing some cyber crystal, and some unknown sativa strain. You go to school here? I got some great spots around the sydnaham and harrowsmith area
Hey Chamez.

I actually don't live that close to Kingston. I'm an hour west, but I visit K-Town often. I have a few friends at St.Lawrence and Queens.

How is K-Town weed wise? Good weed?


Well-Known Member
i was just going to ask about the piss thing thanks for the answers in advance lol i was thinking of planting fairly close to a creek is that a good or bad idea i was thinking good cause i dont have to water it but would like to know what you guys think. i will be planting a fruity sativa strain i got along as a free b when i order some nl came as a mixed seed bag for free hey cant go wrong lol, oh ya im from mtl qc cheers guys

Outdoor noob

New Member
Does anyone live in southern ontario?
WTF is going on with the weather right now?

Its total spring weather and no snow or frost in sight, very tempting to take a bit of the gamble and start early.


Does anyone live in southern ontario?
WTF is going on with the weather right now?

Its total spring weather and no snow or frost in sight, very tempting to take a bit of the gamble and start early.
Yeah I know it's ridiculous. Don't start yet though, next week the temps are supposed to drop again.

I might plant 4/20 weekend, but we'll see.

Outdoor noob

New Member
Yeah I know it's ridiculous. Don't start yet though, next week the temps are supposed to drop again.

I might plant 4/20 weekend, but we'll see.
I'll keep an eye out, how are the thieves within southern parts of ontario?
I hear they got people checking maps and explore areas just to rip off plants.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
I'll keep an eye out, how are the thieves within southern parts of ontario?
I hear they got people checking maps and explore areas just to rip off plants.
Pretty bad.... we rent planes and fly around marking locations on GPS....hey, after you've had your crops ripped off year after year....Its all about getting even.....


Well-Known Member
I've seen all sort of of threads of people from different states, and countries making threads so they can communicate to each other about different obstacles and variables that they are facing/going to face throughout their season, and I thought we Canadian growers should have a thread too!

This is a place where we can talk about the weather, frost dates, crop hoppers, cops, strains that thrive in our beautiful country, bugs, and other variables that are currently affecting us.

I'll start it off by answering a question I commonly find on this board... frost dates..

Another thing I'd like to know is; What is everybody growing this season? I'm near Kingston, Ontario, and I'm growing Strawberry Cough, Alaskan Ice, Himalayan Gold, The Church, EasyRyder, and Texada Timewarp.

MANGOS in VANcouver. I put them outside on june 1 at 2 feet tall!!! they will be about 12


Pretty bad.... we rent planes and fly around marking locations on GPS....hey, after you've had your crops ripped off year after year....Its all about getting even.....
Wait you rent planes just to find other peoples spots to rip them off?


Active Member
renting planes? wow---if i caught you in my crop you wouldn't be walking or talking right ever again----cheap fucker

redi jedi

Well-Known Member fucker? guess you have no idea what it costs to rent a plane for a few hours...

The main reason to rent the plane is to maintain flight hours...buddies an airframe mechanic... has to be able to fly the plane after he's done fixing it.

Looking for crops is just something to do other than wasting very expensive ave gas.

Normally it's pretty tough to spot a crop at 1500ft but some people make it easy....patches like corn fields!!

Don't be stupid and keep your patch close to treelines and spread those fuckers out!!

Outdoor noob

New Member
Pretty bad.... we rent planes and fly around marking locations on GPS....hey, after you've had your crops ripped off year after year....Its all about getting even.....
When I read your post the first time I thought you were being sarcastic. But seriously, that's f*cked up.
You're willing to rip off everyone else because you were careless and had your sh*t stolen?

Isn't that like saying I was robbed by <insert race here> so now I'm gonna hate on them all?

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Careless? Bro lemme tell ya....I've had patches so far off the beaten path, I was lucky to even find them again nevermind just getting there...

When you put in the work to go that far and still have your crop ripped....hell ya, all's fair in love and war....

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
The morale of my story is this, the best way to protect your crop is to make it too much work (hopefully) to get to it and to get it out. Most people are lazy, use it to your advantage.


Active Member
When I read your post the first time I thought you were being sarcastic. But seriously, that's f*cked up.
You're willing to rip off everyone else because you were careless and had your sh*t stolen?

Isn't that like saying I was robbed by <insert race here> so now I'm gonna hate on them all?
Man its part of the game, you learn from your mistakes. I have had crops ripped from me and I have also ripped them myself, although I am not proud of it. If your in this business you gotta be willing to accept any loss's or consequence's. One thing though I can tell you about ripping crops, is people usually are strapped. I know when I ripped crops they were usually indoor and someone couldnt keep their mouth shut about how much cash they were making from growing. In My mind this is asking to get jacked. Thats when I strap up with my trusty old school .45 Luger and handle my business, I never risked getting injured by some grower. But everyone knows what goes around comes around, im sure my crops that were takin was just due to my bad karma.


Well-Known Member

4 of my seedling are 12 days old today. I'm going to start an outdoor grow journal, but before I get around to it, I'll post the odd pick here.

Pictures are from the same seedling, Arjans Haze #1

Day 4 and Day 12.

Can someone tell me what the spots on the leaves are from? From what I've read, they look like heat spots, but I'm a noob so wouldn't mind a more experienced opinion

No nutes yet (just SuperThrive), I'm using 3 2ft T-5's spaced out around 5 inches and lights are about 1-2 inches above the plants. This plant in particular was 1 inch, I've since dropped it to 2 inches. Temp in the day is 75-77, temp at night is 69-70...

So how am I doing???



Well-Known Member
Thats when I strap up with my trusty old school .45 Luger and handle my business, I never risked getting injured by some grower. But everyone knows what goes around comes around, im sure my crops that were takin was just due to my bad karma.
lol luger just don't shoot it in the air on 420 (hitlers birthday) some people easily get the wrong idea, seriously weed movement got enough resistance.
looks like it's going to be early planting this year in toronto nice bumper crop(hoping).going for purple kush veging right now, going to clone a lot of those babies and some other strains.hoping that the streams don't dry up too much this year. we need a sub forum for Canadian growing

Canadian Outdoor Growers Unite!




4 of my seedling are 12 days old today. I'm going to start an outdoor grow journal, but before I get around to it, I'll post the odd pick here.

Pictures are from the same seedling, Arjans Haze #1

Day 4 and Day 12.

Can someone tell me what the spots on the leaves are from? From what I've read, they look like heat spots, but I'm a noob so wouldn't mind a more experienced opinion

No nutes yet (just SuperThrive), I'm using 3 2ft T-5's spaced out around 5 inches and lights are about 1-2 inches above the plants. This plant in particular was 1 inch, I've since dropped it to 2 inches. Temp in the day is 75-77, temp at night is 69-70...

So how am I doing???
Hey Van.

I'm not too sure what that is. What's you soil PH and your water PH at?

Post something in the Plant Hospital forum, I bet they will know.

Best of luck!