Barneys Farm LSD and Red Dragon Grow


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]What up, Fellas?

This hobby is the most expensive hobby I could have picked. Anyway, I picked up one of those ODOR-SOK 6" X 16" carbon filters. The POS fan I have can't suck air through it!!! Now I have to buy a new fan. Of course it'll have to be a $200.00 fan. This sucks ass.

I'll keep you cats posted.

O/T I think that
[/FONT][/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]ODOR-SOK 6" X 16"Carbon Filter may work out....



Well-Known Member
[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica][FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]What up, Fellas?

Good news bad news.

Tomorrow will mark the 6th week since putting them into the paper towel. The tallest one is about 20 inches tall while the shortest is about 10 inches tall.

I wanted them to be 24 inches before flowering but they aren't growing evenly. Most likely next week - the 7th from paper towel - will be the week I go 12/12. Three of the seven plants are already showing those white hairs!!! Hooray!!!:bigjoint:

The bad news, my camera isn't good enough to capture images of the white hairs. :-(

Here's a pic of the garden. This building sorta looks like a castle.



My seedling Red dragon are now in the veg stage and are about one foot tall. They are 35 days old and I will take clones in about 30 more days. I have two 'mom's' under 40w cold start florescent's. I also started two LSD seeds at the same time, those are about half the height. I feed them fox farm nutes, and they are in their own 5 gallon buckets with independent top feeding hoses. Out of the ten or so strands I've worked with, The red dragon has been the fastest and most tolerant. Will definitely keep these moms around for a while.


Well-Known Member

Good to see you posting. I started to think I was abandoned.

A foot - Sweet!!!! What kind of lights?

Here are a few pics of mine. Today is their 6 week birthday!! They are under a 600W MH still 1000 wat Super HPS coming in the next few days. :fire:

An old, broken down Church.



Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas?

Good news!!

Five out of the Seven plants are showing White Hairs!!! Five Females!!!!

If there are no objections, I'll turn out the lights at 8:00 PM Saturday and turn them back on 8:00 PM Sunday - that's a 24 Hour Period of complete darkness. This will beging the 12/12 Cycle.... They'll awaken to 1000 Watts of Sunmaster Goodness.

A pic of a Poor Mans Castle.



Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas?

Excellent news!!

Six of the Seven plants are showing White Hairs!!! Six of Seven already look like Females!!!!

The tallest is 26 inches and the shortest is about 15.5 inches.

I'm going to put them into a 24 hour cycle of darkness in a few minutes.

Wish me luck! This could turn out to be a huge crop!!



Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas??

Good news. I think they are all females!:blsmoke:

I turned the lights off on Friday around 6:30/7PM and flipped them back on around 9:00PM Saturday - 24 hours of darkness.

So today is the start of the 3rd day of the 12/12 dark schedule.

The tallest is 31 inches and the shortest is 20 inches. Check it out:

A couple of wild dogs.



Well-Known Member
What up, G's?

I got my speed controller today. Tomorrow I should get that Vortex Fan. Hell yea!

I'll post pics of my setup once I have it together. It's kinda rigged up but fairly safe - I haven't come home to flames yet. The last thing I need to see when I get home is something like this:



Active Member
Great journal!
I'm just warning you that my LSDs have over tripled in height after 4 weeks flowering. It may the phenotype, but they definitely stretch after 12/12. Also it seems flowering is going very slow on my LSDs compared to some White Widows I have growing next to them.

Great job, and good luck!


Well-Known Member
What Up, Fellas?

Good news!!! The six I have are all females. Too bad one out of the seven had to go to the wall.

The only problem I foresee now is being able to tell them apart. I started with 4 White Russians and 3 Red Dragons. Not sure what the mix is now. I should of used a better labeling method. LOL

Two weeks flowering.

The tallest is 50 inches and and a little above the light. LOL

Hoping my pad doesn't turn into something like this pad.


Thanks for the updates. Got any pics??



Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas?

3 Weeks in. Check it out. Going to be Bud Heaven!

The tallest is about 53 inches but it's now crooked so I can't get a real accurate measurement.

I want to get some Purple Bud. What do you cats say about TGA Subcool - Querkle??

Some house, fried. Maybe a bad grow??




Well-Known Member

I'm at War here!!!

I've got a Preventative Maintenance on my apartment coming up in a day or two. Fock!!!!

No rescheduling/No denials for any reason.

I've got six large trees. This sucks ass!!!

Pray for me fellas.

- Shall I pray for him?
- Yes, Janie, pray very hard.

- Me, too?
- You, too, Tommy.



Well-Known Member
What up!?

Tomorrow is the big day for the Preventative Maintenance.

I took the day off. I may have to fight the Maintenance Men.

When I hear them nearing my apartment door I will attempt to ward off these Maintenance Men by "Accidentally" dumping a bottle of bleach. If they near the closet where the trees are living. I'll accidentally dump a bottle of ammonia into the bleach puddle creating a Highly volatile toxic cloud.

Toxic fumes should overtake everyone.

If I don't get hooked I'll continue to keep you cats posted. God Speed.



Well-Known Member
Good News!!!

I made it through the Maintenance! :bigjoint:


I put a couple of cups of Pine-Sol into the automatic dishwasher and kept that running all morning. Then I dumped a few cups of Ammonia into the reservoir of the automatic toilet. And I also placed several paper towels soaked with Pledge hidden away all over in my apartment.

When the maintenance guys knocked on my door I told them to hold on a second and fluched the toilet. Needless to say, the ammonia smell ruined everyone';s sniffers so I guess it worked out.

Thanks for praying!!!!


If you look real closely you'll see a squatter in the doorway of this abandoned building.



Well-Known Member

Week Four!!!

The Tallest is about 56 inches tall. However, as you can see it's crooked so I cannot get an accurate measurement. The trees are starting to lean in all different directions.

Not sure how many weeks left. 4 or 5 at least. Almost halfway there!!

The velocity of water usage has slowed.

I've been shooting them up with a Full Load of Flora Nova Bloom, Molasses, Super Thrive and Kool-Bloom once a week.




Well-Known Member
What up, Fellas?

Hey! Why don't you cats post any pics?? I'm trying to gauge where I'm at comparing, you know.

I thought I'd give y'all a treat and post a few pics. Week 5!!! Over 1/2 way there. bongsmilie

The first pic is of that Odor Sok - I've got 6 trees and I have to say the Odor Sok really doesn't work great. Luckily I have the Ozone Generator from previous rounds. This is an expensive hobby!!! Don't buy an Odor Sok if you have 6 Trees.

Anyway... As you can see, the largest tree still measures at about 53 or 56 inches, depends, that tree is too crooked to get an accurate measurement.

Any questions??




Well-Known Member

Here is a pic taken looking through the Mylar.

I think these trees are huge! For me they are giants!! :eyesmoke:

It makes me think I need more lights. Maybe add another 1000 watter up top.

Hell yea!!!

