anyne ever smoked "overripe" buds


Well-Known Member
I did a exsperement with my last crop and I went 2 weeks later
than I normally do, my avg. yeild indoor is 3 ounces a plant at 4ft.
tall no this run was 4with a few crums left over and all I did was
go longer and my friends love it so much better it even started
turning purple woot so il never go back to 8 weeks with this strain
10 better and the tricks say at 8 weeks its done so my scope get
put away no need for it.
any difference in the high / smoke ?


Well-Known Member
I agree with FDD.....after seeing his harvest thread a while back i stopped relying on my scope as an indicator...i usually wait till the bud looks "done"...after my first few harvest always seemed i could have waited i let it go till she wants to be cut....
I did a exsperement with my last crop and I went 2 weeks later
than I normally do, my avg. yeild indoor is 3 ounces a plant at 4ft.
tall no this run was 4with a few crums left over and all I did was
go longer and my friends love it so much better it even started
turning purple woot so il never go back to 8 weeks with this strain
10 better and the tricks say at 8 weeks its done so my scope get
put away no need for it.

welcome to the team.

let's get high. :mrgreen::hump: :eyesmoke:bongsmilie:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I just took a look at one of my leaves under the scope and saw 4 or 5 trichs that looked like that reddish-brown one about a third of the way from the top right corner of your second pic. I figure about 7 to 10 more days - I'll check again in 4.

i never judge ripeness by my trichs. i keep saying this. :wall:


Well-Known Member
whos gonna change the grow FAQ ????

"Some cultivators wait for about half of the secretory cavities to go opaque before harvesting, to ensure maximum THC levels in the finished product. Of course nothing tells the truth more than your own perception, so try samples at various stages to see what is best for you & the phenotype your are growing. While you may be increasing the total THC level in the bud by allowing half of the glands to go opaque, the bud will also have a larger percentage of THC breakdown products such as CBN, which is why some people choose to harvest earlier while most of the secretory cavities are still clear.

Indica varieties will usually have a 10-15 day harvest window to work with. Sativas and Indica/Sativa hybrids often have an extended period to work with.

is this chart incorrect ???????????????


I was reading in E. R. Big book of Buds and he says as far as harvesting clear and cloudy for head and amber for body that it depends on the strain. A sativa you want to harvest with clear-cloudy trichs because the sativa is supposed to give you a head high and if it were indica you would wait till amber. Seemed like he was saying to use the trichs according to the type(indica/sativa). Not that harvesting at those times with a random strain wouldnt give you the affect you wanted i dont think you are getting the best potential high from it. Make any sense to anybody else?


Well-Known Member
I think its a matter of personal really need to experiment with it yourself to find the "perfect" smoke.... I hope this post encourages peep to explore different harvest practices and find the 1 that works for you :mrgreen: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I was reading in E. R. Big book of Buds and he says as far as harvesting clear and cloudy for head and amber for body that it depends on the strain. A sativa you want to harvest with clear-cloudy trichs because the sativa is supposed to give you a head high and if it were indica you would wait till amber. Seemed like he was saying to use the trichs according to the type(indica/sativa). Not that harvesting at those times with a random strain wouldnt give you the affect you wanted i dont think you are getting the best potential high from it. Make any sense to anybody else?

yes, thats exactly what i was thinking.
ill be experimenting with my harvest in 2 mnths...cut some early .. and leaving the rest
fdd is saying that the plants will always have amber/clear/cloudy trichs when the trichs are forming


Well-Known Member
I agree fdd....the buds will just "look" ready when it is time.

Trichs don't matter and it is all about the look!!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
the high you get is from the strain
meaning cerebral buzzed or stoned
if you like an uppy high try a sativa and a stoned high an indica
i think pre mature buds give u a lesser high because the thc levels are still low
so u in essance will be just smoking boo weed..... you cannot get an indica strain to get u an uppy high ........if u pull early and smoke and feel an uppy high it is just a mild buzz of thc that you got ..... stop being pussies and pulling plants early ....... if you want to have an uppy high GET A SATIVA STRAIN.....if you want to smoke and still do stuff after you want a sativa.......GROW IT PROPERLY your weed will last you even longer because now you will not have to smoke as much to get to the level of high that you want.......will you eat a half ripe apple or banana NO!!!!!!!!! so why smoke a half ripe buds !!!!!!! idiots


Well-Known Member
I'm with you all the way here FDD, I know the look your talking about. When I was waiting to harvest my first grow, I pulled it early cus I was a noob, and didn't know what I was doing. On my last grow, I saw the trichs start going amber, cus that was how I had heard you find out. But I kept waiting and waiting just because I DID NOT want to pull them early that time. Then I noticed that prolly half of them really just seemed ready. The smell was a bit stronger, the buds just looked like they glowed, for lack of a differant term. I cut half of them, and gave the others about another week. I didn't notice any differance in smoke, but they were great. It was an indica dominant hybrid, and I can't tell you how many times I fell asleep on the couch after we smoked at night.

Active Member
To address original question. I once went back and found a plant that had sat over the winter and was brown, weather-beaten and for the most part the prettiest thing i ever seen since it was dry around. *what made me go look at old growing areas.

Not only did it not make me sick but it was quite the delight of several hardcores and after going thru the buds the leaves still made decent honey oil.

so ya ... you can smoke 'em and you won't die. I'm proof of that. If it started out tasting good it will just have that old taste to it or moldy taste but it never made me sick.

** none of it actually had mold growing on it.


Well-Known Member
that dam cerebral high for me tickles and kinda hurts the back of my head lol like it feels like its numb its buzzing so much i feel like meaaAAAA n falling over

i really dont give a sheeet what kind of high i get from my plants at this point because its my first grow but i am deff letting them go till milky /amber trichs and chopping then, and then judge that and do the next grow diff etc

itl be a frickin year before the dam sog gets going.. i figure lol.. i dont even know if i have females yet :P


Well-Known Member
i had a plant outside that i harvested a couple weeks ago. when i harvested it i just clipped off most of the buds and left the rest for the fuck of it . this morning i went out there and was like fuck my weeds purple i should of left it all on there.