Additional CFL Forum

New CFL/Floro Forum

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Well-Known Member
i am also growing with cfls.. i now have 6 26watters and they're doin fine for me. about 2 weeds from harvest.. i hope. one thing i noticed.. you need alot of wattage while using cfls...


Well-Known Member
I vote yes

For a first time grower CFLs have all the things that I'm looking for in a grow:

They're cheap
They're cool (As in not hot)
They're good for small grows
Easy to find and install

They work out really good for me, and I think a section dedicated to this would further help the site grow and benefit all the CFL growers


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys for all the support, still waiting for a reply from rollitup, joeblow if ya got a messenger PM me with your details, I will be happy to help you set up a cfl light fixture.. if you don't have ICQ, YAHOO, AIM!! i'm willing to download the messenger you currently use.

HOOAH!! Let's hope we get this forum!


Well-Known Member
I love it when you say HOOAH. It reminds me of the movie blackhawk down "HOOAH SARNT HOOAH" that shits funny


Well-Known Member
LMAO yeah I used to play army games Delta Force BHD was one of them, hooah is an army slang and I think it's actually pronounced "Hua" I just got in a habit of saying/typing hooah..

My favorite quote from BHD is, "This is my boot son and will fit up your ass with the proper amount of force.. HOOAH!!

Still waiting for a reply from rollitup, however I do not expect to hear from them until after thanksgiving...


Active Member
Yes CFL's are definitely great for cheaper grows like my own. It would be a great idea as I have lots of questions and it would be cooler to have some specific stuff


Well-Known Member
im using cfls as well, and a lot at that, for the single plant im growing. Shes a bute thus far. got 7800 lum. sq ft, and the plant is roughly one cubic foot, so its all good in tha hood G. I like the idea of a forum, i hope we can get more ideas on the subject, and as they come out with newer, more effecient bulbs, i think they could be big comp. for hid's. If they came out with cfl's specifically for growing.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick hypothetical for 2 plants around 2 feet in hight would one 100 watt CFL along with three 26 watt CFLs and one 15 watt CFL would that be enough lighting? I'm also planning on lining the inside of my grow box (which is 2'7"x1'5.2"x4' (lxwxh))with foil. I know heat will be a factor which is why I have one 10" fan blowing air out and one 10" fan blowing air in. My seeds aren't germinating yet since I'm putting the finishing touches on the grow box (this is a stealth grow) but is that adequate? I'm hoping for having two 2 foot tall plants in the grow box and have 2 clones in a different grow box (the second grow box is 1' 2.5"x7"x1' 2.5" with two 26 watt CFLs and a 120 MM fan blowing air out and a 45 MM fan blowing air in) so when the 2 mother plants are done and harvested I can have the clones flower and then clone them, etc, etc.

PS: sorry for the long post:oops:


Well-Known Member
Welcome to rollitup Foreverstoned, however this is the wrong place for your post, I recommend posting your own thread, the purpose to this thread is to gain a cfl forum, so people like you and I will have a place to come to without all the hassles.

Concerning your grow, looks like you pretty much have everything under control, however I wouldn't use foil for reflection, some say that it can cause hot spots on your leaves, try to go with mylar, panda film, or good ole poly wrap, flat white paint works well too, I'm using dollar store gift wrap for reflection underneath my lighting fixture, seems to be working well and my walls are white, also the lighting you have should be adequate for vegging but you might want to ad more come flower..

Place your vote and cross your fingers, good luck to you and your grow!

Thank you everybody for all the support thus far...


def would like to see a cfl forum, too much hid biased info to sort out. i am growing under both right now and would like to learn more about the cfls cause of the low heat and no need for alot of vertical space. hook it up rollitup!! plz


Well-Known Member
it is a great idea..Personally i think its inevitable that RIU will have to get a CFL forum sometime soon..
Sooo many people who are growing now, are using cfls to keep the costs down and maybe do a lil for the environment whilst in the process of growing..
We know we can get decent results from cfl..
ok yields for most may not be similar to HPS or MH but i think with the right setup and a lil more understanding of doin a flo-gro, they need'nt be too much lower in end results..

We just need to compile a FAQ list of do's and donts / etc so the newbs can read CFL specific resources before they post Q's that may already be answered in the FAQ's...
A seperate forum may be a lil too much to ask for , but i defo think that a sub category in the indoor growing section is a must.

:thumbs up:


Well-Known Member
I like this forum just for the simple fact that you can get help with all aspects of growing. And i like the idea of using cfl's to get a good grow. I like many others dont have the money to buy everything that is needed to go with a setup using the MH/HPS setups. That and i dont have the room for a setup like that. I wish i did but i dont. I have read every page on Humboldt's thread on cfl growing and i love it. I thought that we growers would have each others backs. But it seems that the cfl growers are outcasts in this forum. It is not like the cfl growers are hurting the movement. But we are portrayed that way. I think that cfl's are great for a newbie that does not have any other means than to use the cfl's. And i hate the people that always have nothing but negative things to say on threads that deal with this type of lighting. I see people jumping in the threads with nothing to add but say change your lights to MH/HPS. If you dont have anything really productive to add to the thread than don't say anything at all. That is the main reason that i dont post questions about what i need help with because you are more likely to get a smart ass answer than anything. Deep up the good work Humboldt and anyone else that has something positive to add. I wish we had our own spot on this forum. I say yes to this and i hope more people will too.


Active Member
CFL forum would be a great thing! i for one can say i voted that a CFL forum should be placed in rollitup!


Well-Known Member
I think it would be a great idea to start a fourm for CFL growing, or just flourescent's in general.
Alot of people including my self use CFL's.
Alot of people with a limited budget, have to use them, and alot of people that are just getting started use them too.

i think over all, it would be a great idea.
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