6 happy happy girls


Well-Known Member
yaeh, me too. that sounds horrible. were you growing regs or something?
I grew bag seed for the first grow ( finishing grow 6 now), that way if I messed it up, which i did, no loss. On my second grow I used k2 (ordered from Amsterdam) and ruderalis, a friend gave me 2 feminized seeds. That grow yielded about 300+ dry grams from 4 plants. Which under hps lights an average yield is about a gram per watt of light, considering all the grow variables are spot on. On that grow i shoulda added enough co2, which i did not, and did not know much about heat control back then.

Simply so alot of reading about growing and all will come around for the better.


Well-Known Member
wow. if i had enough posts to give you rep i would. this is my 2nd gro. i had good results with the first, granted it was a male for learning purposes. i'm just growing 2 maybe 3 for personal in my aerogarden and praying for a half oz per plant. the only special things i've added are a stronger cfl w/reflector, airstone, and aftermarket nutes. so we'll see what happens...


Well-Known Member
Here are some finishin up pics from this morning. There are 5 plants left all but # 6 will come down next week. You'll notice in the pics (some blurry) that #6 is still very green this one will go another couple weeks because it isn't showing any of the classic signs of being done. She is still recieving nutrients, after todays feeding she will get one more blast of her npk and then a couple of flushes and off with her head.

Aside from the green one, the others are starting to take on an amber hue, which i notice more easily in pics than in person,:roll:.




Well-Known Member
Here are pics of the last 3 girls still standing. Out of the 6 plants I have taken down 3 and they yeilded 4 ounces dry. When they came down they had clear-milky trichomes which is what I was going for, mostly heady highs, good high for day time. The 3 that are left are about 60% amber or so, good couch lock high for night time. I am very tempted to take them down today. These 3 plants have bigger/fatter buds than the other 3, so yeild should be about 50% more than the others, keeping fingers crossed.

What do ya'll think?



Well-Known Member
Thanks BX. I real ready to cut em' now. The heady high is getting tiresome especially at night. I'll post a few harvest pics this evening.


Well-Known Member
far out man, they're looking awesome. you know anything bout orderin seeds from attitude? i had heard there was a riu420 code or something to get free shipping? anyone know anything about that?


Well-Known Member
I have not used the attitude, but if RIU has them on their list of good seed banks, it is a good one to go with.


Well-Known Member
Hey Cathy,

I bet you are, they look so good...Congratulations :~)

Mine are great thanks, the 3 colas which I chopped at week 9-10 are a nice head high, where are the bottoms which I chopped at 11 week are just knock out.

I did however notice that the buds were not as compact or did not smell half as sweet as the ones you would say buy in Amsterdam, even after curing in a mason jar for 3 weeks. As you know it was my first grow so I was over the moon.

One of the three Lowlife White Russians I have been growing turned out male :~( They were supposed to be 100% Female, so not sure what happened, but other two are females, still six weeks to go I think...

And so it continues... from the panic after a small spot or discoloration is spotted on a single leaf to the first high off your freshly trimmed and dried buds :~)


Well-Known Member
Ya the main reason i waited for these to finish out further is for the knock out high, that's what i like at night. So you got a male from feminised seeds? Well you know they are not 100% and never can be that much of a garentee towards female. The female to male ratio is, however, greatly increased. With this bagseed grow 10 were planted all sprouted and 6 were female, so that isn't too bad. But I do know what you mean though, frustrating, seems like you would have had only females.


Well-Known Member
So I ended up taking them down today. Here are some pics of the harvested buds. There were 508 wet grams of bud, but lost about 4 grams to bud rot:roll:. :wall::wall::wall:.
How could I have missed it as much as i am in the closet with em. At least it was only a few grams loss, i really despise plant issues. The rot was on the back side of the plant, it wasn't till I saw the pics that were taken of the main cola that I even saw the rot.

