48 hours for petite female to pass drug test


Well-Known Member
what are all the businesses that require piss tests? i've taken 1 piss test in my career, for a federally secure position.


New Member
what are all the businesses that require piss tests? i've taken 1 piss test in my career, for a federally secure position.
lol I thought you were a 15 year lawyer and 5 year self taught computer programmer....

ultraviolet pirate

Well-Known Member
dude said he has his answer now, but i wanna add:
the detox stuf is crap! do not use! i have friends dropping like flies at my work because they believed the high times ads and use detox. all that does is dilute your urine, which they can tell, which at our place is a reason to test again, under observation.
if you wanna smoke, substitution is the only way, and real piss is best.


Well-Known Member
all is well so far, so good, 48 hours for testing so we probably wont hear back about the job till mon.

used real urine, small bottle with squeeze cap, and hid it in her panties.


Well-Known Member
There's some shit at the head shop, guy was claiming it actually works, says hes used it and it worked and many others had good experience with it. Its like 30 bucks, can't remember the name, but I bet your local headshop could help you out. Just tryin to help.
Guys at the headshop will lie straight to your face to sell a product. I don't trust those cleansing drinks. However synthetic should work as well. But real piss is the best bet if you can get your hands on it.


Active Member
i actually used a drink. "magnum detox" . it tells your body, to use it, not fat, for energy. so, no fat burn, means no thc in the system, except whats in the kidneys, bladder. after a few trips to the bathroom, thats cleared. they say wait an hour. i waited for two. it is good for up to 6 hours, at which time, you start to leach thc into blood again, when drink is all used up. and i was not a light smoker. they could not beat this, so now, they just invented a better way. mouth swab, on the spot. five minutes, and fired. no escape. i quit smoking, when i found i had a great job offer. thats when i used this stuff. at my freinds work, they approach you on the job, and walk you to the bathroom. so, sythtics are no good, in this case. they watch u. aero space job. good bennies. so my freind retired from smoking, until he retires. good for him. jobs, let alone great ones, dont grow on trees. and family, responsibility, should be first on all our minds.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the type of test used, they will be able to tell if it's female urine or not - most urine tests do not check for male vs female.. but a few do - if she happens to have 1 of those few, she'd get fucked w/no lube 9 ways from Sunday. That said, if she's from the US.. when they have her sign documents, make sure that she reads all of it. If they do in fact check male vs female, and it's not written in their lab paperwork that they will do so.. there are legalities regarding that which would definitely be grounds for legal action against the lab in question. (And also in her ability to keep her job, as the information that would be presented wouldn't hold up in a court of law, as it was not something she signed for/agreed to.)


Active Member
Ehmm if the urine is going to a lab then they can tell if the urine is male or female -- if they are looking for it in their tests.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
so much easier in the uk. we'd all be out of work if they piss tested us. with legal bud comes more hassle. broadly speaking here, and yeah i'd prefer it to be legal here too.


Well-Known Member
aight she passed the test, and got the job!:D just as a note the employer can ask for you to be observed or non-observed, fortunately she had the latter.