
Well-Known Member
You know all these blood thirsty folks screaming KILL KILL KILL!!

What if God forbid (or whatever deity you choose) you had a child with a deformity or handicap...would you still be saying the same? This grower wants to learn, so the next time he won't make the same mistakes...let him do it.

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Well-Known Member
Alright, alright, calm yourselves. Firstly, as I said earlier, the point of this was to see what I could do in my own house under 100 bucks and maybe learn a thing or two in the process. I disagree with mr smiley there, I've learned a lot as a result of this little endeavor. Failing doesn't upset me in the least, I practically went in knowing I would. And as for your two-bit analogy, I still think I'm better off playing with a deflated ball for a while than if I never would've picked it up in the first place.

SPLFreak808, I can't see why you're so concerned about a ten dollar bottle of bloom... "all that money"? And it's not like I don't get to keep it, I didn't see an expiration date on it.

And one more time, may I remind you all that this is not just a sad attempt at growing that went horribly wrong. I have another 7 ladies that I'm tending to alongside my good friend and they are doing very well indeed.
This was just a cheap learning experience and it was fun!

Thank you to $bkbbudz$ for actually being supportive and helpful.
It's just not logical being your on a budget and new grower, a gallon of dyna-gro foliage pro would have ran those plants from veg all the way to harvest with just 1 45$ bottle. That same bottle could have fixed all your problems and made for an actual heavy harvest! That simple bottle (or any other balanced complete nute) would have made your learning experience 100x better but hey, now you know.

However, they are already in flower and now its too late to fix anything that severe. All plants will shed they're own fan leaves when hungry so never flip an unhealthy plant! Never!


You guys are all taking this way too seriously, nothing is at steak here. bkbbudz sees my point, I've learned from this experience and I don't need to justify myself to the likes of mr sunshine.

I know the next time I attempt this on my own it'll go a lot better because I won't restrict my budget like I did and I'll actually put a decent amount of effort into it.

That said, I'm not gunna kill them. I don't see any reason too, watering takes me like 40 seconds at most so it's no sweat off my back... Also, I've also grown attached to the little buggers and I wanna see how they turn out. That, and I'm also gunna experiment with LST a little more to see how I can contort it and learn a little more about how all that works. Better to experiment on a plant that I'm not worried about losing!

Anyways, I'm about done here. Thanks one more time to those who were helpful! I'll be back soon I'm sure... Peace:peace: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey, maybe the nutes will get you a bigger stronger stick. Only one way to find out. Good luck