1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
yeah ive had one of those b4 mate not nice lol, i put some steroid cream on it the other day and its calming down now lol
i always thought steroids made people stress more. Or is that just because body builders have little knobs!!


Well-Known Member
Ah, so yer a Leo Don, me too and I also love me cooking....I would love to have a Bistro or something like that. I made a business plan many years ago where I was thinking of starting a Music emporium. So basically a Record shop that is a bar/restaurant/emporium. People normally buying music go into the shop, buy their record and go. I wanted to keep them in the shop longer and get more cash out of them....but Musicdownloads put a downer on that idea...


Well-Known Member
Well I am bit hungry at the moment, Don and D are cookin up some marvelous shit. What's on the menu fellers.

I ain't no LEO but I love the grill. Bring it on, steaks, shrimps, veggies, hell I'll even grill some chicken.


Well-Known Member
Well tonight it's gonna be Meatballs and home made pasta with sugo sauce.....got me a kilo of organic flour (biologisch bloem in het nederlandes) yesterday so will make up a batch of pasta, meatball made with fried onoin, mixed in with breadcrumb and free range mince (they have started selling free range mince - ffs, cows don't even get to roam free these days) with salt, pepper and some herbs from the greenhouse. Sugo sauce is just carmelised onions, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, and some sugar. And I got a nice bottle of chianti to go with that (DOCG, Reserva.) Fuk, that made me hungry writing that....


Well-Known Member
you sayin the mrs put you out don? yikers. i'm already tired of going! haha. but being fit n stuff would be pretty handy lol and the kids would appreciate it no doubt. move to the boro lol you'd have some crackin business there, ha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ah, so yer a Leo Don, me too and I also love me cooking....I would love to have a Bistro or something like that. I made a business plan many years ago where I was thinking of starting a Music emporium. So basically a Record shop that is a bar/restaurant/emporium. People normally buying music go into the shop, buy their record and go. I wanted to keep them in the shop longer and get more cash out of them....but Musicdownloads put a downer on that idea...
yeah man id love to have my own eatery but tto be honest unless your top end gastro stuff its just long hours and crap money, my mother was a chef for 20 years then binned it to teach.
Well I am bit hungry at the moment, Don and D are cookin up some marvelous shit. What's on the menu fellers.

I ain't no LEO but I love the grill. Bring it on, steaks, shrimps, veggies, hell I'll even grill some chicken.
lol i skipped tea all together went for the liquid and powder intake....
Well tonight it's gonna be Meatballs and home made pasta with sugo sauce.....got me a kilo of organic flour (biologisch bloem in het nederlandes) yesterday so will make up a batch of pasta, meatball made with fried onoin, mixed in with breadcrumb and free range mince (they have started selling free range mince - ffs, cows don't even get to roam free these days) with salt, pepper and some herbs from the greenhouse. Sugo sauce is just carmelised onions, garlic, tomatoes, herbs, and some sugar. And I got a nice bottle of chianti to go with that (DOCG, Reserva.) Fuk, that made me hungry writing that....
hats off man that sounds lush ive never made my own pasta i might give it a go. cant believe cows are battery farmed?!?! i mean how the hell does that even work are they mechanically fed grasss?!?!?
Morning All..Trust everyone i well
bit ropey today late onbe yesterday and an early start viewing houses :(
you sayin the mrs put you out don? yikers. i'm already tired of going! haha. but being fit n stuff would be pretty handy lol and the kids would appreciate it no doubt. move to the boro lol you'd have some crackin business there, ha
no no im not thaqt bad haahaha we need out of our present place before winter and the mould come back.

first house was a dive stank of tab smoke, second one was an absolute dream already converted loft great location done out immaculately 1 snag oh yes theres always a bloody snag. its owned by a bloody rozzer?!>!?!? i mean how unlucky can you get. and he wants to sell it as hes bought another house so its still up in the air, grow wise its got a wicked cupboard ideal for it. got to wait till tuesday to find out if we can have it.
I was hungry but all the talk of arse boils has made me lose my appetite lol
hahaha funnnily ive had no appetite for 2 days nothing to do with the colombian flu mind
pustulus boils, not an issue now the sudacrem sorted it, good old nappy rash cream heals real good.
doog work man!

a little fairy dropped by this weekend with a bag of lovely stinkin ganja really top end. i had to jar it up as soon as i opened it. the wrapper is presenlty making the bin smell lovely for a change hehehe. big thenks to the fairy and its helper muchly appreciated ;)


Well-Known Member
hey don i know i dont really post pics any more but i have to show off this bitch..........its devil from mr nice seeds ......its at 5 week today under my 400w hps....hope you dont mind me invading your thread :joint::joint::joint:

edit: cant seem to enlarge or rotate my pics



I dont know if i am in the right blog here, but i've got 4 week to two week old plants in a DWC system. The leaves look healthy but the stems seem REALLY weak like they can't even hold up the leaves. What am i doing wrong!!! I used only water for the first week than i added 1/4 the recommended nutrient additive to the water. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

you got any fans in there?


Well-Known Member
This stinking ganga you speak of Don, how is it? coz i would like to know coz as you know i can't smoke owt til the end of june FFS and i'm always interested in other folks weed lol

BTW who the feck are you calling a fairy? LMFAO


Well-Known Member
Got new pic up in my Journel here a taste for ya Don
golf 082.jpg

PURPLE NUKEN!!!!!! Some OF BC's fineest, smells like purple if purple had a smell..LOL


Well-Known Member
ahh phew! lol that's better eh don. well good luck with it!!

i got very very bad news today which means i'm most likely gonna have to pull my grow. can't really go into details in public but it's fucking mental and i'm devo