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  1. Mothman30

    What should I grow next

    So I'm about to order some new seeds and do not know what to get. If anyone has suggestions that would be great.
  2. Mothman30

    How do you increase potency while flowering?

    So I've been growing for a little bit now and got the growing under control and have been learning LST and have been doing good. The strains I've been growing are Cheese and Blue Dream. I'm using a 750 watt HPS with two duct fans pushing air in and one duct fan pulling air out. The temp stays...
  3. Mothman30

    16 days into fllowering, what should my buds look like?

    This is my first time flowering a plant. I started flowering two of my problematic females so that I can get the hang of harvesting a plant before I attempt my extremely healthy ones. I don't expect to harvest huge potent buds due to the plants being problematic. I was wondering how a healthy...
  4. Mothman30

    Flowering With GL60LED Full Spectrum 180W LED

    I was given this light and started to flower two plants on Friday. My questions is, how effective will this light be for two plants? Can this light produce a decent yield, for the size of the plant? I don't expect to pull some crazy numbers but was hoping for about an OZ per plant. The plants...
  5. Mothman30

    Help me Identify this issue please!

    So I need help with my plant. I thought it was light burn but I'm not so sure now. I have four plants all in the same growing condition. All of them are in fox farm ocean forest and happy frog 2:1. All are on the same watering and feeding schedule. The lighting I'm using is a T8 with 32W...
  6. Mothman30

    Heat Issues

    So I have a 750W HPS that I will being using for the flowering stage. I started to use it for the veg stage and it was three feet above the plant and was still getting way to hot 90-99 degrees and the plants were getting burned. I changed my lighting for the veg stage and all is well but I will...
  7. Mothman30

    Plant Yield

    So I have a plant and the strain claims it can pull up to 600 grams indoor when I purchased it. I am aware that it is based off of an experienced grower. But from what I have been reading, it seems that I will be lucky to pull 4OZ a plant. I am taking every step possible to get the biggest yield...
  8. Mothman30

    Whats going on with this plant?

    Soil:fox farm ocean forest with happy frog a 2-1 ratio No nutes Light cycle: 18-6 Light: 750 HPS Thanks in advance for all the help
  9. Mothman30

    Please Help Me Out With my Blue Dream/Cheese

    Ok, so this is my first time growing and I have four plants. One is almost two weeks old and by that I mean from the time I planted till now and the other three a week and a half old. My two week old plant is thriving and has grown extremely fast. But two days ago the bottom two leafs have...