Please Help Me Out With my Blue Dream/Cheese


Active Member
Ok, so this is my first time growing and I have four plants. One is almost two weeks old and by that I mean from the time I planted till now and the other three a week and a half old. My two week old plant is thriving and has grown extremely fast. But two days ago the bottom two leafs have started to turn yellow. The rest of the plant still looks healthy and is still growing but I am concerned about the yellowing of the bottom leafs. My gut tells me that it is fine but since I am new to this I want to make sure.



Well-Known Member
it is normal for the very first rounded leaves to come off, but it looks like yr actual 1st set is getting crispy. you feeding it nutes already?


Active Member
No i havent feed them anything. I know the round ones will turn yellow and fall off but its the first set of nodes that are turning yellow. Thats what im worried about.


Active Member
That plant started with MG and i think its getting nut burn because of it. My other plants i started with a mixture of fox farm ocean forest and happy frog. At this point im going to have to hope that it dosent kill it as the nutes get used up. When i bought that soil i picked the one with the least amount of food because i wanted to feed them myself. After buying that soul i learned about fox farm soil.


Well-Known Member
That looks nitrogen deficient. I dont know jack shit about MG soil, but if i had to guess,it has too much P & K and not enough N. I would let her fill her roots in then transplant into ffof or something, unless you have experience with MG.


Well-Known Member
mg is so hot, you cant control its feed, because its constantly gettin fed 24-7. It may adjust, but in future i'd def look into another avenue regarding wat soil you use. I used mg my 1st grow thinking, its JUST dirt, wat difference could it make, but how wrong i was. I switched to a more organic soil/peralite mix from roots organic, and saw the world of difference. I'd go with fox farms as they said above, or roots organic, the lighter the mix the better to allow plenty of oxygen to get to them roots. Also it drys out faster. MG has stuff like bark and other shit for water retention, which is no bueno for mmj.
Oh, and i personally would not go adding nutes yet. Look at yr bag of MG. Wat are the ratings for n-p-k? i'm curious now. I cant remember back that far, but i KN0W it was god awfully high in everything. I know household plant love that shit, and so do the gardeners, because its like auto feed. Just plant, and walk away....very low maintence, but cannabis isnt yr everyday household plant. Good luck


Active Member
I checked the nutes in the soil. Its low in nitrogen and from the curling of leaves. I think i had it to close to the light (750 HPS). I dont know if im right. Its just what i gather from everything i have read. The plant is still getting very big. Does anybody have an opinion on type of light i should use. My grow tent is 2' wide 4' long and 5' high. I have two duct fans keeping fresh air flowing in. But my temp is staying around 90.


Well-Known Member
It's normal. The plant knows that little sucker will never get to maturity because it can receive little or no light. So she doesn't waste extra energy on it.



Active Member
Just five days later and my baby is doing great! I want finish this forum off by saying thank you to everybody who commented and helped out to the best of their ability. All insight was helpful in determining the problem. Also I have learned so much about growing in such a little time from this site. Still have a lot to learn but again Thank you all!

