Plant Yield


Active Member
So I have a plant and the strain claims it can pull up to 600 grams indoor when I purchased it. I am aware that it is based off of an experienced grower. But from what I have been reading, it seems that I will be lucky to pull 4OZ a plant. I am taking every step possible to get the biggest yield I can. My question is, are the yields that the strain says it can pull possible?

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
So I have a plant and the strain claims it can pull up to 600 grams indoor when I purchased it. I am aware that it is based off of an experienced grower. But from what I have been reading, it seems that I will be lucky to pull 4OZ a plant. I am taking every step possible to get the biggest yield I can. My question is, are the yields that the strain says it can pull possible?
600 grams Per square meter.


Active Member
I wasn't expecting to actually get that much but I was expecting to get more than 4OZ. I have been following every step possible with lighting, soil, feeding, tapping the stem and when the time comes cropping. I will say that one of them looks way bigger/bushy than I thought it should look at its age.


Well-Known Member
So I have a plant and the strain claims it can pull up to 600 grams indoor when I purchased it. I am aware that it is based off of an experienced grower. But from what I have been reading, it seems that I will be lucky to pull 4OZ a plant. I am taking every step possible to get the biggest yield I can. My question is, are the yields that the strain says it can pull possible?
At least 12lbs


Active Member
if that happened I would have some kind of record and would clone the living shit out of it lol. With my luck, I'm probably gonna pull an 8th!


Well-Known Member
There's to many variables my friend those suggestions that they say when you buy the strain are perfect conditions best gardener absolute best case scenario ......don't get me wrong some strains grow heavier and I have seen some real freaks of nature so any things possible


Active Member
Well for the veg state I have a T8 with daylight bulbs (6500K) but when I switch over to flower I have a 750 HPS. 4 plants in a grow tent with three fans circulating the air and keeping the humidity around 50 and the temp at 75


Well-Known Member
Cool she will be looking forward to a little food soon sounds like you got it under control if you keep her healthy you'll do fine just don't stress this is suppose to be fun many grows have you done


Well-Known Member
So I have a plant and the strain claims it can pull up to 600 grams indoor when I purchased it. I am aware that it is based off of an experienced grower. But from what I have been reading, it seems that I will be lucky to pull 4OZ a plant. I am taking every step possible to get the biggest yield I can. My question is, are the yields that the strain says it can pull possible?
yes. Maybe 2 pounds dry. Good luck