Poutine - Why Canadians? Why?


Well-Known Member
Yah, that burger looks like an antipersonnel load for a Civil War field piece. The bun is the wadding. cn

<edit> That Luther looks simply frightening. Call the ASPCFF!
("cruelty to fried foods". Donut abuse!!)

a little late but totally appropriate



Ursus marijanus
You must not neglect a balanced diet, young lady. You lack starches and protein. Here's a nice PBJ deep-fried in butter. cn



Ursus marijanus
We gotta nurse her back to partial health before starting in with the Nutella.

Fried Nutella Ravioli. I have the munchies, and even my slut of a stomach is going ewww. cn


Well-Known Member
idea poutine fries plus eggs scrambled plus ground beef plus bacon

I Dont always eat like im going to die the next day.

But When i do, I do.



Ursus marijanus
I disliked eggs once. But a well-poached egg is ambrosia to me now. I'd like to make eggs Benedict but with a twist - ditch the steenkeeng HAM and use gently-smoked salmon instead. Ohhh how i wish I had the ingrdients handy!!

A proper omelet sautéed in butter (as per Julia Child, not the scrambled-egg pancakes favored by Fanny Farmer) with a gentle sprinkle of tarragon? Surely you would not spurn that, especially from my dedicated pan? cn


Well-Known Member
I disliked eggs once. But a well-poached egg is ambrosia to me now. I'd like to make eggs benedict but with atwist - ditch the steenkeeng HAM and use gently-smoked salmon instead. Ohhh how i wish I had the ingrdients handy!!

A proper omelet sautéed in butter (as per Julia Child, not the scrambled-egg pancakes favored my Fanny farmer) with a gentle sprinkle of tarragon? Surely you would not spurn that, especially from my dedicated pan? cn
I fear if I did, it'd aggrieve you too much, sir


Ursus marijanus
I would be curious to know what other common foods you don't like. My list is extensive ... I drove my previous feminine companions to absolute distraction, esp. my xgf who wanted me to eat ~shudder~ healthily. cn

<edit> Fear not; no aggrievement here.


Well-Known Member
I would be curious to know what other common foods you don't like. My list is extensive ... I drove my previous feminine companions to absolute distraction, esp. my xgf who wanted me to eat ~shudder~ healthily. cn

<edit> fear not; no aggrievement (if that is the word).
you should totally try a luther its insanity

the itus is realllll


Active Member
Had the mother of all poutines last night !
Philly cheese steak poutine, died a little on the inside.
I was tired of waiting in the ER so decided to stroll around DT montreal and found the mother of all poutines !
Shattered shoulders FTW !


Well-Known Member
poutine.jpgI haven't read a single post in this thread, but I'd like everyone to know that last night myself and a lady friend rolled a 3 gram blunt and then ate a massive homemade poutine.


RIU Bulldog
I wonder if you guys have heard of the new restaurant in Las Vegas known as the Heart Attack Grill. Where every customer over 350 pounds eats for free, burgers are the single, double, triple or quadruple bypass burger, and the fries, fried in lard, are all-you-can-eat. Want something to drink? How about a butter-fat shake?
Every customer has to wear a hospital gown and the people over 350 pounds are put in a wheel chair and wheeled to their table.
Their 546 pound spokes person recently dropped dead at the age of 29.
Gotta love Las Vegas.


Well-Known Member
Oh god... that's kind of disgusting. I thought what I just ate was bad but that's simultaneously taking self-indulgence and deprecation to a whole new level

*still reeling*

Okay... I'm going to go smoke and watch Friday with my brother...