Check Out My Fkin Massive 2 Plant Harvest!


Well-Known Member
Nice :)

Where did you get your seeds? I have an extra shoe box I was going to throw out, but you made me realize I could start a new grow op..

maybe we're on to something..

Mico Grows..

This could become a wild thread if enough stoners start putting though energy towards this... Mini buds.. All the strength & flavour in a concentrated package..

oh.. hash.

sorry.. thought we were onto something here..


Well-Known Member
HaHa nice i remember reading a post on here a little while back about a shotglass grow, you should get in on that lol


Well-Known Member
I know mate wanted rid
i can see why lol

i grew a jock horror autoflower that looked like that and after enough time had passed i was like fuck it, and chopped it down. it coulda went longer (yours much earlier) but it was taking up my plant count.


Well-Known Member
hahaha, nice thread!

I had two auto's that weren't growing for shit and cut them a few weeks early too, just taking up space


Well-Known Member
OK, I checked mine. I have no reputation & I have 19 reputation points.

Do I win a car or something? Or is this more of a way to check who your talking to?

I hope this isn't me "highjacking" the thread. SHould I ask elsewhere?