New grower with 4 ft plant


Active Member
HI all I need HELP! I planted a few seeds a few months ago and one of the took off! I have it in a HUGE plant potted in a tree planting pot.

I have babied it every single day and it is 4 to 5 ft tall now. Someone told me to clip the top, so I did. Now not only is it about 5 ft tall but it has grown out like a bush. IT IS HUGE!

I need to know a few things.
I need to know when it will flower?
What do I do once it does flower?
When do I cut it to dry?
How do I know if it is male or female? at what point of growth will I be able to tell this? I have searched all of this plant of these testicle like objects but there is nothing.

It is getting hard to hide, I need some input PLEASE!




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Well-Known Member
HI all I need HELP! I planted a few seeds a few months ago and one of the took off! I have it in a HUGE plant potted in a tree planting pot.

I have babied it every single day and it is 4 to 5 ft tall now. Someone told me to clip the top, so I did. Now not only is it about 5 ft tall but it has grown out like a bush. IT IS HUGE!

I need to know a few things.
I need to know when it will flower?
What do I do once it does flower?
When do I cut it to dry?
How do I know if it is male or female? at what point of growth will I be able to tell this? I have searched all of this plant of these testicle like objects but there is nothing.

It is getting hard to hide, I need some input PLEASE!


You may have to force it to flower but you've got a couple months still. Cover it with black plastic to give it a 12/12 light schedule will force it into flower. I think you would know if it was a male by now. It would have bananas all ove it. Post a pic if you can.
Might pickup some bloom enhacer.


Well-Known Member
Since you didn't find any testicle like objects try looking for penis like objects that may be hanging over the testicle like objects. If not then they're probabbly female.


Well-Known Member
you will start seeing little white hairs really soon if its a girl, dont force it, unless you are very far north. like minnesota or something
once it starts flowering you gonna want to do 2 thing differently.
1 feed it with a flowering fertilizer NPK 10 30 10 or 9 59 8 and follow the directions on the box
2 you sre gonna want to trim some of the big fan leaves that shade some of the lower bud sites. you do this by standing on a little step ladder and look directly down on the plant. you will see which leaves are shading the bigger budsites. dont get carried away, cut no more than half your fan leaves

Harvest- you got plenty of time to get yourself a good magnifying glass or jewelers loupe. 10x mag. The best time to cut is 4 hours before the killing frost LOL
Lets hope yours finish before that. The plant is ready for harvest when about half of the white hairs have turned orange, but that is just a rule of thumb. Use the mag glass to inspect the resin crystals on the buds and leaves. They will resemble a mushroom and be clear/white in color. you want to cut it when half the resin stalks have turned an amber color, with the head being 3 times bigger than the stalk
Since you have a big bush plant you will see the buds on top finsh first. You can harvest the top buds and leave the lower ones for another week if you choose.
I do this with my plants that are close to home.
got more question, just ask. Good luck and happy growing

what uup

Active Member
Hard to tell from that picture. Check out the growfaq for information on sexing, wouldn't want to waste your time on a male now would ya.


Well-Known Member
dude just chill man. It will flower when it flowers, and when it does you will know the sex, if its a female, harvest when the most but not all the hairs are amber,


Active Member
"DUDE" that is why I am on this forum, because I have no idea what I am doing! This is the first time I have grown! If you have advice for me great I am all ears, but besides that you are killing my buz.

This big thing is in my yard and I would like to know the stages, what to look for and what I am dealing with.:peace:


Well-Known Member
fucker chill your worried about hiding 1 I got 80+ if it is getting to tall bend it down, its not rocket science. but really you cant predict flowering time for shit. too many variables.


Well-Known Member
ok i juss took an other look at ur pic and it looks lik u havw a female but i cant tell that good from tha pic take an other pic of the nodes incase u dont know wat noded are its the spot where branches meet the main stalk


Active Member
yo homie we got similar problems, im wondering if i should top my plants or if it is too late in the season for that.. should i do it or will i be killing my plants??


Well-Known Member
yeah its alittle late for topping
just put a tent stake in the ground and tie the top so it bends over
do that a little more each time until it is parellel with the ground
dont break the stem


Well-Known Member
cre, maybe you could look up some info instead of asking it to be fed to you? I'm not trying to be mean, but its so easy to find the answers to questions you're asking. I'm doing my first grow right now, and I researched everything i would need to know before even starting. You might try looking through threads or something, maybe check out the FAQ section for tips. I've seen posts on sunrise/sunset calendars, so that might give you an idea of when flowering will start (when it goes about 12hours light 12 hours dark).

Also, yeah try tying it down. you'll find the side shoots will just start taking off and it'll get bushier. You topped it, so depending on how long you have left in vegitative growth, it will grow two stems at the top, giving you two colas at the top instead of one.

Theres some terms for you to look up, have fun :) lol good luck bro, i'll check back later.


Well-Known Member
really cre I would just tie it down, as long as you are in North America, you will be flowering in the next week or two. but here is what I would do, I would tie the middle down as much as possible but use string to pull the top of the plant back up vertical. the reason is that if the top is not vertical, the plant will start new main colas and thats alot like topping and its to late in the season for that. in the end your plant should look like a "2" or "s" on is side. the middle pulled to the ground and the top still pointing up in the air.


Well-Known Member
it's a beautiful sight! :D It makes the stem a hell of a lot stronger too. I've tried it on a few plants and it works beautifully.