

Well-Known Member
if u have had over 7 hits of acid and ppl willing to say it .................u have a get out of jail free card for one major crime spree
u are legally insane and unable to help in the defence of your case .............u will lose all your rights as in voting and driving and able to make your own choices but they can not kill yah and they can not lock u up in jail

the mental ward is anouther story but those places are entertaining .............and just a hint a penny take it and ware the lip down little it will fit into a flat head screw slot and bang u are out side in 2 mins (just rem to get a few ppl going off so staff has hands full this way u get about 45 mins start ...............oh and do not go out your own room window use the common room this way u can say u found it that way and took a walk .........and u can do it later
It is that where you learned to thumb type.

You are not listening. This lazy style of yours is nothing but dis-respsect to the Politics section where we are attempting to communicate.

If you don't care about if your message reads to us, why bother to bother?


Well-Known Member
called dsylexic ...............as far as u ppl go it does not matter

words i was taugh in school 20 years ago no longer spelled that way .............lang is a living being and it changes ..learning to write spell type perfect one way does nothing in 80 to 100 years it changes and would need to learn it all over again

u do not have a set lang in this country ......nor do u have set lang rules (before it was to be 7 years before a word is offical listed tweeting was in in 2 years)

so doser suck my left nut since the right one is too damn good for u

and by the way that last statement shows u have no vaule as a human being ........instead of accepting a person for the way they are and learning anything they can offer u belittle them and try to force them to change to what u think is right

that is just anouther worthless human being .............so day ww3 starts please stand up and wave your hands yelling over here over here so someone will end u


Well-Known Member
  • They call me the Amish Fucker

Your sig... I like it, so I was wondering, does Amish pussy taste normal or is it a little more on the wild gammy taste?

One more thing... Where do you get a hat that fits a head bigger than size 8 ?

Carry on... WW3
I thought this was a thread about WWE ...

No WW3 will not happen... local crazy's abound...in the middle east...
It's just I do not believe war will end it...
Not gonna happen... that might ruin the day...
And, that is not possible...


Well-Known Member
I thought dyslexia was an input disorder?

My friend is very dyslexic and needs to pass drivers test.
I thought about suggesting voice to text to voice to her.
Would it help her?


Well-Known Member
called dsylexic ...............as far as u ppl go it does not matter

words i was taugh in school 20 years ago no longer spelled that way .............lang is a living being and it changes ..learning to write spell type perfect one way does nothing in 80 to 100 years it changes and would need to learn it all over again

u do not have a set lang in this country ......nor do u have set lang rules (before it was to be 7 years before a word is offical listed tweeting was in in 2 years)

so doser suck my left nut since the right one is too damn good for u

and by the way that last statement shows u have no vaule as a human being ........instead of accepting a person for the way they are and learning anything they can offer u belittle them and try to force them to change to what u think is right

that is just anouther worthless human being .............so day ww3 starts please stand up and wave your hands yelling over here over here so someone will end u
ypu a4rev 5ARYAERBA\



Well-Known Member
What you talking rules when I am talking communication.

Or do you think gibbering is [we it\q,ei[tgw.u7w5me.06yj]


Well-Known Member
Your sig... I like it, so I was wondering, does Amish pussy taste normal or is it a little more on the wild gammy taste?

One more thing... Where do you get a hat that fits a head bigger than size 8 ?

Carry on... WW3
I thought this was a thread about WWE ...

No WW3 will not happen... local crazy's abound...in the middle east...
It's just I do not believe war will end it...
Not gonna happen... that might ruin the day...
And, that is not possible...
the truth ...............it taste so much better then some of these modern girls
it is all about the fresh fruit they eat ...............try it yourself get a redneck country girl off the farm that pussy will taste like her fav fruit

hats.........i get mine from a leather maker take in the hat i want copied he knows i am 23 and half inches around my head in 3 weeks he calls me up tells me swing by pay my tab and grab it
here is the hat i had mine patterned off .....amish fucker's hat they call me the amish fucker becuase of how i look dress and act (i have a beard 7 inches off my face i like plain solid color clothes with jeans and i am bluntly honest to a fault )


Well-Known Member
I thought dyslexia was an input disorder?

My friend is very dyslexic and needs to pass drivers test.
I thought about suggesting voice to text to voice to her.
Would it help her?
it is different for each person
mine i double up on words skip words and spell the next work i know how to spell ...................as for reading and intaking info i am fine it is printing it out


muiscal aid

did that msg get tho


Well-Known Member
You are wasting your energy name calling an individualist imho.
I am under the impression Individuals don't buy into mandatory acceptance.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it isn't like someone's cowardly scorn is meaningful. That's the laugh a minute on the this board, huh Playa? :)

Mister, mister....your phethers are pucked. Mister, MisterQ!! Have a cola, Mister!

Mommie, what's a cola?

Shut up, kid, and keep rolling those hash balls.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha i just wish i could be the one that does it well it all good u are walking dead anyways ............no one is going to help a asshole like odds are u would be a tratior anyways u would sell out anyone that u thought was under u for your own life

now i am done

no my issuse with doser goes back to same reason i fight ............assholes like that need to be removed from life to allow decent ppl to have a chance at a good life
assholes should not profit nor advance on causing suffering to other ppl

he has exposed what he is and the sheer fact my life cost little more just so he can live is wrong and i would love to see his head on a pike in the middle of a school yard so other kids thinking of being like this person knows what happends ..........but not a damn thing i can do except call him out for the asshole that he is

when i made the point of the person he is his responce was to make fun of me more ............so i am guessing it is correct and i hit a sore spot

if i really cared i would try to figure out what cuased this then exploit it until something happends from the pushing of the buttons ....but the guy is worthless about the only vaule i can see is medical ginie pig or ground up and spread into the ground as feed for the plants


Well-Known Member

he is the reasons kids shoot other kids in school ...............making fun of ....trying to make fell less then other...........making the person feel out of place for something outside their control

he is what is wrong with the world and allowing it to keep going is even wrost then doing it once u know what it is
some issuse or point in his life caused him to be a jackass/ashole to a subsection of ppl to make himself feel better about some iussue ........analy raped/did not get enough love/taught wrong................some issuse but i really do not care about that

he knows what he is doing and why but he has choosen to be this way.........hence why has no vaule as human being


Well-Known Member
Why so glib though? Haven't you heard? The only way to take these states is by taking the mind.
Otherwise they have you, me and the one you're mad at to deal with by our own volition right?

You won't end up in the office, but in the trenches like the rest of us, so what?

Victimization is a red mark demerit in the war for the mind.


Well-Known Member
i want the trenches ..............i have angery and deamons built up from years of helping ppl and my own

i need the safty of a battle feild to allow them to purge out .............i am no good in a office aslong as i have anger on this lvl and a simple numbnut like doser can trigger it that would be mens/womens lives at risk

for me ww3 is heaven no more stuip ass rules or constrains applied to me i am off the collar finally .........no more biting my tongue and walking away to keep from caving in the assholes heads around me ..............shit hits i start walking i got the gear i got the routes help out any nice person i find take down any asshole i find and keep going until something makes me stop or every single one left is a decent person and i am the last asshole left