

Well-Known Member
I actually think your corrections are incorrect. FDR took us off the gold standard. He put us on something else, and Nixon took us off of that. Sorry I can't be more specific, but that is how it went down.
Sorry, but no.



The US Citizen was taken off the gold standard, but if you were from Canada, you could turn in all your US Dollars for gold specie. Still on the gold standard.

Here Nixon explains that the US is suspending the gold standard, this was in 1971, FDR was dead.


Well-Known Member
when does anybody believe the next world war might jump. it's almost inevitable to avoid one since there have been 2.
we are in it lol, its been going on for a very long time (in usa years), its done through economics mostly, but always at the ultimate threat of military (or other lethal) force...the point is that world domination has been the name of the game for a long time, just as it is today...so ww3, we are in it up to our eye balls, just ask anyone else in most other parts of the world...


Well-Known Member
You have many of your facts wrong.

In 1933 gold still backed the dollar, all the way until August 16, 1971. It was still 100% legal to own gold in any amount also. Executive orders do not pertain to the people, even in 1933. No one was ever prosecuted for having gold either, althoug if you kept gold in a safe deposit box the government did confiscate it, but of course they paid the going rate, plus a slight premium.

The only paper money the US government has ever issued were "Greenbacks" or US legal Tender notes. Starting in 1862, The US stopped issuance of these notes on August 16, 1971.

All silver coins stopped being minted and circulated in 1964, the 50% coins you refer to were collectibles issued by the mint, none were ever circulated. I have several.

The paper dollars we have now are not issued by the US Government.
i love this .......even the books tell u this and u still disagree ..............no wounder we are so fucked can not learn lessons from the past so u are doomed to repeat them

Article 10: ''No state shall emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts, coin money.'' The Founding Fathers knew that irresponsible govts print paper money, backed by nothing, overspend and devalue the currency, causing "inflation", and destroying the economy. That has been happening for decades and is accelerating at a tremendous rate NOW.
When the govt began issuing paper money it was backed by real gold and silver.

they are breaking the rules that were set up ...............your info is incorrect mine is right i can provide several books that proves what i say as what u said is just wrong ...........not blaming u i know u were taught wrong in school not your fault it is the system

but atleast pick up a book and look read instead of accepting what they tell u ...............most of the time they are just repeating what someone else wants u to think


Well-Known Member
one ounce of gold could conceivably cover all the dollars that exist, we have enough, its just that a dollar will only be worth 1/1,000,000,000,000,000 of a gram of gold.

Anyway, most possibly the gold in Ft Knox and under the street in New York has most likely been leased out and is not actually physically there to back the dollar in the first place.
Why is that so possible? There's absolutely no evidence of it.

Whatever gold the Federal Reserve has is theirs and is not the property of the US Government or the people of the USA.
That's totally false. All of the US government's gold reserves are owned by the treasury. The Federal Reserve does not own any gold at all.

So, the FEderal Reserve Notes MIGHT have some actual gold backing, but I doubt it would be much or last long.

US dollars stopped being produced in 1964.
The value of the government's gold reserves at current prices is about $380 billion, if you want to consider that gold backing.


Well-Known Member
we were moved off the gold standard years ago ...............the total amount of gold in the world would fill a football feild ( a rectangular field, 120.0 yd x 53.3 yd or 6400 yd² ) all the gold i mean everything would only fill the feild up to a height of 3 feet......that is it in of all of history of man kind alll the gold

us leaving the gold standard
The Constitution requires US currency be minted in

gold and silver.
Article 10: ''No state shall emit bills of credit, make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts, coin money.'' The Founding Fathers knew that irresponsible govts print paper money, backed by nothing, overspend and devalue the currency, causing "inflation", and destroying the economy. That has been happening for decades and is accelerating at a tremendous rate NOW.
When the govt began issuing paper money it was backed by real gold and silver.
You should read what you're quoting. "No STATEshall..." This is not a proscription on the powers of the federal government. If they meant to say "Neither the federal government nor the states shall..." that's what they could have said.

In 1913, the Federal Reserve System was created by Congress; a private company, owned by member banks, and controlled by the bankers. The bank notes were redeemable for gold/silver.
The "Federal Reserve System" includes the Board of Governors and the regional reserve banks. The former is a government agency, its members appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate, and it ultimately has absolute control over monetary policy. The latter component is the only one that can possibly be construed to be "a private company," and that's dubious. Every national bank must own shares in a regional reserve bank; ownership of those shares is not representative of control or management rights; and we're talking about the regional banks, which means the bankers don't really control anything.

In 1933, FDR stopped the minting of gold coins and paper money was no longer backed by and redeemable for - gold. You couldn't even own gold, that was illegal. You had to return it to the Treasury for paper money. But "collectors" could keep their gold coins. But they were no longer usable currency...just like you can't go in a store today and buy bread with a gold coin! Federal Reserve Notes are not backed by, or redeemable for gold/silver.

The mint made silver coins through '64, then reduced the silver content to 50%, and then finally in 1970 silver coins ceased. This was due to inflation (we were warned it could happen by Thomas Jefferson, see first paragraph). In 1971, the govt ceased allowing foreign banks to redeem US dollars for gold. This was when the gold standard ceased.

we are already breaking the rules the founding fathers set up .................money today has no vaule nothing backing it but the word that it is good and we will pay and with our credit rating for the usa dropping and most likey will drop again this year from congress inactions
The mint stopped making silver coins because the industrial demand for silver skyrocketed after World War II, which substantially elevated the price. Keeping silver in coins would have made them worth more than their face values because of the vastly increased market demand for silver, not because of inflation.

The idea that you need gold or silver to "back" assets is archaic and laughable in the modern world. Your money is "backed" by the valuable goods and services that stand behind it. To suggest that money is worthless if it isn't backed by gold or silver is to suggest that houses, cars, machinery, food, etc. have no inherent value.


Well-Known Member
Wars are by proxy today folks.

Know who bought all of Libya's oil before we "freed the shit out of" them? China.
France, Germany, Italy, and the UK were far more significant buyers of Libyan oil at a combined ~900,000 barrels per day. China clocked in at ~150,000 barrels per day. Italy was the largest individual buyer, importing more than twice as much as China.


Well-Known Member
Go to bed. The lot of ya.
if i could sleep i would be there but that is not a option at this point and time so i am here

and in responce to the other guy
the federal goverment has always acted like the 2nd state u live in other wise why would u pay federal taxes why not just pay state and the federal can talk to the state about it ........same with crime u have 2 sets of laws one for the state one for federal

this is not what was ment to be ............the system of checks and balances have been by passed

and as for the coin issuse it is simple 2 part coin the outter casing for the size the inner center for the value .............look at peso121-561.jpg
and it would keep with the laws


Well-Known Member
if i could sleep i would be there but that is not a option at this point and time so i am here

and in responce to the other guy
the federal goverment has always acted like the 2nd state u live in other wise why would u pay federal taxes why not just pay state and the federal can talk to the state about it ........same with crime u have 2 sets of laws one for the state one for federal
We tried that with the Articles of Confederation, and then our framers concluded that a stronger national government was a necessity, which led them to draft our constitution.

this is not what was ment to be ............the system of checks and balances have been by passed
I can agree with that to some extent. The framers could not possibly have imagined our modern world back in the 1700s; they designed a system that was accordingly ill-fitted to suit such a world. We have adapted the framework to make it fit with the demands of the modern world.

If the framers were alive today, looking at the world as it is today, I doubt they would have produced the same document. Why yield to their ignorant rotting corpses?

and as for the coin issuse it is simple 2 part coin the outter casing for the size the inner center for the value .............look at pesoView attachment 3002896
and it would keep with the laws
Obviously the mint could have lowered the silver content of the coins. But since silver no longer functions as a monetary standard, it made far more sense to just remove it.


Well-Known Member
I love a cinderella story as much as the next, but its gonna be a long time before silver is at $2k an ounce.
Idk I agree that's way optimistic for this point in time but I would like to know the true total of receipts outstanding.
That should indicate how artificially low the price is right now?
Bet its huge.
Then fingers crossed the whole free world wants to s1 some seeds lol.


Well-Known Member
France, Germany, Italy, and the UK were far more significant buyers of Libyan oil at a combined ~900,000 barrels per day. China clocked in at ~150,000 barrels per day. Italy was the largest individual buyer, importing more than twice as much as China.
I was being a bit facetious when i said all their Oil. China was a Major customer. Number 3 overall. China purchased a significant amount of oil, but more importantly had quite a few Chinese nationals working there also. All that has changed, although China still gets oil from Libya, it is much less.

Thanks for the correction.


Well-Known Member
Oh, it's over.... contrary to popular impressions, they won

google bush cabal

3rd Reich has morphed into the 4th- New World Order dominating earth. the jackals are fighting among themselves for who's on top

WW2 isn't over yet. What's the rush?


Well-Known Member
Go back to your Illuminati comic books.

We had to fight Russia over Korea because they wanted part of Japan.

Are we at war with N. Korea? Do we have troops being shot at there? Don't they nave nukes. Are we to still at war protecting Japan from Nukes?

Wake up, young son. War never ends. And only the very silly don't see that WW3 already happening as a smear over from WW2.1 and WW2.4.

We could be protecting Turkey from Ukraine/Russia soon enough. The idea that War start and stop is part of the opiate of the people.....opinions, the feeling of safery, an example to tell kids. see? It is over.

My parents generation was very smug. Oh, the USA has never started a War., WTF? That was a Gol Damn lie. We stated the Spanish war on the slimmest of pretense.

Even Obama had to swerve into myth and claim he was stopping war, and pulling back. He said, "No country can stand generations of war."

What bullshit. Of course, we can, we always do. But we do so, by claim to the Youts it is over.

ABC, thought it was over, and ended up in Iraq.

But, Obama hasn't stopped. If anything, he stirred the pot on Iraq door, on purpose, the same he did for North Africa,. We know he has cemented hate from Jihad for another 100 years, as Sky Killer.

The USA has no interest in stopping war. We use conflicts as back fire lines, we keep the Sunni herds on their heel. We are right now, planning a big show in Syria, just you wait. We gathered close to a million feral animals there now, in the name of Jihad. Half of Syria is claimed by AlQ.

Nothing is over, including Gestapo.

Oh, it won't be Obama rushing with troops, he was the President of Peace, only because Geroge Bush was so Evil. Do you see how that worked you?

But, all Presidents just tee it up for the next. That is the job. They usher you on the first Tee with much fanfare. They ask for your club selection. At first you get in some good drives, sink some putts, lots of cheers. But at the end, you are just the ball boy for the next President.

All adult thinkers realize this.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing your reply was for me

FYI I'm closer to 66 than 65

Peel back the onion to who/what fomented those public displays for war