

Well-Known Member
Nothing you could possibly say would destroy me. However, what your unfounded replies do is potentially prevent others from discovering the truth

We, who have broken free from the matrix, call those who do this, disinfo agents. Many are paid to do just that

Following your replies to my posts for awhile, I would not be at all surprised if you were paid

You brought up you age. No question. No answer. And Baby Boy, if you feel destroyed that is not on me.


Well-Known Member
That is why I say, you are full of it.

Follow your illumination. But, know it is off the wall, megalomania.

You are always express this high horse illusion that you have it all figure out. And that I see, mostly, in the 20 somethings.

I don't care about your innner video game of parnoia about the Overlords or whatever.

Space Aliens?...same thing. Left field, beyond the fence, and kooky views, to me. Doesn't mean you are "bad person" however,
so don't go there.

I don't buy it, and I don't care. And you are no Truth Giver of the 3rd Order. Get over it. It is Ego that I see in the youth.


Well-Known Member
Paid by who?

Don't be such a punk. You said you were an adult.

I like the Matrix. I am more aware and more in control of myself within it than you would like.

Those that think they escaped as just mired deeper. You are hiding and shirking, seems to me.

We are sent here to manipulate the Matrix, don't you understand? Soon you will be recalled to the Commanders without fulfilling your mission.

Don't not fulfill your mission.


Well-Known Member
"We" which as far as I can see does not include you, were sent here to DESTROY the Matrix by waking the masses up to the fact that they are unwittingly a part of it. Every thing they do is about control. They do not think twice about executing the opposition, but cracks have been appearing ever since the WWW evolved

Paid by who?

Don't be such a punk. You said you were an adult.

I like the Matrix. I am more aware and more in control of myself within it than you would like.

Those that think they escaped as just mired deeper. You are hiding and shirking, seems to me.

We are sent here to manipulate the Matrix, don't you understand? Soon you will be recalled to the Commanders without fulfilling your mission.

Don't not fulfill your mission.


Well-Known Member
Come on. Paid by who?

I will tell you flat out, whatever you are for, I am against. Take the reverse as well.

So. if there really is pay, you know I would be very good at the job.

So, where do I sign up.....if you know?


Well-Known Member
"We" which as far as I can see does not include you, were sent here to DESTROY the Matrix by waking the masses up to the fact that they are unwittingly a part of it. Every thing they do is about control. They do not think twice about executing the opposition, but cracks have been appearing ever since the WWW evolved
Yeah yeah. The Catholic Church has been at that for quite some time, now.

How's that working out for, ya'll?


Well-Known Member
WTF? The Catholic Church is up to their necks in it. Funded by the Romans, who could not afford to police their conquered lands

Yeah yeah. The Catholic Church has been at that for quite some time, now.

How's that working out for, ya'll?


Well-Known Member
Ya lost me

whose agent?

Catholics, Romans...Enlil/Enki...?
See? Right there. Completely lost. You, you....the code phras....

Ya know, you really are not fulling your mission. There is still tim.....gaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkk....just kidding. Still time.


Well-Known Member
Yo Doer.

What category would you label the Banking interests of the World, specifically the US?
Would you honestly call them Government or Peoples interests?


Well-Known Member
Yo Doer.

What category would you label the Banking interests of the World, specifically the US? Would you honestly call them Government or Peoples interests?
Banks? Another red herring. You see what happens to banks. The govt consolidates them, runs up the requirements, Picks the winners and taps Bank of America to saddle a bunch of illegal debt. A lamb for China.

We have forceed nearly every bank in this world to open the kimono, like it or not, but best to smile and wiggle nicely. Whores, I say.

The Bank are only concerned with the preservation of the house of cards we call Debt. When an African Nation goes down, who funds the rebels, in exchange for carrying the Debt? Who picks and chooses, what family is responsible enough to form a govt to hold the Debt and make payments?

IMF ring a bell? :)

WE pick and choose what world banking orgs get frozen funds. WE pick the most favored Nations. WE give the most favored terms. WE set them up and WE knock them down over Debt. France just went in to some little tin-pot to preserve the Debt obligation. It is just a promise, you know?

There is only 10% cash to debt in the world. All the world runs off the interest to these derived debt structures. It is all traded, currency against currency, fair or not. And it is all backed back the full faith and credit of the USA, nothing else. The Big Casino. And that includes the projected might of Air Carrier operations, in your face.

So, the Banks? What a joke. WE the People co-opted world banking long ago.

I don't see anything against the People's interests, at all. Quite the contrary. I see the struggle of the vectoring of the People interests in the USA, through the System, as dominating the global cash/debt structure and moderating and playing quite generously, and economically, and educationally and providing Food for it.... in a dicey situation to protect the Sea Lanes. And Banks are just the paper pushers of that 90% debt.

Remember, the President will deal with anyone in this world that WE need him to, quite without remorse or consequence.

Especially bankers. :)


Well-Known Member
Banks? Another red herring. You see what happens to banks. The govt consolidates them, runs up the requirements,
Picks the winners and taps Bank of America to saddle a bunch of dept.

We have force nearly every bank in this world to open the kimono, like it or not, but best to smile and wiggle nicely.
Whores, I say.

The Bank are only concerned with the preservation of the house of cards we call Debt. When an African Nation goes down, who funds the rebels, in exchange for carrying the debt? Who picks and chooses, what family is responsible enough to form a govt to hold the debt?

IMF ring a bell? :)

WE pick and choose what world banking orgs get frozen funds. WE pick the most favored Nations WE give the most favored terms. WE set them up and WE knock them down over Debt. France just went in to some little tin-pot to preserve the debt obligation. It is just a promise, you know?

There is only 10% cash to debt in the world. All the world runs off the interest to these derived debt structures. It is all traded, currency against currency, fair or not. And all backed back the full faith and credit of the USA, nothing else. And that includes the projected might of Air carrier operations, in your face.

So, the Banks? What a joke. WE the People coopted world banking long ago.

I don't see anything against the People's interests. I see the the struggle of the vectorizing of the People interests in the USA, through the System, as dominating the global cash/debt structure. And banks are paper pushers of that 90% debt.

Remember, the President will deal with anyone in this world that we need him to, quite without remorse.

Especially bankers. :)
To the bolded.

Of course I don't mean the local credit union or local federal reserve agent institutions like BoA, I mean federal reserve agents in general, ourselves included or have we not reached that conclusion yet? When you say "dont see anything against the People's interests" it makes me think you have reached that conclusion.

Do you honestly think any modern president would deal with that? Jackson was a different kind of average poor guy.


Well-Known Member
To the bolded.

Of course I don't mean the local credit union or local federal reserve agent institutions like BoA, I mean federal reserve agents in general, ourselves included or have we not reached that conclusion yet? When you say "dont see anything against the People's interests" it makes me think you have reached that conclusion.

Do you honestly think any modern president would deal with that? Jackson was a different kind of average poor guy.
No. I mean WE, the mighty and ruthless do not care if there are those that don't get it.

Deal with what? What conclusions? The Reality of the total situation is being dealt with as we speak. It is obvious that nothing is wrong at all but worry. In-articulated worry is good press. Simple as that.

Could you be less vague? What troubles you my friend? Turn off the TV and search the net for all the great stuff going on in this world.


Well-Known Member
No no. I agree it is that simple.

You don't think another bank run can honestly happen?

I understand the Reality is always dealt with but simply imply it is no longer the Peoples Interest....compound or simple.....Peoples interest seems to be what is in their pocket these days....and in all days prior to this.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .............i love u guys in the none gay way ..........just when i think i am done u do something like this .............hahahaha

to pet ...........stop using terms from the movies ..yes i know it has meaning to u and it is the best terms u have to explain the idea but with the way things works it just makes u sound like little bit of a nutter (to me that is a good thing but not sure about u ment it respectfully).................simply u in your terms yoda them say something that has more then one lvl of meaning ............this way the ones that can understand get the whole meaning but the others leave u alone (when ppl see something means nothing to them with in 72 hours it is forgotten....short term memoery turns into long term)

and for the rest of the stuff pet...........there is more in hevean and hell then dreamt of by man ..........cracking the door to look in does not work u step tho or u leave it alone ..................this is what was asked to me .....Are u happier now or do u really want to know because u can never go back .................leaving it at that

as for WW3
it is comming there is no stopping it nor should any of try .............this system is messed the hell up and twisted into something so sick u can not save it best just to wipe it all out and start again
given this u have only 3 things u need to do
1 think for yourself
2 stay alive without turning into something u would ashamed of
3 learn your fucking lessons and never allow this to repeat again

after that good luck see u on the other side ..............and fair fucking warning mine and friends i will guard with my life and i have no trouble in taken yours with just cuase


Well-Known Member
No no. I agree it is that simple.

You don't think another bank run can honestly happen?

I understand the Reality is always dealt with but simply imply it is no longer the Peoples Interest....compound or simple.....Peoples interest seems to be what is in their pocket these days....and in all days prior to this.
Of course Bank runs happen. When we say so. And if reality is dealt with it is obviously in our interest. There is no one here but us. But, you don't get to define the People's Interest, now do you. WE have 10s of thousand of experts on that problem set, every day.

For the Vector of our Interest, and for the summation of our cause, WE elect our choices, down to the school boards. Such fun, but there is no one else to do it and we allow no one else to do it.

It is a mess and it is our mess, for our benefit.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha .............i love u guys in the none gay way ..........just when i think i am done u do something like this .............hahahaha

to pet ...........stop using terms from the movies ..yes i know it has meaning to u and it is the best terms u have to explain the idea but with the way things works it just makes u sound like little bit of a nutter (to me that is a good thing but not sure about u ment it respectfully).................simply u in your terms yoda them say something that has more then one lvl of meaning ............this way the ones that can understand get the whole meaning but the others leave u alone (when ppl see something means nothing to them with in 72 hours it is forgotten....short term memoery turns into long term)

and for the rest of the stuff pet...........there is more in hevean and hell then dreamt of by man ..........cracking the door to look in does not work u step tho or u leave it alone ..................this is what was asked to me .....Are u happier now or do u really want to know because u can never go back .................leaving it at that

as for WW3
it is comming there is no stopping it nor should any of try .............this system is messed the hell up and twisted into something so sick u can not save it best just to wipe it all out and start again
given this u have only 3 things u need to do
1 think for yourself
2 stay alive without turning into something u would ashamed of
3 learn your fucking lessons and never allow this to repeat again

after that good luck see u on the other side ..............and fair fucking warning mine and friends i will guard with my life and i have no trouble in taken yours with just cuase
Nonsense, but interesting. Sounds like a nutter?...do you proof-read this clap trap, of yours, Freud? :)