Will Baking Brownies Immediately After Harvest Work?


Active Member

I was wondering if it would work to bake brownies immediately after my harvest. From my understanding, at least for smoking, you need to cure it. Curing it converts the inactive acid THC into something a bit more useful. Curing also allows it to dry out so you can smoke it.


What if I were to simply take a fresh bud off the plant, chop it up with a chef's knife, mince it like a fresh vegetable, and then make the marijuana butter out of it for baking?

Would this process in itself convert the inactive THC? Could I make brownies immediately after harvesting and have good, potent marijuana?

Thanks for the help!


Well-Known Member
ive made cookies and chocolates will fresh herb they were potent. i use 1/10 ratio.
it's alot easier working with dry material though



Active Member
ive made cookies and chocolates will fresh herb they were potent. i use 1/10 ratio.
it's alot easier working with dry material though


That's really good to know-- thanks! (I'm inviting some guests to the harvest and don't want them to leave disappointed.) I'm curious what you mean by a 1/10 ratio. Does that mean you use 10 times more of the wet stuff than you might if it were dry?


Well-Known Member
I would dry at least slightly.,.,i thought thc was at its most high when dried?i could be wrong,but i feel so rite

Juan Abongheet

Well-Known Member
The best brownies I ever made were just plain brownies but you make butter out of your trimmings. THC is not water soluble, but it does mix in nicely (it is a lipid, i.e. fatty molecule).
What I did was take about an ounce or so of dried material (i suppose it would work with freshies) and put it into a crock pot. Cover it with water and turn the sucker on. Once it begins to get real hot and boils a bit- I added 2 1/2 sticks of non-salted good quality butter (but use how much you want) and then let is just simmer for a few hours. After wards, I strained it through a regular colander, then used a cheese cloth and squeezed the oils out of the plant matter. What you are left with is a mucky water and an oil on top. Throw this in the fridge- let the oils congeal on the top. When its all hard, scrape off the oil/butter (at this point its almost Ghee). I usually put this into another clean pot, heat gently to melt it, and then strain once more through a decent tea strainer. This gets rid of any left over bits and helps it not taste like leaf.
Use the oil in any recipe that calls for butter or oil. I usually try not to cook it higher than 300-325 as THC oxidises (i think) at at least the temp required to burn paper (about 451F).
Hope that helps...


Well-Known Member
your correct if ur talking smoking it but were talkin munchies.

1/10, like if i have 7 grams of pure bud, i use 70 gr of chocolate. use the high quality high fat stuff 40% is best.
cook it slow in a crock pot for an hour is good. try to dry and put it thru a grinder, i use a ss coffee grinder works great.

my choco bar are bomb a 1" sq piece will have u baked. mmm im hungry

cookies come out ggod if u just add ur herb to the mix, i find herb tastes a little spicy

Juan Abongheet

Well-Known Member
I just mean if you somehow obtain a recipe that requires temps in the oven that are over 451 i wouldn't do it.
I'm going to try some choco treats- those sound ace....


Well-Known Member
i dont like using butter un less im fry up sum with the herb. but it does have it's advantages like u can spead it on toast in the mornig and get toasted, or save in the fridge and dip into when ever u feel like.

other than that i find if u just add it to what ur baking it comes out bomb as long as it's chopped fine enough


Well-Known Member
when u make the chocolate pour it into sum ice cube trays or a mold for a bar. it makes it easier to divi up

Juan Abongheet

Well-Known Member
when u make the chocolate pour it into sum ice cube trays or a mold for a bar. it makes it easier to divi up

Cheers- thats an idea if i ever heard one. I haven't really made many treats, only brownies with which a 2" square would last 4-5 hours; similar to a few bongs I suppose...
I am weird, I don't honestly like the taste of the buds- unless it's smoked. Perhaps its just the strain I used, but i just dislike it when I get treats and have to pick out little bits of plant from my teeth.. Grinding well would do the trick, but not for the taste..
Thats just my opinion of course.. :-o

There are quite a few recipes on the FAQ page here in RIU if you check em out.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how to post the videos on here but if you go to youtube, myspace or bing and type " eric the ruler " in he has got like 10 videos of marijuana recipes. He's got butter, this alchohol and mj drink he calls the green dragon, jello shots from the green dragon, banana bread, brownies, pizza, little gummy candys and candy suckers that they take around with them when their in public and just eat them like candy.


Active Member
Thanks everyone. And thanks for the recipes.

Anyway, I'm still curious if anybody else has a comment on the chemical processes that activate THC.

Is the inactive THC activated when baking? When you sautee' the butter? Is as much active / usable when you do it this way immediately after harvest as opposed to curing it first?

Does curing only really release the chemical for smoking and baking means curing is essentially unnecessary and that you can bake immediately after harvest with no loss in potency?

I hope to hear more on this subject.


Active Member
I dont really know so I'm gonna start reading up, but it seems to me that if you make ur butter or oil with all parts of the trimmings buds and all then it should extract most of the good stuff whether its cured or not.

Again I dont really know either


Active Member
I dont really know so I'm gonna start reading up, but it seems to me that if you make ur butter or oil with all parts of the trimmings buds and all then it should extract most of the good stuff whether its cured or not.

Again I dont really know either
Let me know what you find out when you're reading up. I did a number of searches on Google, but all I got was information about the decarboxilization process as it relates to curing and then smoking it.

Does "decarboxilization" that converts THC-A to THC (or whatever) occur in the oven when baking brownies? Grr.