I have a great idea for Christmas gifts!! All you need is BHO and youre set!


Well-Known Member
Hey, all! I've got a great idea that my lady and I are doing this year for Christmas gifts for our 21+ cannabis friendly friends and family. We are gonna decarboxylate a couple grams of BHO and make some brownies and cookies to give as gifts. I like using BHO because its very easy to do when making edibles using vegetable oil, and because theyre powerful as all hell!

I still have a good amount of BHO left over from this years outdoor harvest, and another member on here showed some pics of her edibles and ended up telling me I should make edibles. They have been the best things ever. lol

I had eaten edibles while visiting friends and family out in the Colorado Springs area and they never really did much for me, but these are FANTASTIC! I only make my edibles from foods I can make with vegetable oil to keep it nice and simple...

First, I decarboxylate my BHO in a small glass jar submerged in vegetable oil that is then heated to no more then 260 degrees. This keeps the oil in the jar right about the right temp for decarboxylation.(Or so Im told) Youre gonna want to continue decarboxylation until all the little bubbles stop.
**Remember. The temp shown is the temp of the vegetable oil in the pan itself. It is not the temp of my BHO concentrate.


Once youve gotten to this point and the bubbles have almost stopped, you can make youre batter for your cookies or brownies ect. DO NOT ADD THE OIL NEEDED FOR YOUR MIX YET! When youre ready to add the oil simply add the still warm oil to the apropriate measuring cup needed and fill it the rest of the way with the warm vegetable oil, until you have the desired amount of oil needed. NOTE: Its VERY HELPFUL to mix the two oils while they are warm. I use a toothpick to mix them. The cannabis oil likes to lay on the bottom of the cup, so mix it well and immediately add it to your mixing bowl and bake your treats.
Making edibles this way has proven to be a very good way to go about it. They tear me up. lol And my girl loves to bake, so I have more than I can handle.


It's something to think about, Yall... A gram of good BHO will make a dozen VERY STRONG edibles, and a small decorative bucket with five or six in it would sure as hell make a wonderful gift for me. lol
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Well-Known Member
Yum, It's 3pm and I haven't eaten anything today. Your pics are making my mouth water. I'm a lightweight when it comes to edibles so i'd have to cut a cookie up like a pizza and eat a small slice. My method would be to make a regular batch for munching, a medicated batch for effect and then confuse them, winding up in a comatose state. Thanks for the post and happy holidays.