The Amsterdam Run


question abou cutting off the lower branches. Will this cause any stress to the plants this far into flower? As of circulation, I have a passive opening on the bottom of the tent, a big oscilating fan, and a 464cfm inline fan pulling from my filter. Is this enough circulation? Enough on my grow, how is your ladies doing?
Well, might cause stress, watch if the buds are airy/underdeveloped. If so, the plant will use energy producing those buds, even though they won't produce prima stuff. Keep an eye on the leaves during bloom, if they become very yellowish/brownish (before natural nitrogen-depletion in middle/late bloom), it implies that they don't get enough light, hence they become redundant to the plant. This will also happen if the air in the lower canopy is stale.
You're plants look healthy, so it's up to you. But air flow and circulation is crucial.
Posting an extensive update of the grow (hopefully) tomorrow. Phase 2 has been induced to 12/12 today, and I'm picking up some stuff ordered from the States after work tomorrow; co2-boost, negative ion-generators and some exciting nutrients and additives. Yes, I said exciting!


thanks for the advice pompel, and looking forward to some new pictures of your grow. I did trim a little on the bottom of the plants, mostly small stuff on the bottom that is noy doin much. Talk to you later.


Boys and Girls, hello!

Lost Internet-connection yesterday, so posting some pics today. Insanely busy these days, and a monster work-weekend ahead... ah, the romance and thrill of the criminal world! Hopefully I'll post a thorough report on sunday; phase 2 has been induced to 12/12, clones to be cut, new tent to be assembled, etc.
BTW, the girls look fine, don't they? Enjoy your weekend!

PS: forgot text on some of the pics, but strain can be identified in bottom left corner in the pics... sorry.



Well-Known Member
A great read, great album of images and great choice of strains. All together, everything looks great, i'll be watching for sure.


your garden is doing great. the ultimate buds seem to have really fattened up. my one indica dominant plant is getting swallowed up by the 4 sativa dominant plants. I got to top my clones today, take some to clone with. My veg closet is getting a little tight, need to invest into another tent when funds allow. Good to see you back up and posting, I'll post some pics today or sat. Hope my buds catch up to yours, you can really tell yours has grown. good growing pompel


Hello, People of RIU!

OK, here we go. In the middle of a little hell-run at the moment, been working with the girls a lot this week-end. Topped, pruned, cloned (42 of them), feed, sprayed and doing the pics with the annoyingly crappy pocket-camera (how I dream of the Nikon D-90... well, maybe one day). Tomorrow and the day after I have to re-pot approx 26 plants from 3L to 9 and 12L pots (approx from 0.75 gallons to 2 and 3 gallons). Which should have been done a week ago, but I wanted to see the female/male ratio first, since I don't have enough room for all of them in bigger pots. However, I also want to keep a male each of PG-13, Sour Diesel and Purps for a cross that I had a vision about (no shit? no shit.) So I'm posting some pics from the little ones in the 3L's, and pics from the mostly sativas in XXL-2.
First off, the Super Silver Haze is so far a colossal disappointment. Guess I was trying to convince myself that she was an ugly duckling, but that illusion is fading away. Quickly. I have two Cannasutra's left, a beautiful one in XXL-1 that resembles me of Sensi Star (from pics only). Didn't clone, considering re-vegging for the first time. This one here... I don't know what kind of pheno this is. Amnesia Haze is coming along good, I believe. Might yield OK for a sativa. The Hawaiian Snow's are mainly two pheno's: the spindly one and the... well, slightly more "bud'ly' one. I'm imagining that 'bud'ly might be more afghani-hawaiian pheno, while 'spindly' might be a very thai-dominant pheno. Or it might be useless. Then again, I have absolutely no clue whatsoever, so if anyone recognizes this pheno, and has insight, please transmit this to your keyboard.
I re-potted most of the Purps a week ago, and growth has been prolific the first week of 12/12 under 400w MH. So posting a pic of them. OK, I'm ready to go horizontal, over and out.

PS: thanks for the compliments!



Greetings, boys and girls!

Posting some pics from the girls in the XXL-1 tent, things are just growing along. Damn, just realized that I'm about halfway through bloom with some these strains...
Finally got the co2-boost system today, really hope for significant effects. Got a lot of work to do, so I'll be off, then. Happy tokin'.



looking good pompel. my girls are 5 weeks on 12/12 today. havent been able to upload any pictures for a few days.I elevated the indica plant to try to get it more light, and it loves it. I have seen a couple of ultimate grows on some other sites, and if I get close to their production i'll be a happy stoner.These guys were using bigger lights, hopefully i'll get enough out of my 400 hps.


looking good pompel. my girls are 5 weeks on 12/12 today. havent been able to upload any pictures for a few days.I elevated the indica plant to try to get it more light, and it loves it. I have seen a couple of ultimate grows on some other sites, and if I get close to their production i'll be a happy stoner.These guys were using bigger lights, hopefully i'll get enough out of my 400 hps.
Yes, in retrospect I should have grown them 1 week extra in 24/0. This would have been ideal for this kind of grow, IMO. However, later this spring I plan to do a SOG-grow with the Ultimate. Thinking of let them develop a good root-mass after cloning (10-14 days), and induce 12/12. But I'll do this only when I can afford LED, since I will then be able to grow in two heights, so to speak (eh, divide the tent in two heights, that is).
Anyways, according to Dutch Passion the Ultimate gains a lot in the last two weeks, so now that I've got co2 in place, they will hopefully swell. So far they are unmatched compared to the other strains (budsize-wise), closely followed by a couple of the Hawaii x Maui Wowie. I count 5 weeks of flowering has passed tomorrow for the Ultimate.



The current grow is by far the biggest yet, and this is beginning to materialize. In a sore back. There''s all together now, let's see... eh, about 45 girls 3000W HPS 12/12, 8-10 males for crossing and seeding under 400W MH 12/12, about 40 clones, big and small under 400W T-5 and CFL. It's a handful. I'm considering trying out the auto-pot system in spring, might yield better and include less work, better overview and less individual monitoring of the plants. Would require identical clones attached to the system, though (6 x 15 L (approx 4 gallons).
Anyways, I'm really happy the co2 is in place, should have been done long ago. I think the girls are doing OK, posting some bud-pics from XXL1-tent today, and the sativas in XXL2 tomorrow. Take care, guys.



Hi, everyone!

So, 42 days in 12/12 today! Also a little update on the strains that are 13 days in 12/12. Basically, as expected. L.A. Confidential, where only 2 out of 6 germed, turned out one of each sex. The female has the shortest side-brances I've ever seen, so impossible to clone. Kept the male, gonna stroke some pollen on the girl, and hopefully get some OK seeds. The Cannalope had the same ratio, 3 boys and 3 girls. Also kept the boys, take pollen from the most vigorous, and pollinate the girls (some of the lower branches only!). Kept a couple of PG-13 and Purps males as well... the only boy missing is Sour Diesel, where I'm pretty positive they're all girls. Gonna pollinate from some of the other strains, particularly Purps and PG-13, but Cannalope's fast flowering is also tempting to experiment with.
As for the sativas that are 42 days in 12/12, well, they're sativas... no panic as to lack of huge buds. Well, for another couple of weeks, anyway. The spindly pheno's of Hawaiian Snow are finally starting to bud up, eh, relatively speaking. If they are tasty thai-dominant sativas, as I suspect, then, hell, I won't mind the 16 weeks of flowering it might need.
When the pollen has been collected from the males, I will move a bunch of Nirvana's Hawaii x Maui Wowie and Dutch Passion's the Ultimate to the L-tent, clones taken a month ago. I'm itching to try out some new strains, but the my current economic state is hit by deep recession. Planning a trip to London in spring where I will go absolutely amok in the head-shops. The list has now over 20 strains on it... I want to get stoned and high in every theoretically possible way! Africa; Durban, Malawi Gold, Senegalese, Nigerian and Congolese sativas. Psychedelic shaman-weed from Kenya. Top Moroccan to make hash with. Lebanese. Hindu Kush. Nepalese. South Indian. Thai, Laos, Vietnam. Australian bushweed. Brazil. Colombian Gold. Panama Red. The classics, the haze's, the blue's, purple's, whites, oranges, skunks, everything!



Hi there!

47 days in 12/12 today, so they've just finished 6 weeks of flowering. I estimate that most of them are finished between March 25th and April 1st, except the Chocolope, that'll probably need another week.
One of the things that I've would have done differently, are smaller pots for plants this height, think 9 liters/2.25 gallons would do the trick. This would allow for 25-30% more plants...
The plants seem to drink more now, could be down to the added co2, or simply that they use more fuel in this stage of flowering.
The buds are fairly resinous, wouldn't you say?



looking good pompel. Whats your thoughts on the co2. Has it been a cost benifit? I'm debating on if it is worth the cost and hassel versus reward. Today I'm on day 49 of 12/12 and switching over to ripe nutrients. from what I've seen with other grows with the ultimate, looking at another month at least. I did see first sign of red hairs on one of the sativas, which I thought was pretty cool. Good luck on your grow.


Cant wait to hear if the ultimate is all that dutch pashions makes it out to be.
lookking good so far. what is the ppm in your nutes for the ultimate?


Hello stoners!

Today I'll be focusing on phase 2 of the run, will post pics from phase 1 over the weekend. First things first, though.

looking good pompel. Whats your thoughts on the co2. Has it been a cost benifit? I'm debating on if it is worth the cost and hassel versus reward. Today I'm on day 49 of 12/12 and switching over to ripe nutrients. from what I've seen with other grows with the ultimate, looking at another month at least. I did see first sign of red hairs on one of the sativas, which I thought was pretty cool. Good luck on your grow.
I've been growing a couple of years now, and my biggest regret, apart from starting with hydro, has been the lack of co2. The co2-boost system is IMO easy to use, just have to replace the bucket every 3 months. I reckon that co2 will add 20-30% to yield, which is fine by me. Also, the plants grow faster, take more nutrients, endures higher temps, and they finish faster, as I've understood, anyways.
The Ultimate's are now in 52 days 12/12, and there's noway a month left. Roughly, there's 3 pheno's; one is finished in... a week, another 10 days and the last in two weeks. Very rough estimate, though! You can have a look yourself next time i post.

Cant wait to hear if the ultimate is all that dutch pashions makes it out to be.
lookking good so far. what is the ppm in your nutes for the ultimate?
When i grew in hydro, the PH and PPM drove me crazy! Doing a organic grow, I really don't pay any attention to PH and PPM anymore. Some of this is down to observation of the plant; looking for deficiencies, pest, stress and so forth, haven't really had any significant problems due to nuteburns or deficiencies. But most of it is down to the fact that I'm so fucking lazy, so I trick myself into believing that all will probably go well. But of course, maintaining these things is very important, don't let slobs like me tell you otherwise. Pathetic, I know, and it must be paid greater attention to.
Still, I foresee that my most important tool will become a refractometer to measure brix-levels. Using this, it will become much easier to identify what the plant needs, and how much. You can read an interesting piece on this here:

OK, then, now for the main course: phase 2. Lots of goodies in here, grossly distorted by a cheap camera. Some of you may notice the self-watering pots. These are 15L pots (approx 3.5 gallons) bought from... eh, IKEA. Trust me, I'm pretty fucking desperate to walk into that energy-sucking hellhole, but it's strange how flexible you become when you lack money. Well, I'm glad that I did, because they work really well, sort of a wick-system for soil. The plants in these pots have in general grown faster and bigger than the ones in ordinary pots. Easy to use and cheap.
The budshot of the Purps is from the one pheno that truly shows any "purpleness", the rest looks ordinary, but with good potential otherwise. PG-13 and Sour Diesel have been slower to flower, but as these will go 10-12 weeks, it's expected. Only one female L.A. Confidential, but kept the male, so I'm gonna pollinate some of the lower branches. Also there are 3 Double Dutch here (Warlock-pheno) that I've kept. Plan is to cure them properly, stash it away for 6 months, and have a new go at it. I'm so immune it's high right now, it's ridiculous. Can smoke 10 grams a day, no prob. Hope it knocks me out next time, ha ha!
Last but not least; the Cannalope Haze. Wow! I'm getting exited over these, think they will be excellent.
All right, that's it for now. Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, because it's lots of work and little play for me. Still, very happy that I smoke and grow the herb.




Thank you for all the comments and... ops!, sorry. Wrong forum, my bad.
So, posting some pics from XXL-1 today, hopefully finished within two weeks. Also pics of the males on "harvest"-day.



how grows it pompel? Curious on how close are you to harvest. Really like to hear about the chocolope and the ultimate. My ultimate is really starting to take off. I'm thinking that I have maybe 2 weeks. Trics still look pretty clear. Starting to get a sweet citrus/skunky smell. Would like to here your thoughts on yours. good growing.
I'd love to see some pictures of the Ultimate. I can't seem to find many people that are growing yet? Also a smoke report would be great!!!!!!!!!:bigjoint:



Hi, there. Nearly done now, guess that the Ultimates and the Cannasutra are finished within a week, the Chocolope's prob a week more. I have leached them for about a week. Had to chop the Hawaii x Maui Wowie at 62 days 12/12, because... well, rent is coming up.
One of the Ultimates are pollinated (on three different brances) with Cannalope Haze, PG-13 and Purps, hoping for something interesting as a result. Fortunately I pollinated the pheno with the most trichs...
OK, posting a few pics of them...



good luck with your harvest on the ultimate. planning to harvest mine on day 70. im getting some serious weight bend on the branches from these buds. definately need to add more support for the last few days. 3 of the 5 plants are ready, but the biggest sativa still has quite a bit of white hairs yet. started a week flush last night. how did the hawaii x maui wowie turn out, smoke wise?