Jesus christ I can believe this..


New Member
Everyone Ive ever known to take anti-depressants and anti-psychotics seem to get more and more fucked up as time goes on. One guy I knew was hooked on his pills. I sent him Loose Change when it first came out and he straight had a panic attack, ran out of the office and went home in the middle of fucking work. I have a friend that quit taking his meds altogether after enduring 20 years of being a bunch of retarded doctors guinea pig. His story is a sad one, and they had him convinced, and probable themselves convinced, that they were trying to help him.

Now he's pill free, smokes weed every day, and is fine. Also, he switched to distilled water from tap water. We also noticed a neurotic cat change its personality after switching to distilled. (no fluoride)

Try weed only man.

Tbh I'm sick of switching pills, I just want to stop having them and use weed as a substitute. But it's about 2 or 3 months till I can start growing again because the temperatures here are hellish and electricity is too expensive to get an air conditioner. Ended up full of stretchmarks because of the rapid weight gain they caused, pissed me off lol


New Member
You're such a sweetie pie. lol. Surprised how blunt you can be, you go girl.

Some guys are more sensitive that others.I can get the penis all the way in my throat, and then lick the balls at the same time...Not trying to be gross...hope I don't get in trouble.Some guys like their balls left alone.


New Member
With the Welbutrin. Ask your doctor if you can smoke weed while on Welbutrin if you decide to take that shit. I heard it can fuck with your brain twice now, and your doctor is OK to ask anyways.


Well-Known Member
Actually I just tried to stop them altogether.. I lasted two days since today I just was out of it.. I couldn't take the withdrawals anymore and had to swallow the damn pills again. I'm hoping to try quitting again after I harvest some bud :)

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You're such a sweetie pie. lol. Surprised how blunt you can be, you go girl.
I have bottles of left over prozac.I don't take it like the doc wants me to, just every once in a while to take the edge off of my depression.I can't really afford all my pills anyway right now, and instead invested in some good strains of indica.I do miss my adderall though, but every time I fill that prescription, the brother and his wife start sniffing, lol.


Well-Known Member
Had a woman for 2 and a half years :P Left me on the 1st of December.. had a great xmas :|

But oh well.. now that I'm single I can go in a downward spiral :D Used to give a fuck when I was with her, now I don't :D The only thing I have left is my plants, when they're ready and harvested, I would have nothing else to motivate me :D Soo.. ye.. that'll probabbly end bad


Well-Known Member
try being on pain meds bro. i could use mine as a baseball bat, fuck ten broads all night and never make it to the end. yeah girls go around talking about ya and they all wanna fuck ya, but THERES NO END IN SITE. just a lot of tierd arms mouths and raw snatches. never mind my hog wants to fall off by the end of the night. if the girl im with isnt absolutly hot as hell its ALMOST useless for me.........almost


Well-Known Member
oh im a pharmacist. welbutrin isnt a bad drug, elavil (lithium) isnt bad, prozac sucks, stay the fuck away frm effexor, there are drugs out there that you wont actually feel different all of a sudden, its supposed to be a very slight change slowley till you build up a level of the drugs in your system. i honestly beleive that when people use or abuse drugs . that they need a far enough time away from all the drugs before they can actually find out whats wrong......good luck fellas. oh and to the chick who can swallow a mans legs with his hog and balls.....thank god for women like you


Well-Known Member
I was given effexor, prozac, cipralex, xanax, valium, epilim, tegretol and fluanxol (I think that's all of them), obviously not all at the same time but all did jack shit except on the epilim I was having retrograde ejaculations, which isn't all that bad but it's weird. Been over 2 months clean from medications and now I'm trying to score some heroin but it isn't as easy as I thought.. I can get everything (coke, xtc and hash.. which is practically all we got here apart from lsd which is rare, if it is even available here) but my dealer says that heroin would tarnish his reputation.. God damn it I want it lol

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, do what you gotta do, but be careful.:hug:
I was given effexor, prozac, cipralex, xanax, valium, epilim, tegretol and fluanxol (I think that's all of them), obviously not all at the same time but all did jack shit except on the epilim I was having retrograde ejaculations, which isn't all that bad but it's weird. Been over 2 months clean from medications and now I'm trying to score some heroin but it isn't as easy as I thought.. I can get everything (coke, xtc and hash.. which is practically all we got here apart from lsd which is rare, if it is even available here) but my dealer says that heroin would tarnish his reputation.. God damn it I want it lol


Well-Known Member
Stop taking the anti depressants and use a breed of plant made for antidepressant value like c99 instead of the heavy indicas which can make depression worse.

c99 is perfect for depression and way way way way better than antidepressants.

Have your doctor safely wean you off the meds you are on. Do not stop cold turkey on your own.

I tried all the antidepressants to combat fibromyalgia I have. They didn't work and had HELLISH side effects.


Well-Known Member
Well.. it's too late to ween off. I weaned them off myself, like take a pill less every 3 days and it's been over 2 months since I've taken any anti depressants.

I don't really know what strain I'm growing it was just unknown free seeds but they seem kinda indicaish.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I like indica for my particular brand of depression.When I smoke for my depression, what I'm trying to do is "burn out" that portion of my brain for a I smoke a lot in one sitting, then I'm good for a while.

We Love 1

New Member
I can't even wank anymore.. everytime I touch my dick or open some pr0n my parents or my sisters get up and moving in front of my door. It's like there's some alarm on my dick that notifies them everytime it's going to be touched.. I can't take it anymore :evil: Heh.. had to get that out of my system.
HAHA! :lol:

I got a good laugh out this ^^ post!

JC in the house!:weed:


It's hard to do it in the shower.. right now I'm on anti depressants and they fuck with you.. if I have no porn I'm in for a long wank.. like hours..
I don't know if this is too open or not, but I've heard that some meds dry up Your sperm and make You impotent. Thats why they sell You Viagra.

"They"* want everyone to take a pill for every aspect of their lives. People should realize that all things good come along with excercising, that includes Your disposition and sex life!

I heard the Bush family has more money in pharmacuticals than in oil. Go figure!

Maybe if they didn't poison Us with FLUORIDE people wouldn't need so many meds because people would be more intelligent to have composed behaviors. Something to think about anyways.

BTW, Jesus put a curse on His AGE because they were just so ROGUE and killed Him! This is the coming of a NEW AGE. Let Us not make the same mistakes again!

I just picked up a book called "PERHAPS TODAY- living every day in the light of Chrsits return."

"To all those who want spiritual inspiration and prophetic instruction at the same time we dedicate this book. It is our prayer that you will not only not be left behind but will be ready when He comes again."


The SECOND COMING of Jesus Christ is the most vital of subjects of Christians. History will one day end, and that which we call "time" will be swallowed up in Gods glorious tomorrow. The New Tesaments focus is salvation, which is the point of Christs original coming. But His SECOND COMING is the next prominent subject in Scripture.

The return of Christ is mentioned by every New Testament writer. It was the consuming interest of the church during its first 300 years of existance- the most evangelistic period of Christian history. Follwing these first three centuries of vitality, the Bible slipped from esteem and the promise of Christs return was nearly lost. For centuries thereafter, the church and the world experienced moral and spiritual decay. The churchs teaching on holy living and evangelism all but died. This period of time is fittingly called the "Dark Ages" and lasted eleven hundred years!

But Gods plan for the ages was not forgotten. With the Reformation and the widespread publishing of the Bible during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the doctrine of the SECOND COMING emerged. Once again the church was inpired to holy living in an unholy age. Evangelism and missionary passion were born anew with great zeal. Our Lords great commission became global.

Wherever Gods people have used their Bibles, they have learned that the glory of the Scripture is prophecy. "For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" The furure God has for us will be wonderful, and many Bible scholars believe the future is now at hand! "

God is good!

If you only see what I see! 8 )


We Love 1

New Member
What's with the jesus stuff? :-? loll
I'm in love with Jesus! ;-)

He saved My life when I felt like killing Myself because I live in an awful world with lots of awful ignorant people!

I just don't understand why some people are just so ignorant! There seem to be MANY more ignorants than intelligence.

Some people just can't fathom the message I'm trying to spread. I'll pray for you!



New Member
You should try being a parent in a house with an adult child still living at home, talk about never getting any.........

I bet Jesus fucked...........