Israel. Oh yeah this makes sense

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
You know they only hate America because you openly arm their oppressors.

$250,000,000 was the cost to the US taxpayer for the most recent assault on Gaza.

So every dead Palestinian cost you dumbasses about $125,000.

And ironically you's had to borrow it off China in the first place.

Yeah, totally a world superpower.
Doesn't change the fact that if I walk down the street in Gaza City I will probably be killed(in times of peace w/ Isreal) And if I walk down a street in Israel I will be perfectly safe. Same goes for you and 99% of the people in this thread. Yet any arab can walk down the street in America without any fear of attack. Funny how double standards work. Palestinians are totally innocent they have done nothing wrong :wall:


Well-Known Member
Doesn't change the fact that if I walk down the street in Gaza City I will probably be killed(in times of peace w/ Isreal) And if I walk down a street in Israel I will be perfectly safe. Same goes for you and 99% of the people in this thread. Yet any arab can walk down the street in America without any fear of attack. Funny how double standards work. Palestinians are totally innocent they have done nothing wrong :wall:
It's a result of the insane poverty caused by Israeli blockade.

You Americans are so blinkered it's hard to fathom, the rest of the world is beginning to deplore Israel's actions and you guys ignorantly cheer them on.


Well-Known Member
lol using the word attack to describe her actions is dramatic

not sure what this is or how you would know what her "state of mind is"

you seem to have the events out of order
she was pulled out of the aid truck laid out on the ground
after this she made contact with a single Israeli the video shows this

what is your response to the claim of killing of unarmed aid workers ?

No she lays out on the ground for some reason, then she's walking around, then she strikes at an officer and THEN is the picture you posted where she is on the ground with plastic ties clearly being arrested. Like I said, there's no conspiracy. Strike a soldier, MP, police officer whatever.. You're going to be on the ground and in restraints and then in jail. This woman abused her government's diplomatic status going off on her own personal political activism that did not represent France, then embarrassed her country trying to punch an Israeli in the face when caught, and was then deported. She's no angel, sorry your focus on wrongdoing is on the wrong party.

As for these mystical unarmed aid workers who are actually all IHH Islamists, the video I posted from BBC is an full investigation (not a friendly source for Israel) shows super clearly they were armed, they intended to kill IDF soldiers, some made martyrdom statements before sailing. It's all quite clear. Seems some have no problem with violence when it is Arabs or Islamists trying to beat Jews to death with Iron poles or throwing them 2 decks down off a ship. That ship was warned not to sail, it did so intentionally to provoke violence, it was warned at sea numerous times not to cross the blockade, then asked to surrender peaceful for boarding according to international law, and what was actually waiting were crazed Islamists from IHH (now a recognized terror org) intent on killing Israelis. These are the facts, according to the BBC and many other sources. We are all entitled to our opinions, but not our own facts.


Well-Known Member
No she lays out on the ground for some reason, then she's walking around, then she strikes at an officer and THEN is the picture you posted where she is on the ground with plastic ties clearly being arrested. Like I said, there's no conspiracy. Strike a soldier, MP, police officer whatever.. You're going to be on the ground and in restraints and then in jail. This woman abused her government's diplomatic status going off on her own personal political activism that did not represent France, then embarrassed her country trying to punch an Israeli in the face when caught, and was then deported. She's no angel, sorry your focus on wrongdoing is on the wrong party.

As for these mystical unarmed aid workers who are actually all IHH Islamists, the video I posted from BBC is an full investigation (not a friendly source for Israel) shows super clearly they were armed, they intended to kill IDF soldiers, some made martyrdom statements before sailing. It's all quite clear. Seems some have no problem with violence when it is Arabs or Islamists trying to beat Jews to death with Iron poles or throwing them 2 decks down off a ship. That ship was warned not to sail, it did so intentionally to provoke violence, it was warned at sea numerous times not to cross the blockade, then asked to surrender peaceful for boarding according to international law, and what was actually waiting were crazed Islamists from IHH (now a recognized terror org) intent on killing Israelis. These are the facts, according to the BBC and many other sources. We are all entitled to our opinions, but not our own facts.
The bullshit is strong with you, Padawan.


Well-Known Member
The bullshit is strong with you, Padawan.
Right, you have no facts or sources to present and go simply off your hate of Israel, and that allows you to know more about the situation than the multiple award winning BBC Panorama documentary series. You're also an expert on other men's penises, so I will just defer to your expertise.


Well-Known Member
It's a result of the insane poverty caused by Israeli blockade.

You Americans are so blinkered it's hard to fathom, the rest of the world is beginning to deplore Israel's actions and you guys ignorantly cheer them on.
The money and support we give Israel free's up money that can be spent back here on Politicians

That and you cannot talk about Israel's transgression without the White Pride movement crapping up the conversation. Shit sometimes I think the Israelis encourage the supremacists to speak out and muddy the waters


Well-Known Member
if someone can name a contribution from this now almost 10 year old independent Palestinian entity known as Gaza I'm all ears. The whole world is willing to pitch in, excited I would say even to help them including Israel, which supplies aid to Gaza, including water and electricity and medicine and food. Nothing is holding them back except themselves.
What a fucking liar. Israel blocks aid from entering Gaza.

Keep in mind, I am a citizen of Israel and tens of thousands of rockets have been launched at me from that place with the express intent of killing me.
That's unfortunate and wrong of Hamas to indiscriminately target Israeli civilians, I completely agree, but do me a fucking favor and look at the fucking numbers, why is your life worth more than a Palestinians?

6 to 1,600

Fuck you.

I am always open to hear what their contribution has been other than the 3 wars I mentioned, in 2009, 2012, and last month to their endless detriment and mine.
Do you seriously expect a war torn nation to provide Nobel prizes and Fields medals?

I am a resoanble person who desires peace and quiet and open to hearing from reasonable people, not the anti semite upvoting in this thread earnest_voice.
That's the go-to defense for anyone who criticizes Israeli policy, "you're just an anti-semite who hates JEWS!"...

Once you get off your soapbox and realize your government is doing the exact same fucking thing my government did just a decade ago, you'll realize the world at large is becoming your enemy, and you as an Israeli citizen is facilitating it. BOTH of our governments are to blame, and it took me 10 fucking years of war to understand it. AQ, muslim extremists hate us for the way we treat them and their land, not "for our freedoms".

You occupy their land, you would feel the exact same way if the shoe was on the other foot, except your government has conditioned you your entire life to accept them as the enemy.

Your war will continue so long as your government and mine murder innocent civilians. Count on it.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Or maybe they'd get jobs and go to school and all that shit.

America's fight for "freedom" is bullshit yet yous allow Israel to keep their boot on the Palestenian people's neck who are genuinely fighting for literal freedom.

You condemn the rocket attacks, its all they've got to fight back with.

If you'd me on the ground with your boot on my neck, I'd try stab you in the leg with whatever was on the ground near me, you would too...consider that for a while.
if i need to put a boot on your neck, it's cuz you broke into MY HOUSE.

thats what the pallies did, and continue to do, they are the "Occupiers" of israel and they wont gtfo.

israelk tried making deals, tried negotiating, and every time, the pallies stabbed them in the back.


Well-Known Member
if i need to put a boot on your neck, it's cuz you broke into MY HOUSE.

thats what the pallies did, and continue to do, they are the "Occupiers" of israel and they wont gtfo.

israelk tried making deals, tried negotiating, and every time, the pallies stabbed them in the back.
Dude, you know we don't agree and won't.

Let's agree to disagree.


Well-Known Member
Haha fighting for freedom.. What a joke. I live in Israel, the Palestinians that elected to stay in my country in 1948 were given full citizenship, have full freedom of religion, full equality and are the most free Arabs in the entire Middle East. They have full freedom, the same one might enjoy in USA, Canada, Australia, the EU etc etc. They are Muslim Palestinians and they make up over 20% of my country's citizens/population, serve in the parliament, on the supreme court.. They live in a thriving democracy, many serve in Israel's military fighting alongside Jewish and Christian Israelis against other Palestinians trying to kill them.

On the other hand, the Palestinians who rejected Israel continue to do so until this day, their great grandchildren still live in refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon, what's left of Syria etc etc, millions of them now through births. They are barred from professions in these countries, owning land, being doctors etc etc. Barred by their fellow Arabs. They are the only refugees in the world still not absorbed in their now countries of BIRTH over 65 years later. Kept this way to perpetuate a conflict designed t by Arabs to destroy Israel. Their entire lives, cradle to grave is paid for by the EU/US taxpayers, housing, education, food, via UNRWA - a UN organization which perpetuates their suffering, they are special.. The only refugees on planet earth where refugee status is passed on generation to generation. All other refugees on planet Earth are either absorbed, or lose that status upon death, and the children they have are naturally granted citizenship in their countries of their birth, like regular people! But not Palestinians. They are kept as a hammer to hit on Israel.

Their 'brothers' in the West Bank and Gaza (places these Palestinians have never set foot, having been born in other countries barring them citizenship) have since 2000 been offered 3 times a state by Israel, generous offers with international backing any other supposed 'desperate, stateless people' 'burning for freedom' would beg for, jump at eyes closed! They rejected each time, because they don't want a state, they want to destroy mine. Their goal since day one. They were granted elections by 'evil Israel' who also gave them full autonomy, and voted overwhelmingly for Hamas, an INTL recognized terrorist organization, and have spent their time intentionally targeting / trying to kill civilians ever since. in 2005 Israel withdrew entirely from Gaza, removed all settlements, handed it over entirely to Palestinians as part of a peace / state trial called Gaza 1st. The Palestinians spent all their money, time and effort building rockets to kill Jews while they live in sh*thole instead of trying to build a state, and strive for this 'Freedom' as Harrekin called it. It has been almost 10 years since then, and 3 wars are *all* these Palestinians and their Gaza 1st state have contributed to the world, that and suicide bombing. Nothing else, no science, no literature, no music, no great thinkers, nothing but hatred and war and radical Islam and oppression of women. Contrasted to Israel, which per capita leads the world in scientific papers, nobels, prizes, medical patents, etc etc.

Meanwhile many western suckers through either misinformation, naiveté, or for others plain old simple Jew hatred continuously give these Palestinians billions of dollars, that is most often pilfered away and stolen by their 'leaders' or invested in more terrorism, while their people don't even have functional plumbing. At least they got out on September 11th, 2001 to throw candies and celebrate on worldwide television, the other terrorists killing westerners in the biggest terror attack in history. These are the Palestinians. Excuse me, that's incorrect, these are the Palestinians that REJCT Israel is correct, the ones that don't are up there in paragraph one, the freest Arabs in the Middle East, citizens of the State of Israel, enjoying a country that in 65 years has made the desert bloom, is an agricultural, technological, and ecological/green exporter, the 3rd most represented nation on the Nasdaq with the most startups on the planet, and the 3rd highest rate of female entrepreneurship in the world. True story bro.
If Israel is so wealthy and successful, why do they need over $3,000,000.000,000 in welfare from the US every year, and as far as the accords go, I believe every one required the halt of settlement expansion, or am I wrong. Oh, and by the way, it is a very well written piece as far as propaganda goes, it to bad that MOST of the world takes it for what it is, BS.


Well-Known Member
If Israel is so wealthy and successful, why do they need over $3,000,000.000,000 in welfare from the US every year, and as far as the accords go, I believe every one required the halt of settlement expansion, or am I wrong. Oh, and by the way, it is a very well written piece as far as propaganda goes, it to bad that MOST of the world takes it for what it is, BS.
That 3 billion comes back to the USA in the form of purchases of Goods and Politicians


Well-Known Member
Except UncleBuck it is sadly true, it isn't pleasant to hear or watch granted I agree. I wish it were otherwise, but if someone can name a contribution from this now almost 10 year old independent Palestinian entity known as Gaza I'm all ears. The whole world is willing to pitch in, excited I would say even to help them including Israel, which supplies aid to Gaza, including water and electricity and medicine and food. Nothing is holding them back except themselves. Keep in mind, I am a citizen of Israel and tens of thousands of rockets have been launched at me from that place with the express intent of killing me.

Yet I still support supplying and aiding them, a rather unique thing. These aren't my buddies, I don't sugar coat. If they were electing terrorists trying to kill you, you might be harsh in your descriptions as well. I am always open to hear what their contribution has been other than the 3 wars I mentioned, in 2009, 2012, and last month to their endless detriment and mine. I am a resoanble person who desires peace and quiet and open to hearing from reasonable people, not the anti semite upvoting in this thread earnest_voice.
So, Israel supplies aid to Gaza? You have to be fucking kidding me. What about the Gaza Flotilla that was attacked by Israeli commandos in international waters in 2010? They were trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Gaza, breaking a blockade that Israel has had in effect since 2007. They boarded all 6 vessels, and on the MV Mavi Maramara, shot and killed 9 activists, with another dying recently after being in a coma for 4 years, bringing the total to 10. They recently agreed to pay Turkey $20,000,000 in restitution, as 9 of the 10 killed were Turkish nationals, with 1 being a dual US/Turkish citizen. No big deal, they can afford it with all the money we fork over. Are you one those Israelis drones that are recruited to cruise web sites spewing pro-Israeli propaganda? If not, you should sign up because you are very good at it.


Well-Known Member
That 3 billion comes back to the USA in the form of purchases of Goods and Politicians
So you give away the worthless paper that you printed anyways, and then accept it back in exchange for weapons, ammunition and other advanced military technology.

You encouraging trickle down economics now btw? By claiming printing that money is going to come back somehow to help normal Americans?

Would those billions not work better providing liquidity/loans for SME's rather than lining the pockets of weapons contractors that are owned by the 1% you deride so regularly?


Well-Known Member
That 3 billion comes back to the USA in the form of purchases of Goods and Politicians
So you give away the worthless paper that you printed anyways, and then accept it back in exchange for weapons, ammunition and other advanced military technology.

You encouraging trickle down economics now btw? By claiming printing that money is going to come back somehow to help normal Americans?

Would those billions not work better providing liquidity/loans for SME's rather than lining the pockets of weapons contractors that are owned by the 1% you deride so regularly?
You missed the underlined part


Well-Known Member
You missed the underlined part
Ahh, sorry dude.

By my point still stands, just turns out it's not directed at you anymore ;)

EDIT: I keep missing subtleties in people's posts these last couple weeks, I've determined indica doesn't really suit me, it makes you too dopey.