Palestinians to pursue Israel at UN if talks fail


Well-Known Member
Okay then; game on! Provide links of greater reliability refuting the above. I suggest you read Richard Rhodes' book Twilight of the Bombs. He took essentially the stance shown in the wiki article. It's like the Aurora aircraft. There's no good Internet trace of the thing ... and it's operational. Some secrets do get kept. cn
You are truly a nutcase. Referring us to nutcase skinhead authors doesn't help your case, but does indicate you may be a Nazi skinhead.


Well-Known Member
AFAIAC, it is quite well known that Israel..... well let's just say, were the recipients of A Nuke Walking Scheme, from DoD.
Yeah, it was the main talking point on the Aryan Brotherhood and Islamist Jihad forums for months. Frankly, I wouldn't have ever guessed you were a card carrying skinhead until today.


Well-Known Member
No only assholes post vids of asshole slogans and claim there are no slogans.
Who claimed no slogans, the zionist slogans are lies "land without a people" for example but Miko Peled "Generals Son" is a truthfull slogan
you are wrong again and no amount of senseless garbage can change or deflect from that and calling me an asshole, well I just consider the source


Well-Known Member
If your interested in the truth not a bunch of made up slogans and propaganda listen to someone who knows

socioplex, please don't lose the context of your own post.


New Member
Really stupid. You think white supremacists are pro Israel? Talk about drenched in ignorance and stupidity.
Please learn to read red. Skynheads views are that of a white supremacist while he maintains fervent support for the Israeli regime.


New Member
Sounds like you've been doing a lot of "research" on white supremacist/neonazi websites. Good to know who the nutcases are here.
Nice try but there's nothing I've posted here you can dispute... Try it, you'll be wrong. Word around here is if anyone can Identify a white supremacist/neonazi website, it'd be you.


New Member
Yeah, it was the main talking point on the Aryan Brotherhood and Islamist Jihad forums for months. Frankly, I wouldn't have ever guessed you were a card carrying skinhead until today.
That happened, are you just here protecting the integrity of the foreskin-less regime? Honestly you sound like one of those AIPAC spies who should be hung for high treason...


Active Member
You act like I don't know what is going on, .
Its been proven a few times over already on this forum that you don't. And if you do you only care when your defending zionism or standing against people questioning the holocaust. You have a deep hatred for muslims but are 100% ready to defend israel its clear to see which side your on.


New Member
Deputy defense minister: This government will block any two-state deal

Israel’s ruling party and the governing coalition are staunchly opposed to a two-state solution and would block the creation of a Palestinian state if such a proposal ever came to a vote, Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon said, contradicting statements by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and senior cabinet members who say Jerusalem is committed to the principle of two states for two peoples.

Danon’s statements, made Wednesday to The Times of Israel in his first major interview with an Israeli news outlet since he became deputy minister, underline the low likelihood of the current government being able to sign a peace agreement with the Palestinians.

“Look at the government: there was never a government discussion, resolution or vote about the two-state solution,” Danon said. “If you will bring it to a vote in the government — nobody will bring it to a vote, it’s not smart to do it — but if you bring it to a vote, you will see the majority of Likud ministers, along with the Jewish Home [party], will be against it.”

Danon said Netanyahu calls for peace talks despite his government’s opposition because he knows Israel will not arrive at an agreement with the Palestinians in the near future. (* This sentence was reworded for accuracy on June 9. See note at end of article.)

“Today we’re not fighting it [Netanyahu’s declared goal of a Palestinian state], but if there will be a move to promote a two-state solution, you will see forces blocking it within the party and the government,” Danon said.

“If there’s a move to promote a two-state solution, forces will block it within the party and the government’

The deputy minister said “there is no majority for a two-state solution” among the 31 lawmakers that make up the Likud-Yisrael Beytenu Knesset faction. The Likud party’s central committee, about 10 years ago, passed a motion against the creation of a Palestinian state, Danon said, adding that “legally” the party was opposed to the concept of two states for two people.