If you're in the service industry.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
My favorite is the customer who thinks they run this bitch because I must not be intelligent because I work at a taco bell.

You know how easy it is to realize the stupidity of people when your menu board has Mexican food on it?

I've never heard so many mispronounciations of the simplest words in my entire life.

It's gordita people...not gardettos.

It's called a chalupa...not deep fried taco shell thing.




Well-Known Member
i used to do customer service over the phones for netflix.

believe me, people are dumb.

i don't know how many times people mispronounce the word 'queue', but some of the variants were 'queer', 'quay', and my personal favorite 'quiche'.

a delicious mispronunciation if i do say so myself.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i used to do customer service over the phones for netflix.

believe me, people are dumb.

i don't know how many times people mispronounce the word 'queue', but some of the variants were 'queer', 'quay', and my personal favorite 'quiche'.

a delicious mispronunciation if i do say so myself.
bingo. i don't know if one can truely understand the level of stupidity out there until they have worked at a call center. no, we do not offer "dig-acle" cable. no, we are not spying on you through your cable box, and YES YOU DID ORDER THAT FUCKING PORN AND YOU WILL PAY FOR IT! yes, i know you just had to shout at the robot lady for 20 minutes just to get sent to the wrong department, yes i know that when you talk to india they screw shit up, and yes i understand that you have stress in your life, yes I FUCKING KNOW. but if you think you are going to take that shit out on me just because you have big hairy balls on the phone and want to vent you are going to get what you deserve from me, trust and believe.


Pickle Queen
Ok i worked in Gm warranty, best customers i had were Saab owners lol what a bunch of selfish douch bags, i had one customer who drove his car over 80000km in a year and NEVER did an oil change, his oil was thick and burnt and his engine was seized (pistons). So i questions this man, asked if he maintained his vehicle and where? he then said "listen missy i don't need to explain myself to some child getting paid pennies to satisfy me , just listen to what i want and do it, i then laughed and he got loud, not sure how many insults he dropped but i quietly listened and waited for my opportunity to pounce, I used my mommy voice and asked him how many years he had been driving, then asked if he knew where to put the gas his car, then asked if he knew where to put the wiper fluid, i continued my "check list" lol and got this guy to finaly say " listen i'm not dumb i know how to take care of my car, i then asked him for proof he did the oil changes, he said i quote" my car is expensive and does not need this" lmfao, oh ya men like this really do exist !!! So i made this idiot feel like the moron he was i finshed by saying sorry a man of your intelligence must be aware of the function of mechanical components and the preventative action you must take to avoid blowing your own engine.

I loved getting arrogant assholes that neglected their cars,( cadillac and hummer customers were fun to, one guy broke his axle and said it was my fault, lol please it's not a military hummer its a status car, (head shake) i had sooo much fun explaining how they fucked up. People hate it when you can explain how they screwed up.
But what most did not realize was if they did not spaze out and insult me i (well GM paid atleast half the repair cost, if veh is within 5 yrs 100000km, hint hint lol)


Pickle Queen
bingo. i don't know if one can truely understand the level of stupidity out there until they have worked at a call center. no, we do not offer "dig-acle" cable. no, we are not spying on you through your cable box, and YES YOU DID ORDER THAT FUCKING PORN AND YOU WILL PAY FOR IT! yes, i know you just had to shout at the robot lady for 20 minutes just to get sent to the wrong department, yes i know that when you talk to india they screw shit up, and yes i understand that you have stress in your life, yes I FUCKING KNOW. but if you think you are going to take that shit out on me just because you have big hairy balls on the phone and want to vent you are going to get what you deserve from me, trust and believe.
Lol i had a man ask for a Pontiac "Googl"
No sir it's a Pontiac 6000 Gl lmfao

Best answers were from americans lol ( sorry)
Me:Sir where are you calling from?
Customer: my living romm
Me: rflmao no sir which state (i don't even bother to ask province because most just said what? lol

Me "Mam what kind of vehicle to do own
customer: a red one lol
Me : no the make and model?
customer " i dunno a chev? (because all gm vehicles are chevy's in the USA lol


Well-Known Member
I could see how talking about cars would bring out the most pretentious attitudes in men.
But look at it like this though, he doesnt want to get screwed either. Mechanic shops have a notorious reputation for scamming their customers, and so people feel they cant go in with a novice attitude or else they will get taken advantage of.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Lol i had a man ask for a Pontiac "Googl"
No sir it's a Pontiac 6000 Gl lmfao

Best answers were from americans lol ( sorry)
Me:Sir where are you calling from?
Customer: my living romm
Me: rflmao no sir which state (i don't even bother to ask province because most just said what? lol

Me "Mam what kind of vehicle to do own
customer: a red one lol
Me : no the make and model?
customer " i dunno a chev? (because all gm vehicles are chevy's in the USA lol
one that i would get all the time, after the idiots refuse to answer my most basic troubleshooting questions such as "what channel are you looking at?":

"ma'am, what do you see on your screen right now?"
"is it a black screen, blue screen, snow...?"
"are you fucking retarded? what part of 'nothing' don't you understand? there's just a message that says 'not authorized."

"ma'am, you do not subscribe to that channel"


Well-Known Member
No lie, I had a woman that didn't know how to hook up her garden hose. Excuse me mam, have you tried the other end?