If you're in the service industry.


Well-Known Member
We all make mistakes. They just can't continue happen. Some cooks I have worked with do not give a shit. You can't have that in the kitchen. It screws up the whole TEAM.
If you cook, if you don't have passion, or a drive to do your best for the sake of pride, you should get a job behind a cash register.


Well-Known Member
I feel like a prostitute sometimes, or a stripper. The fake smiles, casual touches, winks, and humor. Makin high school girls nervous when shes ordering, making middle aged women wet in their panties, talking golf with the men, and beer with the hipsters. All so I can have a few dollars. I could write a book on it.
Can't do it anymore. I think I spent more than the first half of my life bullshitting people until I had a nervous breakdown, After that, I just stopped faking it. You wanna know where you're at with me, I'll be the first one to let ya know...lol...I guess I gave up trying to make friends.


Well-Known Member
haha being a good server and trying to build a positive name for myself as a network is not "trying to make friends" i assure you. Its all sincere because I know how Id want to be treated as a paying customer, and I provide the best service tip money can buy. But throwing in the extra effort is where you make your name and your money.


Well-Known Member
I never intended to make light of your profession, I only say I gave up trying to make friends because I have never served before, and have relatively little to compare it to.

But really, our servers bitch when they have more than 5 tables a night...thats sorta a joke!


Well-Known Member
oh dude, I know man, Im not taking any of this like that I promise.. 5 tables in a night? dude, I would be pissed if I only had 5 tables in a night.


Active Member
Fuck, prostitutes deal with people, some of them don't even make 100 a night

I'm a kickass chef stuck in a cooks position. Waiting for the executive to retire to the sous can take over, then I become the Sous...I hate the waiting game

Well, at the least, I'm a kickass cook...lol
Been there dude. Just stick in there,if the talent and desire is there( which I'm sure it is) you'll get to where you want. Good luck, jethead


Active Member
I t must suck being a server in Europe. Europeans are well known as shitty tippers. I would always hear if there was any German or French customers in the house.


Well-Known Member
Been there dude. Just stick in there,if the talent and desire is there( which I'm sure it is) you'll get to where you want. Good luck, jethead
Hey where in Cali are you at? I have over 3 years in fine dining, Le Cordon Bleu trained and graduated with highest honors...Haha, 3 years of being in a kitchen and I almost un-learned all the damage done in school...haha...Naw, school was fun, like cooking camp! But seriously folks, culinary school is sorta a joke, and it's ALL about student retention and making money in this country...You wanna learn how to cook? Just get a job in a kitchen...I dunno, it seems to me I already knew everything they were teaching in school, but I've been interestind in cooking my whole life so it's not like I didn't have any exposure to food prior.


Well-Known Member
Im a fucking waiter dude, I make light of my own profession. dont even worry about it.
Right on brother, you still pull in more than I do, and I have massive student loans to pay off now...Fuck, did I really pay tens of thousands to learn what a chinois is? haha


Well-Known Member
There are the stereotypes of course. Im not even sure how the tip system works in Europe. We sometimes have foreigners but theyve usually picked up on the 'good tip' culture of our place. Ive been at my current restaurant since it opened a year and a half ago. Weve basically had the same wait staff since day 1 where we set a very high standard. Weve upheld it nicely.
Most of our foreigners, though, have been good tippers. Italians have been good, some western euros, all been pretty good. Mexicans in general are decent tippers too. Love the black folk, but generally they suck at tipping, but here they have really kept up to standard in that department.


Active Member
Hey where in Cali are you at? I have over 3 years in fine dining, Le Cordon Bleu trained and graduated with highest honors...Haha, 3 years of being in a kitchen and I almost un-learned all the damage done in school...haha...Naw, school was fun, like cooking camp! But seriously folks, culinary school is sorta a joke, and it's ALL about student retention and making money in this country...You wanna learn how to cook? Just get a job in a kitchen...I dunno, it seems to me I already knew everything they were teaching in school, but I've been interestind in cooking my whole life so it's not like I didn't have any exposure to food prior.
I live on the Monterey peninsula. Culinary school is good for safety and sanitation. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen people do. Even some of these chefs on T.V. Today I saw on Chopped. Cornish hens was one of the ingredients. They used the same cutting board for cutting the bird raw, then to put it on the same board after it was cooked. That's fucked up and real dangerous.


Well-Known Member
They will be getting 20 dollars a month for the rest of my life. haha. thats probably how this is gonna work out.


Well-Known Member
I live on the Monterey peninsula. Culinary school is good for safety and sanitation. You wouldn't believe the shit I've seen people do. Even some of these chefs on T.V. Today I saw on Chopped. Cornish hens was one of the ingredients. They used the same cutting board for cutting the bird raw, then to put it on the same board after it was cooked. That's fucked up and real dangerous.
Ick...they called 'em out on it though, right? I could win chopped, but my best friend REALLY thinks I could win Hells Kitchen, since I'm a mother fucking Line Warrior!! Almost took a job at Pebble Beach when I was dating a girl in Salinas. Spent a lot of time up there a couple years back, Salinas, Monteray, Prunedale...Personally, Big Sur is my favorite place in the world (that I've been to so far), and I've been going there my entire life.

If I could get a job at the Phoenix at Nepenthe in Big Sur...fuck, i'd feel complete in life...lol


Active Member
Ick...they called 'em out on it though, right? I could win chopped, but my best friend REALLY thinks I could win Hells Kitchen, since I'm a mother fucking Line Warrior!! Almost took a job at Pebble Beach when I was dating a girl in Salinas. Spent a lot of time up there a couple years back, Salinas, Monteray, Prunedale...Personally, Big Sur is my favorite place in the world (that I've been to so far), and I've been going there my entire life.
Cool. Big Sur is a trip. I love the vibe there. Wher are you in SoCal? Yah, before I got sick I always thought I could compete. I can barely stand for 2 hours now ,it sucks bigtime. At least I have time for growing more now.