grown for a veteran, first grow, tent 400 watt,


Active Member
I think what you were reading said top it as soon as it grows past the fourth node. That creates multiple colas. What you did should be alright, it shouldn't kill it or anything. I topped my plants like 6 times and they are doing great. I did a lot of lst with mine too though.


Active Member
transplanting my jackie-o. wish id had the cam earlier it grew like a ying yang. the shape seriously looked like one lqtm. anyways. pulled the plug out of the 2 liter comes out like a plug of roots gonna take pics of the next one. putting into 3 gallon buckets, then watering moderately with settled water.

Twogg, this is step by step, . just to be clear. i personally am just journalling a grow the farmer himself cant use a computer so im just typin for him. dont know why i had the urge to say that but i just thought i would.
twogg, heres what the root plug looks like, tell me what you think just gonna post lotsa pics n try to put em in order.
step one then follow pics k
also the difference in topping. i hadnt looked st the plants since yesterday so hadnt seen the new growth
damn dont know how to put them in order
1. mixed clean water into soil while in bag, mixed it and thouroughly saturated it all
2. put soil into bucket till about full
3. put hands in and make the impression of a 2 liter and dpread soil to sides
4. flip and lightly work plug till falls out
5. put into depression. i worked the twogg a little bit cause it felt spongy
6. stem kinda weak so i staked them lightly
7. waterd moderately with straight clean h2o and wont get any nutes for 2 weeks, or 6 nodes whichever comes first

i topped the first labella accidentally then purposely cause of the threads. specificaly
when i opend the tent and payed attention i noticed outrageous changes
same genetics, same everything except the plant with 4 different growth sites was topped yesterday.
the untopped plant continues to spread the " auxins"? i believe to the top
the topped plant now having seperate tops has now got the same growth seperated between 4 different tops
i freaked out at first was like aagh!! so much plant gone!! i screwed up! but obviously i didnt, probably couldve done it better, will next time, deciding wich one to top nex
going to lst the other labella to have a side by side comparision.
thanks UB

also sorry for the atrocious spelling



Active Member
retying the exp plant, seems like i have to retie every other day. put some more drain holes in the bucket it was in cause it just wasnt draining. looked yellow and like a little bonzai tree lol.
the trunk of the untopped labella finally looks real. not the flimsy early stem none of the others have that yet, thought id put it in
both transplants look great just going to mist everything with clean water today, im tired of specifying the water, all water sets out for a full 24 before it gets used.
the cred has leafs the size of my hand already, but only on its 5th node. going to top it tonight, so i have a comparison of the cred's as well as the labella, to see the affectiveness of topping vers lst. hopefully ill have a better understanding of the lst process soon. seems easy but also i just have to dmn many leaves to be tying her down like that, she's short not tall so its gonna make it hella hard for me to lst. the exp plant was so spindly she just bent right over then filled out from there. these are already filled out. gonna see what works. still dont need water untill tomorrow then just getting h2o. feel like they should be bigger than they are. i think ive stunted their growth somehow. most likely over nuteing, thats a wierd word,brought them all out and looked, the labella looked too damn nice to mess with so put her back, then i noticed 2 of the creds were ready to top, so i did one of them, like i would outdoors, caught it when it was still the green supple fresh growth, cut it. the other cred i tied a counter tie, and bent the top over, so i will have a side by side of the lst and topping method. i also have a control of a cred with no lst or topping,
if the lst keep the growth down i would like to put some tall sativa's in there, everything in now is indica dominant or as close to pure indica as could get
the jackie-o still looks kinda ying yangy gonna try to get a pic before she fills out


Active Member
topping.jpgtopped.jpgtop.jpgcouldnt stop myself, from outdoor experience i know ill get more per plant from topping so i topped the c-red today. right above the second node.

the labella that i topped has 4 distinct growth sites, want to topp the other labella but dont know if its too late. need to try to find out tonight so i can have halloween come over and we can clone the top i do cut off if its not too late.
the cred i tied down looks blah, nothing spectacular going on

the twogg is such a slow plant!! gonna start giving it only water from now on see if maybe it just doesnt like nutes.
i gotta keep reminding myself that most of these plants werent in here on christmas day. expecting so much so fast. gotta slow down.

no water today, gonna water tomorrow with a nute mix of 1.5 ml per gal cause i wasnt liking some of the burns i was getting, well between 1.5 and 2.

i am getting ready to mist all of the girls with water now. talk to myself some more later.


Active Member
Keep up the good work man, sounds like you're getting the hang of things! The topping looks fine, I would clone the growth you topped off though.


Active Member
i dont have cloning gel or hormones, or a dome, or lights, or .... i want to and plan on it next harvest, readding up on cloning now


Active Member
just waterd resuming normal water schedule now they were all very dry. almost threw one cause was expecting so much more weight. gave 2 2-liters of nutes but added 1/3 clean water to the mix to dilute it a little more.
remember to make next mix @ 2 ml.
topped plants all look good, little slow but good. might be cloning the other labella, is main reason im thinking about topping.
this rotating plants is crap, but i see how important it is, i got kinda lazy with one and in 2 dys time had bent itself back and forth so much the stem looks like an S


Active Member
Hey Convict, check out the link that Mr. Green posted in my thread. It answers our humidity questions.


Active Member
damn tried to clone today, took 3 cuttings. all are dying wilted looking. glad i only took one cutting from each plant. waterd half gallon today of nute mix, bags were very light this morn when i rotated them, checking again before the nighgt is over to see if they need a little more.
wish i hadnt tried to clone yet...


Active Member
beautiful pics hemlock awesome grows as well. what is wrapped around the stem in the bottom pic? this sounds stoopid but i for some reason cant get why sog or scrog (the method you are using) is benificial in a tent set-up. im slow i guess, cause ive read a ton about it. and still cant see the benefit.


Active Member
real quick, all looks good except.... all of my new groqth is all krinkly, twisted sort of. not sure what it is, but im thinking my fan, after i post this im headed to the plant hospital in the forums see if i can find out what it is.
i got lazy yesterday and didn't retie the bagseed plant, just now as i was rotating i was wondering where all these loose wires came from? who the hell has been fondling my girls?!!?!! then i noticed that the plants had grown and pulled the wire from the duct tape. i got generic ducttape and it gets tacky and peels off. frickin fishin line and wires i gotta redo. bet i dont forget to retie hera again.
the large labella is gettingto tall. wish i'd topped her when i did the other, gonna ask uncle ben what he thinks about topping this late.
the twogg has different leaves than the rest. my tent is all indica. farmer i got the seeds from told me all about the history and such. should i be checking about pheno's or does the twogg look like an indica? ill post pics later of the leaves better.
they feel kinda light and thought about watering. stop it .... wait till tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
beautiful pics hemlock awesome grows as well. what is wrapped around the stem in the bottom pic? this sounds stoopid but i for some reason cant get why sog or scrog (the method you are using) is benificial in a tent set-up. im slow i guess, cause ive read a ton about it. and still cant see the benefit.
Hey thanks convict

I wouldn't be to concerned boout the krinkly new growth,lets give it a few days and see what happens.

around the botton of my plant is large perlite and hydron pellets.

My old mix was 60% Perlite
20% coco
20% Hydron pellets

I'm now using ProMix HP and I cut it with 1/3 large Perlite. Works great.

Ok SCROG Screen of Green. Really mine is not a screen of green. Its just a trellis from Home Depot. As u can see I used PVC vertically so that I could tie the trellis. what that does is provide suppoet as the plant get taller.

What problen are u having with SCROG or SOG

Sea of green SOG is a method of farming where you add a plant and week and harvest a plant a week. I have never done it. Don't like it.


Active Member
the krinkly growth straightend itself out, was just overworrying. just waterd today with nutes, things lookin good, just tied the tall labella down a bit, she's too tall. over a foot taller than the rest. will add pics later, thoguht id already uploaded them. is so hella annoying, i just have a nintendo dsi to take pics with, so have to upload them to facebook, copy then deleate, then recopy here, pain in the anus.
anyways, im now wondering when to switch my libulb and time?if i go based on their heigth i have about another 2 months lol, they are average 10-12 inches tall except the 1 obviously, my tent is 7 foot, lights gotta hang for about a foot and gotta have another for it to stay above the canopy, so lookin around 5 foot of growth, 3 times the growth during flower, my girls would flower around 4-5 feet now right? so i should wait what till they are 2 feet tall?

smells like a skunk orgy in the house. starting to gets antsy. not alot, just a bit.
the twogg and jackie-o are lookin superb right now, grew over 2 inches since just yesterday!! wtf?! but it did, i measured them twice.
any ideas on diy with zero money odor control, and way to ADD humidity to my ent? the freakin rh is better OUTSIDE the tent, than in it, i have 2 open jugs o water, mist em few times a day, just cant get over 27% woa... right now i leaned back and looked. with the tent open for past half hour the rh went up to 31% and temps are 83.9 this second. what gives. should i leave the tent open for a feww hours? hmmmm