carbon filter for bongs ect.


Well-Known Member
hey wats up everyone:lol: ive been using activated carbon to get ride of the smell of my dank ass :leaf: and it hasnt been worken i bought a can of activated carbon from walmart for fish tanks heard was the same shit but ive been using it and it still smells like dank :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you should prob look into getting an ioniser for your odour problems.... you need a fan pulling air through a carbon filter for it to work


Active Member
If your looking to get rid of the smoke from smoking go to home depot and get mask filters for a painters mask and rubber cement a pvc pipe fitting to the filter, exhale your smoke into the pipe and through the filter and no smoke still a little odor though. Using one right now helps keep the house not smokey.


Well-Known Member
lol sounds like the old school paper towel tube with the bounty sheets!! before that we just rolled up a bath towel and slowly blow your hit into the towel. Stoners are natural magyvers


Well-Known Member
lol sounds like the old school paper towel tube with the bounty sheets!! before that we just rolled up a bath towel and slowly blow your hit into the towel. Stoners are natural magyvers
Greatest bong cleaner I have found is sold at home depot by the gallon. Its called Simple green and washes away residue like its a joke with no issues rinsing. I keep my clear acrylic bongs clean by simply spraying enough of the full strength simple green in there after dumping the rank water and slosh it good in there and most times I do not even need my brush, Rinses away nice, can soak bowls longer if they are really bad


i have a regular air purifier i spray the whole filter with dep Air Freshener from homedepot let it sit for 30mins till its dry. makes my whole room smell good nd no smell of dank.