Are you prepping for doomsday?


Well-Known Member
My bugout bag is full of weed, papers, a couple pipes and bongs and a wide variety of fire making objects. When that is gone, I give up.


Well-Known Member
:hump:I'm not so much prepping for the end of the world but recently I have started prepping for a large scale natural disaster (Earth Quake) or a failure of our economic system.

My cache is super limited as this is new to me but I guess the saying go's , " Failing to prepare is preparing to fail "

I created a bug out bag. Contents are as follows.

Flint stones
First Aid
Rambo knives !
Swiss army knife with other attachments
flash lights
Water Canteen
Book on plants
Semi Auto rifles with 500 rounds so far. Not nearly enough.
Gloves,boots, and fatigues.

Thats it so far. I def. missing a few thing in the bag. This is just the beginning of my prep. I want to store other useful items like batteries, walkie talkies, food, water , guns&ammo, .. Also i've been stocking up on gold and silver.

Anyone else preparing? Also could you guys make any suggestions on what i'm missing from my bug out bag ?
fuck the fatiuges due get A tacks they are allot better more detailed you could stand against a brick wall if im right and still someone would have a few secs and go hmm uhh o shit!!!


Well-Known Member
Im going to be ready for at least a natural disaster to happen. Ya know ? What if our water system is compromised. Not only will we lose our cannabis crops (which is a damn shame) but we won't even be able to drink water. We'll have to resort to trying make clean water out of ?? river water??


Well-Known Member
fuck the fatiuges due get A tacks they are allot better more detailed you could stand against a brick wall if im right and still someone would have a few secs and go hmm uhh o shit!!!
Damn, A tacks are prety dope. I was thinking a gillie suit too !!

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
Im going to be ready for at least a natural disaster to happen. Ya know ? What if our water system is compromised. Not only will we lose our cannabis crops (which is a damn shame) but we won't even be able to drink water. We'll have to resort to trying make clean water out of ?? river water??
I live by the river so if the power grid ever went down I could just go down by the river and live there since I could have power all the time. =)


Active Member
This is a pretty good idea. A german guy made a zombie survival kit, and it includes all the tools you could need that fit in a suitcase or backpack? Hold on I'll try and find a link. I saw it in a magazine so hopefully they have it online.


Well-Known Member
Just my ak- 47, a trunk of ammo, and enough gas to come lute all your guys shit.

And my dog.