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  • Damn dood! Damn!

    I didn't really mean anything horrible by using the word psycho. I just know, sorta...did you ever see the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest? That big indian dude was pscho, and he was cool. It isn't always a death sentence. =)
    *AHEM* RAINBOW is not psycho lol and she does not desire to kill your small furry pets. She just does not like being beaten up by men who are bigger than her and is limited in the ways she can respond. Rainbow was a lot like Kuroi a long time ago, and was beaten up pretty badly. She just got tired of it. NOT to be confused with psycho. Just, putting that out there. AND she would appreciate being called psycho in the privacy of inboxes if at all possible in the future.

    P.S. Rainbow tends to work well with certain personalities, like Johnny and April, who understand her sarcasm. They make it easier to bounce comments off of. That's all.
    I do fear finding myself on the wrong side of her sharp wit, admittedly. Perhaps this is what makes her dangerous and attractive, yes?
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