Carne Seca
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  • Hi Carne, I am headed to Albuquerque to hopefully find some potent meds from the producers there. I will be there this Friday the 2nd. What producers do you recommend?
    I'm so mad at myself, I still can't do it. lol so this is what I did. I clicked on your sig pic, copied it. then went to edit my sig and clicked on the world thing. I pasted the pic url and clicked okay. then it takes me to my sig but the link is highlighted in blue.... I'm lost after that :( thanks for being patient with me though, lol
    I'm computer illiterate. that sounded why above my level of what i know, lol. so what i did was copy and paste your pic to my sig pic thingy. it didn't work. how do I do it the way you said it? could you dumb it down more for me please lol. thanks carne
    I make these heartfelt posts defending gay people and not a single like from you. Mention my imaginary footlong wang, bang, there's a like Carne! lol
    I didn't see that you returned my message, I thought you was ignoring me! lol :clap: anyways, I think you got a good eye for picking out threads in toke and talk that belong in politics, so I figured I'd get your opinion. and your not just a regular member, you're a contributing respected member. anyways, stay HI
    the illegal lower tuition thread. you think it belongs in politics? I'm borderline debating with myself if I should move it or not. seeking out your opinion...
    oh I still run, bike and swim. In fact I'm helping to train a young county sheriff that took a shine to me. LOL
    Ahhh, c'mon! There are plenty of guys around here older than that who compete in something or another. I know this wirey old English guy who runs competitively alllll the time, I think he's about 60. He also travels all around to compete in stair running races. I had never heard of it, they just race to the top of shit, the Empire State Building for instance. Anyways, you could be like the group sage or something lol there's gotta be other people around here that think it's fun to get loaded and ride their bike a hundred miles or swim or run or or or...
    Hey man, I wanted to PM you this but I can't readily figure out how to do that. I saw in a thread that you are (or were) into triathlon and other fitness type stuff. Is this a realm of regular discussion around here? Like "stoner crossfit group" or something like that?
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