Search results

  1. R

    What's the best smoking location in your arsenal and why?

    That one spot that for whatever reason you feel is the best place to light up. For me it's this baseball diamond in the field at my old high school. It's a big field, with a track running around the perimeter, and light posts all along the track. These lights are my biggest protection because...
  2. R

    How in the hell did I not get arrested just now?

    Ok, so I made some careless tactical errors tonight. I was smoking up in my car with over half an ounce in my possession, wasn't really concerning me since I have a really good hiding spot. But I made the critical error of warming my car up in the middle of a session, with it being really cold...
  3. R

    How long will marijuana legalization in Canada take do you think?

    Ok, presuming the Conservatives are finally ousted, it's almost certain that the decriminalization and legalization process will begin shortly after. But just how long will that take? I haven't been actively following the cause for a while, but I know that it's illegal because of the Controlled...
  4. R

    Is my friend using her vaporizer wrong? I think she is.

    Ok so she got a Vap.R 710 Mini. It seemed an ok little unit at first, but after multiple uses I noticed a few things that just didn't add up. I'm fairly new to vaporizers, but now that I have my own, I know what basic characteristics to usually expect from a vaporizer. Initially I thought 710...
  5. R

    Does anybody else get weirded out by all the 3D printers on Kickstarter?

    Like seriously, at any given time there is usually at least one 3D printer that is getting ridiculous amounts of pledges, it's like nobody seems to remember that like 2 dozen other teams built the exact same friggin thing lol. Right now the most successful 3D printer project open for pledges is...
  6. R

    So when you buy weed, what condition should it be in?

    So basically I just ditched a shitty dealer, among my issues with him, weak product, slightly under weight immediately after sale, and the product is always sold slightly wet. I hated the kid's guts, so I sought out a different dealer. His stuff is cheap, potent, and also slightly wet lol. What...
  7. R

    A horribly impractical concept, but would it work in theory? Using marijuana in a smoker.

    Now I love to cure and smoke my own meats and cheeses at home. I was reading up on all the smoking materials you can use to impart unique flavours. Smoking with tea leaves was mentioned as a more exotic sort of flavour. So once I read that, I happened to think about what kind of results would...
  8. R

    What's the most effective way to detox quickly?

    I'm not actually using marijuana for medicinal purposes, but since this is a medical query, I think this is the best spot to ask. I know THC has an approximate half life of 4 days, much longer than other drugs due to it being fat soluble. You would think since it's half lives that it's just a...
  9. R

    So...Uh....Marijuana Legalization in Canada, What's Going On Right Now?

    It was on April 12th that the federal government was faced with the 90 day ultimatum, fix the pot laws to comply with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms or else marijuana will have to be legalized. 3 months they were given, they appealed the verdict shortly after but were quickly struck...
  10. R

    Marijuana legalization in Canada has suffered a horrible defeat tonight.

    The Federal election isn't quite finished jsut yet, but as it stands, the Conservative Party will at the very least hold a very near majority government and likely hold an actual majority government. Stephen Harper being the leader of the conservatives and the biggest anti-marijuana figure in...
  11. R

    This is the moment for Canadian stoners to make our final stand against Harper

    So anybody following the news will no doubt be aware that about 1 week ago there was a landmark court decision that declared Canada's anti-marijuana laws and policies to be in violation of our constitutional rights and freedoms. The judge gave the federal government an ultimatum, successfully...
  12. R

    Are there any actually good pro-marijuana news sites out there?

    I like to be able to hear/read everything thats going on out there regarding the whole legalization movement, but the problem is that the big sites seem to be rather biased, and that kind of ruins their credibility with me. The worst offender out there would be Cannabis Culture, theres no...
  13. R

    Questions regarding Canadian search and seizure laws.

    Ok so luckily in Canada we have the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Section Seven and Section Eight of this charter act as the equivalent to the American Fourth and Fifth Amendments. My first question is if police(In my case, the RCMP) require a warrant to enter my home, or if they...
  14. R

    Are Stephen Harper's methods ethical?

    Any Canadian who actively supports marijuana legalization in Canada will of course be familiar with Stephen Harper's Bill C-15, in which he and his party have regrettably bunched marijuana in with many dangerous drugs in an act to counter production and sales of said drugs in Canada. The bill...
  15. R

    What would be a good plant to start with?

    I've been looking to start growing my own marijuana the past year, though I haven't really gotten around to it. Stealth is a pretty big concern for me, I really don't want to be caught by anybody. I'm likely going to build a grow box or find one for a reasonable price over the net, so size of...
  16. R

    Did Bill C-15 in Canada get passed?

    I've been trying my best to keep up with this treacherous piece of shit bill Stephen Harper has constantly forced down our throats since his election. But it seems I've missed something rather big, or maybe I haven't, I haven't been able to find a single website that can clarify on just what...
  17. R

    Marijuana Legalization in Canada: Are we really making any progress?

    Ok first off I'll make it clear that I'm not exactly savvy with all the marijuana laws here in Canada. "Canada will eb the first country in North America to legalize marijuana" This is something I hear very often. For that to be true, we would have to be making many frequent advances in our...
  18. R

    Looking for good seed site in Canada

    Ok so I'm living in British Columbia, Canada. I'm looking to start growing my own weed eventually. I'm going to build a grow box that is about 16 x 16 x 16 inches, so obviously I'm going to need some form of "lowryders". Thing is though, I'm having a lot of trouble finding a seed site that...
  19. R

    Not a growing question, but marijuana related.

    So basically I'm just starting to smoke weed again, after about a 2 year absence in my life. All my stoner buddies from high school have moved away now, and I'm looking for some contacts to buy the stuff from. Thing is I don't know where to start looking. It's hardly out in the open where...
  20. R

    Need advice choosing which seeds to buy

    Ok so I've been looking around for a seedbank that operates in British Columbia (My Province). I've found BC Bud Depot: I've been pointed towards this site on numerous searches on various websites. They have the option to take orders via mail order...