What's the most effective way to detox quickly?


Well-Known Member
I'm not actually using marijuana for medicinal purposes, but since this is a medical query, I think this is the best spot to ask.

I know THC has an approximate half life of 4 days, much longer than other drugs due to it being fat soluble. You would think since it's half lives that it's just a question of time and I've just got to wait it out. Though, I'm wondering if there are things I can do to speed the process up? Like perhaps certain exercises or diets to encourage my body to absorb fat content quicker.

I'm planning on doing cardio anyway because I'm getting a bit of a gut lol. Though, my main concern is that I'm detoxing because my tolerance is getting too high since I've used it too much the past couple of months. This is my second full day without any marijuana, last night got pretty brutal as I started experiencing symptoms consistent with withdrawal. I'm hoping that my withdrawal is purely psychological and will fade after a few days, but the faster the better haha.


Well-Known Member
Psychologically: Anything that fills your time will help you go without weed when you're quitting. Exercise helps, I prefer jogging/running and weight lifting after a 1 mile run.

Physically: Time.