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  1. Greatest I am

    Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism?

    Billion + believe in Satan. Should all schools be mandated to teach Creationism? We must save our children from foolish belief in the supernatural. Education is the only tool that we have to drag ourselves and our children out of ignorance and superstition and that education should include...
  2. Greatest I am

    Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war.

    Thanks Jihadists. You have made us forget that this is a drug war. And screwed parents who are trying to control what drugs their children will access. Damn you to hell. ============== What we have are not ideological wars but drug control wars. I. S. strength is based on revenues from...
  3. Greatest I am

    Do Jihadists have a point?

    Do Jihadists have a point? Jihadists rebel because they see God reward Satan for rebellion. The facts, as I understand them from scriptures, indicate that Satan rebelled in heaven, was crowned as the first Morning Star, was intentionally placed to enlighten Eve with her God given powers, then...
  4. Greatest I am

    Christianity is based on substitutionary atonement. Is it a moral religion?

    Christianity is based on substitutionary atonement. Is it a moral religion? The case of substitutionary atonement that I wish to speak of is when God deemed it moral and just to punish his innocent son Jesus, --- instead of punishing the guilty sinners that God was to condemn. The strange part...
  5. Greatest I am

    Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God.

    Why, believer or not, you seek a Monotheistic God. Because that God is you. Instinctively speaking. Our hiving or groupish natures and desire for friendship and fellowship lead us and statistics are showing how well our selfishness is working in terms of rapprochement for each of us to the...
  6. Greatest I am

    Man was never to eat of the tree of life.

    Man was never to eat of the tree of life. I do not think man was ever intended to eat of the tree of life and you will note that nowhere in scriptures is it’s lose bemoaned. We came out of Eden being as Gods and knowing all that he knows. God’s own words in this myth. They have become as Gods...
  7. Greatest I am

    How much hate does God have as compared to love in his heart?

    How much hate does God have as compared to love in his heart? God says to love the sinner and hate the sin. But scriptures say that, at the end of days, the numbers of souls in hell will far surpass the number of souls in heaven. The wide road as compared to the narrow road. If, at the end of...
  8. Greatest I am

    Are you created in God's image?

    Are you created in God's image? "The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal...
  9. Greatest I am

    Governments govern God. Should God govern governments?

    Governments govern God. Should God govern governments? At present, governments control the law of the land and church policy to a large extent. Should the law of the land be God’s law? Separation of church and state, to my way of thinking, is impossible. To think that an elected official who...
  10. Greatest I am

    Christians loving their genocidal God is like Jews adoring Hitler, and just as foolish.

    Christians loving their genocidal God is like Jews adoring Hitler, and just as foolish. As above, so below. Above. God condemned Christians to hell and extinction. Below. Hitler condemned the Jews to extinction. Expected result. The same expected results if both plans are successful. Except...
  11. Greatest I am

    Gnostic Christian Mystery School Secret Truth #1.

    Gnostic Christian Mystery School Secret Truth #1. All that can and is said of all Gods is speculative by nature as none of it is provable. To state that God exists cannot be a true statement unless one has a God to show. This is irrefutable as it can be shown that all Gods are based on ancient...
  12. Greatest I am

    Is rebellion good? Think Rosa Parks and Satan, our Lady and Mistress.

    Is rebellion good? Think Rosa Parks and Satan, our Lady and Mistress. Matthew 10: 16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves...
  13. Greatest I am

    Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience?

    Why was Adam exempt from the transgression when the transgression was disobedience? "Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived...
  14. Greatest I am

    Women. Religion’s longest running victims.

    Women. Religion’s longest running victims. Here we are in civilized and enlightened societies and cultures in high tech times and we are not smart enough to recognize that the world will continue in strife as long as we men do not give women full equality as a minimum to what men should do...
  15. Greatest I am

    Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love?

    Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love? Jesus agreed with the O.T God on divorce. Let no man break that union or let no man put asunder. I see that as anti-love. If Jesus is wrong about such a fundamental issue, then what else was he wrong about? If a Christian, even if you become convinced that...
  16. Greatest I am

    All the Gods. What man has created let no man credit to unworthy Gods.

    All the Gods. What man has created let no man credit to unworthy Gods. Strange that your God hates everyone you do. This shows how your God was man made. No real self-respecting God would have man’s prejudices. Most of the Abrahamic religions of today are immoral and unjustified in their...
  17. Greatest I am

    Is it foolish to call God, “Father”?

    Is it foolish to call God, “Father”? As above, so below says the Lord’s Prayer. God’s first legal decision has him demanding that Jesus be a human sacrifice to rescind God’s own condemnation of his own creation. 1Peter 1:20 0 He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in...
  18. Greatest I am

    Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper?

    Where and how do you seek God? Or are you an idol worshiper? There are so many Gods and Goddesses in forums today that these places begin to look as in the days of Babel. Two camps do seem to be forming though. Those who seek on the left and and those who have found on the right. Which camp...
  19. Greatest I am

    God was to be man’s slave. How did the reverse happen?

    God was to be man’s slave. How did the reverse happen? Early man created both philosophy and theology to serve mankind. Philosophy was to seek the best rules to live by and implement them through a political system that was headed by man. Theology was to seek the best rules to live by and...
  20. Greatest I am

    Who tempted Eve? Satan or the serpent?Why did God punish the serpent?

    Who tempted Eve? Satan or the serpent?Why did God punish the serpent? Dogma has Satan taking over a serpent with the power that God gave her when God cast her from heaven. I call Satan, her, because the early church depicted Satan as female. That is clear in Michal Angelo’s paintings in the...