Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love?

Greatest I am

Active Member
Is Jesus' divorce law anti-love?

Jesus agreed with the O.T God on divorce. Let no man break that union or let no man put asunder.
I see that as anti-love.

If Jesus is wrong about such a fundamental issue, then what else was he wrong about?

If a Christian, even if you become convinced that Jesus was indeed wrong, it would not make any difference to you because you actually follow tradition, culture and your family’s inherited traditional God. Not really a God that you selected through trials of his moral character. Right? Shame on you for neglecting the most important decision of your life.

I think that the moral reason all divorce pleas should be granted is that no one, gay, straight and all conditions in between or over, should be denied the ability to seek a lifetime loving partner, wife or husband, for any reason. I see being able to seek a loving mate or partner as a fundamental human right.

Do you agree?



Well-Known Member
good one, lol!
as for Jesus being wrong, He is perfect, therefore can't be wrong...
Jesus was never perfect.

And Jesus isn't perfect, because Jesus is dead now.

No one is perfect, including Jesus.

Jesus is dead, Jesus is never coming back.



Marriage doesn't have2 be asked4 permission by the court. Be with someone, if you don't likem move on. All the $$ spent on weddings, followed by all the $$ spent on divorce. Based on a 40-50% divorce rate, whooey it's a business.

Greatest I am

Active Member
Marriage doesn't have2 be asked4 permission by the court. Be with someone, if you don't likem move on. All the $$ spent on weddings, followed by all the $$ spent on divorce. Based on a 40-50% divorce rate, whooey it's a business.
Un-helpful to a religious examination of the morality of the Christian rules of divorce.



You didn't get 2deep in the morality issues yourself. More like christian bashing. Anyway you're talking about the right2 be "divorced" meaning marriage was the choice2 begin with. If they want2 get divorced they were never in love2 begin with. So never married. The court doesn't join people God does. But people use the court in replacement 4 God to be married and divorced.

Greatest I am

Active Member
You didn't get 2deep in the morality issues yourself. More like christian bashing. Anyway you're talking about the right2 be "divorced" meaning marriage was the choice2 begin with. If they want2 get divorced they were never in love2 begin with. So never married. The court doesn't join people God does. But people use the court in replacement 4 God to be married and divorced.
And this speaks to the immorality of a no divorce policy, how?
