The Charge: Desertion


Well-Known Member
Allowing gerbils to crawl all the way up your alimentary canal may give you a thrill, but when they sever parts of your nervous system I really hope you consider another kink. Not that I'd stop you from this, I'm just concerned for you and those poor poor gerbils.
if someone came to you for advice on kicking people out of their store due to their skin color, what would you suggest to them as the most peaceful way to kick someone out of their store based on skin color?


Well-Known Member
In a study of loans created on, a peer-to-peer lending website where applicants are encouraged to include a personal photo, researchers found that black borrowers are 25 to 35 percent less likely to receive funding than a white borrower with similar credit.
The report, entitled "What's in a Picture? Evidence of Discrimination From," studied 110,000 loan applications from the popular lending website created between June 2006 and May 2007.
"By far the biggest factor was race," said Devin Pope, co-author and assistant professor at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Of the 110,000 loans studied, about 5,000 were home finance or repair related.
whoa! have i got an attorney for them:wink:

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Too late for your edit, the righting is already on the wall.

Please when snorting laundry detergent don't do a whole bottle at once. Blowing bubbles out of your nostrils and destroying your own credibility while attempting to make a statement...sad....very sad.
Rob Roy.

Oh that was very funny. London just got a free ride on the short bus. lol


Well-Known Member
I'd like to share a few snippets of a speech about two young Marines. It was given by Lt. Gen. John Kelly, USMC, last month — only four days after his son was killed in Afghanistan. He's talking about two Marines on guard duty in April 2008 in Ramadi as a suicide bomber in a truck bore down on them:
Two Marines, Corporal Jonathan Yale and Lance Corporal Jordan Haerter, 22 and 20 years old, respectively, assumed the watch together at the entrance gate of an outpost that contained a makeshift barracks housing 50 Marines and 100 Iraqi police.
We saw the last six seconds of their lives on the security camera:
... the truck came into their view at the far end of the alley; 60-70 yards away. Exactly no time to talk it over or call the sergeant to ask what they should do. Only enough time to take half an instant and think about what the sergeant told them only a few minutes before, "Let no unauthorized personnel or vehicles pass." The two Marines had five seconds to live.
It took maybe another two seconds for them to present their weapons, take aim and open up. By this time the truck was halfway through the barriers and gaining speed. The recording shows a number of Iraqi police, some of whom had fired their AKs, now scattering — some running right past the Marines. They had three seconds to live.
For two seconds more, the recording shows the Marines firing non-stop; the truck's windshield exploding into shards of glass as their rounds take it apart and tore into the son-of-a-bitch who is trying to get past them to kill their brothers — American and Iraqi — bedded down in the barracks, totally unaware that their lives depended entirely on two Marines standing their ground. If they had been aware, they would have known they were safe because two Marines stood between them and a crazed suicide bomber.
The recording shows the truck careening to a stop immediately in front of the two Marines. In all the instantaneous violence, Yale and Haerter never hesitated. By the recording, they never stepped back. They never even started to step aside. They never even shifted their weight. With their feet spread shoulder-width apart, they leaned into the danger, firing as fast as they could work their weapons. They had only one second left to live.
The truck stopped just short of the two and detonated, killing them both catastrophically. Twenty-four brick houses were damaged or destroyed. A mosque 100 yards away collapsed. The truck's engine came to rest two hundred yards away knocking most of a house down before it stopped.
The truck explodes. The camera goes blank. Two young men go to their God. Six seconds. Not enough time to think about their families, their country, their flag, about their lives or their deaths, but more than enough time for two very brave young men to do their duty into eternity. That is the kind of people who are on watch all over the world tonight — for you.
These two young Marines lived life by "Honor — Courage — Commitment" right to the last second. It's not how they died, but rather how they lived. Let's raise a glass to Yale and Haerter, and to their fellow Marines, soldiers, sailors and airmen standing watch for you this Christmas season and Christmas seasons to come
“In my experience, Marines are gung ho no matter what. They will all fight to the death. Everyone of them just wants to get out there and kill. They are bad-ass, hard-charging mothers.”
Chris Kyle, American Sniper


Well-Known Member
the guy was mentally unbalanced which is why he got kicked out of the first gig.
You have a citation for that? Or are you just going with whatever "feels" right?
A citation would be the Coast Guard with an official response. A story in the Washington Post that quotes Bergdahl's friends saying so isn't going to suffice.


Well-Known Member
You have a citation for that? Or are you just going with whatever "feels" right?
A citation would be the Coast Guard with an official response. A story in the Washington Post that quotes Bergdahl's friends saying so isn't going to suffice.
You have half a Wikipedia page that you never actually read for that?


Well-Known Member
You have half a Wikipedia page that you never actually read for that?
Are you STILL crying about something that happened last year?

Let it go AC, your pretty hate machine is showing.

The best part is the fact I didn't have to read any of those citations to know what they contained, the power of technology. Sorry you missed it.


Well-Known Member
I didn't have to read any of those citations to know what they contained

You didn't even read the Wikipedia page. If you had, you would have known it didn't support your argument.

You have no clue what the citations on that Wikipedia page contained. You copy\pasted half a Wikipedia page you didn't even read and called it a citation.