cab grow

  1. Rattlehead121

    How many plants In the cab?

    i wanted to get some insight on how many plants to grow in my cabinet for optimal yield. I plan on using some fabric soft pots. It will fit 9 two gallon pots or 4 five gallon pots. The space is 26”x26” and about 54” in height I’m kinda thinking of doing the 9 smaller plants just because of the...
  2. grilledcheese101

    Grilled's 100w LED Keg Fridge Grow

    Sup. I got a free keg fridge and decided to grow some weed in it. I got a 4 inch inline fan and timers and bulbs already so this cost me nothing. Cut holes where I needed em and ported with abs piping. Gutted the ac lines and Freon. And installed my inline fan in place of the fridge shit. The...
  3. L

    Show me your stealthiest Growdrobe!

    Has anyone managed to build a stealth grow cab that would pass a landlord inspection of the room it is in? I have some space in my office for a growdrobe and have been thinking of a box within a box with insulation in the cavity. Im looking for inspiration. My budget is around £1k and about...
  4. Thebanktella


    Any easy tips on upping humidity in my cab , besides buying a humidifier thing , just a little ghetto way of doing it for now , dnt wana get to technical with this got a humidity tester and seeing my humidity is in like 40% which is a bit low dnt u guys think ?
  5. Jynx616

    Look @ closet/cabgrow & thrips aftermath

    Swim Just finished building self lil growcab/closet bcuz we had new arrival in the family and swims wife said "take that god dam tent down!" Haha all in all it only took me 3 days (3 days rushed that is yes i do have a 9-5) ... So i can tell you a lil about the grow. These all came from clone at...
  6. roor8911

    Organic soil 400w/600w hps cab

    Im back...finally! This will be a constant work in progress updates to follow. *Cab under construction*
  7. roor8911

    Organic soil 400w/600w hps cab

    Im back...finally! This will be a constant work in progress updates to follow. *Cab under construction*
  8. HazednConfused

    Dresser ChamberChamber

    I'm just going to start a thread on my newest grow box build, and first real "stealth" attempt. It's just an old crappy dresser with dimensions of 3 1/2ft L x 17in W x 47in H. I plan on throwing my new cxm22 cob array in there, which should be plenty of light. About to go pick up some beer and...