Yeps- HPS (400w +)Soil,17 Lady-Scrog,Training,Super Silver Haze,SourD*Test Grow*


Active Member
1st ISO Hash Run 5-18-12 *Part 2*
Took all the dryed stem from SSH (sticky stems :razz:)
around 1\8 of sourD buds -- 1/16th of SSH nugs- & -1/16th Grape Krush

Added ISo and shook for a few- Set in the dark a few hours and figure I will
strain using a coffee filter and a coffee maker hot plate to evap alc.


I used another bag to be safe--no spills allowed-- while shaking.
View attachment 2174347
I placed a coffee filter in the glass container and poured the liquid and stem into the filter.
Then placed the filter at a angle on the glass, so as to drip.

I then used a little more ISO to flush the 1st container. Poured the through the stems.

I then used the last of the ISO and poured it over the stems.

After a few minutes. I pressed the stems for the last time and got no more.
I cleaned the filter and placed my Evap-jar in the metal container- To catch spill-

Placed filter over jar and poured liquid through filter (2nd Filtering)
Spilled just a

Looks clean...
I am using a crock pot instead of coffee hot plate to evaporate.

I placed the metal container into the C-pot and added water to spread the heat.
Placed jar in water and set on high.
Add a fan blowing straight out a open door and
that's that.
I have no Idea how long this will take though I am confident it will work at some point.

I am thinking, I should just fill the crock pot with some water and take out the metal container.
I will give a hour and see how it goes.

Ya Thought's are welcome.



Active Member
ISO Final weight/report 5-19-12

That was interesting to say the least.
Took around 10 hours total and worked like a charm.

When it got down to around 1\4" of liquid I mixed and poured into a small bowl
that was easy to scrape with a razor and collected a good 98% .
Worked better that the square pot has.(corners are a pain) lol

I may have left it on the heat to long tho-
I tuned off heat when there was still liquid and left it in the warn water.

came back a hour later and it was totally dry but the bowl was only slightly warm still. ( So I'm not sure)lol

Looks black,yet when thinned you can see it is green.

Total take 2.0 grams -


I cant say I like the look so far. I don't know- Itz the black look that throws me off.
My BHO oil lookz so much better.

I put it in the final container and set it up to purge ( just to see if it helps)

I have not tried it yet and will in a couple hours.

My next run I will do a 60 second run instead as I read that is the best/cleanest way to go with ISO

I can see with giving it a few hours soak how it must draw out a lot of things form the buds I don't need.
I'm sure itz nothing harmful-just makes it taste like crap. lol

We will see once I get myself up to try it. lol

Itz not that bad- I'm just big on first impression and when I first looked at it I was total_ ops_

Yep-- it better taste like heaven...

I would imagine, I will do the 2nd run in a few days.

Thoughtz for following the fun and suggestions are welcome..


Active Member
Yep- Live and learn - :grin:

I put it in the freezer for a few hours and I kind of like the
texture of ir.

Just smoked a bowl and Im so glad I used the Super silver stem.

Taste smooth,no cough- Mellow head rush_ so far so good.


Got to say I seemed to get a better yield with ISO than BHO.

I got to get to the store and pick up a couple more bottles. lol


Active Member
The Room & Ladies 5-22-12

Some shotz of the room and each lady as best I could.

Scrog 1 Day58:
looking good and going strong-though showing a little stress.

Scrog 2 Day58:
Showed the 1st signs of life as far as the sick lady(she might make it)
The one I cut out Died of course ( Going to ISO her )
There are 2 smaller ladies on this scrog and though small they look great. Strange scrog.

Training lady 1 Day58:

Looks good though showing nuit burn and I think its the top layer/feeding I put on (heavy mix)
I want to see if she can take it yet I'm close to taking off if she don't look better soon.

Training lady 2 Day58:

Strange looking to say the least. One leaf lady. Not sure what it is doing yet not going
as good as T-1 .

The test pot Lady's Day 21:
all look good and no real issues.

Grape Krush little freak Day 21:

Grake Krush Freak 5-22-12.jpgIs trying to grow ( cant believe this thing)


All and all- Wish I could start

All good I just want this wave 2 done and over and I still have around 40 days on the main one's.

I have to take down the room after that and finish the test potz some place Else.


I have more fun things in the mail for over the summer. More on that



Active Member
I did not want to find myself with nothing to play with this summer
and since my main grow should get cut in 40 days or so.
then I'm still going to finish my few test Lady's another
30 days or so after that- in a mico set up in the closet.

I got my hands on ( In the next 2 days-fingers crossed) lol

10 fem Blue Alaskan Thunderfuck ( Blueberry x ATF ) beans... Oh yeah...

I'm thinking of germing:
2x Blue Alaskan Thunderfuck
2x Super Silver Haze
2x SourD
2x Grape Krush

I would like to see if my seeds will germ is the main reason.


Active Member
Yep--ya can say that Only water for the next few waterings.
They are looking better and better. Even the yellow one started showing life again...



Active Member
ISO 2nd run.

I used the SSH I pull from the scrog around 1/4 sourD shake and the male plant

I chilled everything and did 2 runs at around 10 seconds each.

Everything went smooth---Then----:eyesmoke:

I looked at the bottom of the liquid and you can see the male pollen collecting.:wall: ---Dang---
Coffee filter and all and still pollen.. really...

So I filtered 2 more times-Losing liquid to each filter:wall:... Dang...

The eveporating method worked even better this time and ended up with around a grams of dusty looking
oil that wont burn easy and I should just trash yet will keep as a emergincy smoke... lol

So is life---:bigjoint:Live and learn....



Active Member
Some food for thought I want to save here.

I had someone ask me today-

"When you get the chance, what are you going to do differently?
What have you learned ? "

I wanted to save my responce in my journal.

Once I get a more stable situation and can set up a more permanent room (next grow) I will narrow everything down.

Things learned... lol

Go with white walls if I can.
Large single drain tray under all Lady's.
Try and use same soil mix & size pots-
Used flood bottom feeding to water.
One tek at a time- Really like scrog & vert ( for the most part )
One lady grown right will give as much as 5 grown poorly.
Use a small ac--less fans.

Smart potz seem to be winner for large ladies 2-20 gallon potz

Micro I would go with Decorative air pots like im testing now.(lookz matter)

Layered with verm or perlite layer close to or on the bottom of potz.


I want to get to- home made * Organic compost*

I need to get to a consistent self made mix that just kills it every time.
-For this I give myself 3 years-

Something like--home made Compost - Earthworm farming - I have horses so all kinds of good poo-oats-straw and such to learn about.

Soil I would use will be at least 3-6 months mixed and composted.

Soil mix-

I want much more control over watering yet don't want to give up on organic soil.
I imagine something like 60% (perlite type substance) 40% soil

I have not played with coco yet or even perlite let alone verm...
so not sure what I will end up with.


I have gone with Age old organics for my 1st line to try.
This is what I will do with any new ladys that may come.
Will follow what they say and when.

At some point I would like to go with Top dressing organics instead. (2 years away maybe)

--------------------------Side note-------------------
I am going to use a mix of strawberry,wheat,bamboo,roses and grapes from seeds to measure my progress in the soil department. I have also started seeing what I can clone outside. new set planted every 3 months type testing.
most Seeds on order already. Some I already have.

I have been working on my tree collection and have been collecting fat earthworms and setting up for a semi portable compost/earthworm

--------------- Enough of that-I could go on a hour, easy--------------

I know that I have no way of knowing
what kind of space I will have ta grow
in down the road. I want a

Lets just give me a extra room- 10' x 12'

A few hundred $$$

1 -- Grow tent - 5'x10'x8' two rooms
2 -- Grow tents 2'x4'x6'

large tent against the far wall with other tents on the left and right walls.

Large tent for 2 flower romms 1-2 months apart
one veg tent
one for others ( veg/flower/mico whatever ) Mothers maybe...

I have all the cfl's you could ever want.
one each -150w & 430w Hps lights-

Looking for-
A t5 set up
90w Led and a 300 to 500w led
600w-1000w water chilled hood and chiller
Air tube 600w then a 1000w light

---My arsinal in 5 years---

using lets say cfl's+150w-430w and 600w
6 months from now- I should have this set up-

Large tent--
1 room -
4 square 8 gallon smart potz
Store bought- lol- Organic soil
1 drain tray bottom feed/watering

430w Vert bulb in airtube hood
4 different specrum 26w cfls

scrog to vert with 4 strains


2nd room -

5 gallon 1st hydro-unsure on tek-

2 x 5 G pots 100% coco/perlite

400w hps airtube hood
a few cfl's
or testing LED T5 lights
Smaller tents-
CFL's / T5's for veg and mother's


150w and 64w Cfl for seed grows

--Yep, that would about do it I guess...


Once I find a line of nutrients that work for me. I will stick to it.

I'm thinking Age Old organics will work fine...

-I have learned-- I want to be a seed bank... Just self sufficient
-In 5 years start my own line of lady's *start* lol <-- long road-
-Become involved and start making a legal living with the MMJ movement.* career*

I hope in the next year to find a old school type grower to show me the way. lol
I need to be a apprentice to really get where I'm going.

You might ask why I would take the time to do a journal this way-with so much in it.

When wave 2 is up and everything gets packed up-put away.
I can see myself sharing this journal to show someone
inorder to show what I am all about..
Once I try to get a teacher/mentor- that, or a job. lol
I will be around for a long time and really want my roots well documented.

I do not and have not planned on another journal for a few years as I do my thing.( just post here and there ) Read everything.

I figure someday do another journal and mark progress. lol

Not to mention I have already gone
back dozens of times to see what I was thinking
about this or that and can already say my efforts have payed off.

This response was more for me than anyone Else as is this journal i guess lol
so sorry if i tend to get a little long winded.

Again -- I thank you for taking the time _______- and all those that
read this far. Have a great grow...


Active Member
The Room 5-29-12


I find myself in constant conflict every time I look at my ladyz.

Obviously none look great- a couple look good- a couple look ok- a few look sad and a few are just sick.
I imagine i have lost 1/2-3/4 possible yield overall and the quality suffers hard..
Sucks right... lol

Well then I remember my purpose..
Now that the Lady's are on auto pilot for the most part.
I have been spending my time trying to understand why the look as they do.
If they all looked great from day 1. I would never have looked into all the different things that are
involved in growing such a simple plant and all the ways we as newer growers like to mess it up.

I think of the seeds I now have and that alone seems worth the effort. For what i would cost to buy these seeds. lol
I am now self sufficient in my own medication and will be for some time to come.
Then there is the fun I have had doing all the things,I never
thought I would do with what I have

So the short and simple. Here are some pics of where they are at.
Sorry for the poor quality- I have to set the cam back to higher resolution.



Active Member
SCROG 1 - Day 65:

2 x Super Silver Haze

Added the smart potz under the next- working great... My best looking Lady's.
Just water for the SSH- will start to add molasses's next watering.

She started flowering under CFL and has been under HPS for 4 weeks now.
Turns out on top over watering,hard soil & over feeding there was a slight, light leak in the room. I think that is what is causing the leafs twisting and strange form. Heat has not been over 81 so should not be from heat. The light leak was very dim behind the intake air fan.




Active Member
I also got a line on more seed's.

5 reg-seeds

Crossed the Kong super plant mother with an early and potent White Russian x Bubble Gum male.

Not cheap- Told they are a few years old.

Blue Dreams:
DJ Short's Blueberry x Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze
5 Reg Seeds
Little cheaper- yet not

I have a friend helping me start my seed collection.
He is still thinking about the Kong seeds, so we shall see in a couple days.

I have also collected everything needed for a PPK set up minus a
1/4 Water Shut Off Float Valves -in the mail-

Jacks nutes- Not ordered Yet.

More on this later...


Well-Known Member
I also got a line on more seed's.

5 reg-seeds

Crossed the Kong super plant mother with an early and potent White Russian x Bubble Gum male.

Not cheap- Told they are a few years old.

Blue Dreams:
DJ Short's Blueberry x Mr. Nice Super Silver Haze
5 Reg Seeds
Little cheaper- yet not

I have a friend helping me start my seed collection.
He is still thinking about the Kong seeds, so we shall see in a couple days.

I have also collected everything needed for a PPK set up minus a
1/4 Water Shut Off Float Valves -in the mail-

Jacks nutes- Not ordered Yet.

More on this later...
sounds like some promising genetics, ive always been a fan of white russian. and your trying jacks classic? that stuffs the shitt, i used it about 3 years ago and got great results, but i did run it with organics so i only fed about 1/2-1/4 the suggested amount.


Active Member
So stoked. Being where I live, I can find some sweet strains from time to time.
I came across a newer way of growing our ladies call a -
Passive plant killer.(PPK) promising - its a COCO ,hempy,top fed set up with a air gap between the root and Res.. Working on building my 1st one. Has only been around a few years and has already grown some Monster ladies. Using only jacks and cal-mag.
Way easy grow set up. Can't wait to try for myself.
Thanks for stopping by bro. Keeping a eye on ya post as well.. latz...