Why does the left hate America?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Gee, I never thought of that, you are right - there really is no need for precision and concision in communication written or spoken. We don't need no stinking communication skills as they are useless in the "real" world cause everyone knows what everyone else is thinking anyway right? Aren't you one who thinks that journalism is a manipulated, unreasonable joke? No we don't need to train journalists and we don't need writing. Business is the only realy important tool anyone ever needs right?

I found early on that when one manages to speak write clearly - they wind up thinking clearly as well. English is not theory, it is practice a nd clearly it is to our detriment that it is in decline in this country.

no, it is all a waste of time, right Beenthere? the only things that are important are those things that you believe you are good at, right?
That's a slur against my friend's ethnic background, sir. His lived in conditions which prevented his proper book learning. He had to work to feed the family, at the expense of school. But he had a vision to become the greatest mother fucker when it came to Business. He wrote on that application he was the first to ever apply for a college graduate. Even after six generations, he's the only white boy in his whole family to graduate high school, let alone dream of graduating with a BS in business. The redneck private university feels pity on their fellow brother just wanting to fight the good old fight to eliminate the black man, just like them. So they give him a full scholarship for room and board. Now our hero Beenthere is a CEO for a nasty far right religious cult backed billion dollar company named Chickfila. Why you hatin' on a man just living the dream of a baller?


Active Member
Why does the left hate most everything conservatives love? The constitution, freedom of speech, right to keep and bear arms are just a few. I'm not looking for a blog battle, just trying to understand why this beloved country and it's people are hated for the believing in the very things which made us so great.
Not even going to read through this thread. Without the right wing morons and the left wing morons arguing about which moron has less moronic ideals, you might just come to the realization you are being brainwashed by mainstream media, and really don't need a 2 party system. #HORRIBLETHREAD

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Not even going to read through this thread. Without the right wing morons and the left wing morons arguing about which moron has less moronic ideals, you might just come to the realization you are being brainwashed by mainstream media, and really don't need a 2 party system. #HORRIBLETHREAD
OKI Mr. 3 posts, I'm sure we'll all agree.

This thread is interesting in ways.

A lot the left avoided the question.
A lot of the right sounded like a broken record maintaining the same basic agenda and
God Here sounds like he is a paranoid, political racist though I like his humor in other posts.

We should be proud to be Americans.
The Home of the Free, the land of the Brave which many of us demonstrate in this political forum.

Someone was speaking of the parties changing ideologically.
Very true.
Anything the other party says is WRONG.
Just like an old bitchy married couple.

As long as we are human we will always be this way.
No mind control or beatings will change our little minds.


Well-Known Member
Not even going to read through this thread. Without the right wing morons and the left wing morons arguing about which moron has less moronic ideals, you might just come to the realization you are being brainwashed by mainstream media, and really don't need a 2 party system. #HORRIBLETHREAD
DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first thing posted on here in a long while that actually contains a trait long lost to a great many who dwell here. Common Sense !

Thank You for seeing the bs for what it truly is, bs.



PS: Propaganda is a bitch....lol

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the first thing posted on here in a long while that actually contains a trait long lost to a great many who dwell here. Common Sense !

Thank You for seeing the bs for what it truly is, bs.



PS: Propaganda is a bitch....lol
Common sense is all but dead and that's what really really sucks.


Well-Known Member
Not even going to read through this thread. Without the right wing morons and the left wing morons arguing about which moron has less moronic ideals, you might just come to the realization you are being brainwashed by mainstream media, and really don't need a 2 party system. #HORRIBLETHREAD
No opinions until post 4 its against the rules.


Active Member
OKI Mr. 3 posts, I'm sure we'll all agree.

This thread is interesting in ways.

A lot the left avoided the question.
A lot of the right sounded like a broken record maintaining the same basic agenda and
God Here sounds like he is a paranoid, political racist though I like his humor in other posts.

We should be proud to be Americans.
The Home of the Free, the land of the Brave which many of us demonstrate in this political forum.

Someone was speaking of the parties changing ideologically.
Very true.
Anything the other party says is WRONG.
Just like an old bitchy married couple.

As long as we are human we will always be this way.
No mind control or beatings will change our little minds.

I just had to navigate through 40 identical thread titles trying to scam me with some A++++ TOP SHELF MEDS. That and some other reasons is why I only have 3 posts here. Like I said, I didn't read the thread. I got 6 or 8 posts down and said why would I do this to myself. ESPECIALLY ON A CANNA FORUM!!! Now I ask myself why did I come back and why am I still typing.

Just keep thinking me vs. you, us vs. them, left vs. right, they need you to stay distracted.

The US/World is so corrupt from the top down. It goes so fucking deep the average person couldn't fathom the things the most powerful people in the world do for money and power.

Hillary Clinton will be the next president.

If Jeb Bush or the Rothsschild Senate family member ever become the President I will leave the US.

The world is being repressed of life and energy saving technologies, cures, and resources because someone is making more money having it the way it is.

Google shit, it's free. Inform yourself about why things are the way they are instead of arguing about who's right. I don't have all the answers, but follow the money trail always.

Learn about these things if you don't already know. I'll start with something I heard today.

-Motorola tattoo mind reading.MINDBLOWING
-The fact that Litium ion battery patents are owned BY OIL COMPANIES!!! They regulate the size and amount of batteries you can put in a production car.
-T. Boone Picken, Bush family, and every rich fuck buying land in foreign countries so they can have land rights to the water. WATER IS THE NEW OIL!!!
-Clinton Bodyguards
-McVeigh Oklahoma city FBI
-Weather manipulation HAARP
-MY GOD The Fed??? See Rothschild^ LOL The biggest joke in the world. Our money is paper and backed by the trust in the government. #JUST_PRINT_MORE
-Do I really need to mention some airplanes hitting some buildings built by engineers specifically to withstand fully fueled 747's falling at freefall speed within their footprint with thermite only used for building demolition found everywhere at the scene including the 3rd building that fell that wasn't hit by a plane but still fell at freefall speed all to be blamed on "Office furniture fires" and the 7000+architects and engineers demanding an investigation.
-I know I lost a couple of you there and just got labeled a C.T., but the 9/11 commision is science fiction.
-RFID Chips See Rothschild^.
-Seceret sSocieties
-Universal money. Personally my thought: They build Bitcoin up so big then destroy it making everybody "Agree" universal currency is the only way. See Rothschild^

I'm done. The Basketball game I was half ass watching while half ass typing this is done.


^This guy knows what i'm talking about.


Hmmmm, sounds like where I live in Canada. You had better really be sick if your going see a doc or heaven forbid an emergency room because your going to wait all day.


Well-Known Member
not even going to read through this thread. Without the right wing morons and the left wing morons arguing about which moron has less moronic ideals, you might just come to the realization you are being brainwashed by mainstream media, and really don't need a 2 party system. #horriblethread


Well-Known Member
If you highly educated lefties are so intelligent, why are you working for wages?
Both of you are always complaining about how business owners (greedy conservatives) are making so much money off the backs of your labor. I think you need to put that education to work for you.
Let's see, what kind of business could you start with that english degree of yours........ awe, I'm kind of stumped here.

Oh, perhaps you could demonstrate your awesome grammar skills to your boss and ask him for a raise!
schuylaar's master plan:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
From what I understand, both extreme leftists and extreme righties want the same thing: a person's freedom to do what they choose as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. The difference comes in the execution: ELs feel it's a general consensus that determines those freedoms, and as such laws and acts must be in place to ensure the consensus is upheld. ERs feel it's an individual's choice, and believe laws and acts should only come into play when another person's rights are directly violated.

Bringing it back to pot, ELs feel that there is a consensus in this country that dictates this is a substance that should be legalized, thus legislation is needed to make this so. ERs would state consensus doesn't matter; if an individual wishes to smoke pot, so be it, and any laws pertaining to its consumption should be limited to consequences that would affect others' rights (such as DUI).

So in a sense, OP, leftists ARE trying to "take away" freedoms, in so much as they believe (whether mistakenly so or not) that as a Nation, the United States must create and follow laws that it's people deem appropriate. Meanwhile, righties ARE trying to maintain a "static and unchanging" view of the Constitution because, in their view, a simple document (and as such one with fewer laws) provides a greater degree of freedom for the individual.

I could wax on forever, but really what it comes down to is compromise instead of name calling and idea bashing. Cause in the end we all just wanna chill on the couch and get high as shit.
Wherefore doth thine nonaggression principal reconcile upon exclusive deed regarding innate wherewithal?