Why does the left hate America?


New Member
Not sure if satire.
In what country?
It must be, because it sure as hell isn't the truth. All the democrats I know are angry that Obama isn't liberal enough.
How are you even debating what he said? It was clearly a joke. He doesn't really think that. If he does, what's the point in debating? Clearly he can barely tie his own shoes.
You progressive wacko's are so far to the radical left, you think Obama and Reid are centrists.


Well-Known Member
You progressive wacko's are so far to the radical left, you think Obama and Reid are centrists.
Let me piss some rationality on your small world. Economically, socially, they are center to center right. You have been so brainwashed by the right wing propaganda machine that you don't realize your views border on fascism. You don't know anything about politics, and have no formal education and therefore no basis on which to base these political categorizations you spew out, except on what you watch and listen to day in and day out. You are an ignoramus, and arrogant at that.


New Member
Let me piss some rationality on your small world. Economically, socially, they are center to center right. You have been so brainwashed by the right wing propaganda machine that you don't realize your views border on fascism. You don't know anything about politics, and have no formal education and therefore no basis on which to base these political categorizations you spew out, except on what you watch and listen to day in and day out. You are an ignoramus, and arrogant at that.
Just like I said in a previous post, your radically warped progressive view has everyone not in agreement, far right of your socialist ideals.
As far as categorizing US politicians go, you couldn't have gotten it more wrong. While it is true that the majority of our citizens are conservative and center right, the men and women we send to Washington to represent us, are far, far from that.

I was almost sucked into to calling you a bunch of childish names in retaliation, but hell, I'd sound like a butt hurt little child, now wouldn't I?


Well-Known Member
Just like I said in a previous post, your radically warped progressive view has everyone not in agreement, far right of your socialist ideals.
As far as categorizing US politicians go, you couldn't have gotten it more wrong. While it is true that the majority of our citizens are conservative and center right, the men and women we send to Washington to represent us, are far, far from that.

I was almost sucked into to calling you a bunch of childish names in retaliation, but hell, I'd sound like a butt hurt little child, now wouldn't I?
And I could keep doing this with you until the sun burns out, it's not going to change the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about, you have no education to even put the words you are using in their proper context, nor are you going to suddenly shrug off the years of propaganda you've sucked in. If you care about being right, you'll put effort into learning to properly and impartially process information. No one else can do it for you.


New Member
From what I understand, both extreme leftists and extreme righties want the same thing: a person's freedom to do what they choose as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. The difference comes in the execution: ELs feel it's a general consensus that determines those freedoms, and as such laws and acts must be in place to ensure the consensus is upheld. ERs feel it's an individual's choice, and believe laws and acts should only come into play when another person's rights are directly violated.

Bringing it back to pot, ELs feel that there is a consensus in this country that dictates this is a substance that should be legalized, thus legislation is needed to make this so. ERs would state consensus doesn't matter; if an individual wishes to smoke pot, so be it, and any laws pertaining to its consumption should be limited to consequences that would affect others' rights (such as DUI).

So in a sense, OP, leftists ARE trying to "take away" freedoms, in so much as they believe (whether mistakenly so or not) that as a Nation, the United States must create and follow laws that it's people deem appropriate. Meanwhile, righties ARE trying to maintain a "static and unchanging" view of the Constitution because, in their view, a simple document (and as such one with fewer laws) provides a greater degree of freedom for the individual.

I could wax on forever, but really what it comes down to is compromise instead of name calling and idea bashing. Cause in the end we all just wanna chill on the couch and get high as shit.


New Member
And I could keep doing this with you until the sun burns out, it's not going to change the fact that you have no idea what you're talking about, you have no education to even put the words you are using in their proper context, nor are you going to suddenly shrug off the years of propaganda you've sucked in. If you care about being right, you'll put effort into learning to properly and impartially process information. No one else can do it for you.
What the hell are you talking about, no education?
If you honestly think that my ability to structure a sentence properly, reflects my education, you're an absolute fool.
My major was in business, not English Lit or Journalism, which IMO, are both fucking useless in the real world.

You won't see me lobbying for minimum wage hikes and unemployment extensions, how about you?

Food for thought, wouldn't you agree that anyone that resorts to critiquing grammar, especially on this kind of forum, that they're actually admitting frustration and defeat?


Well-Known Member
yes winter women calls me names all the time..last i looked she's a rightie..
You understand I've been here quite awhile (actually started reading before obamas first term) and have seen it all unfold?

And please, focus on the whole point:
so in my view, they both hate the poor. One is just full of shit about it. (Not conservatives)

I have no allegiances to conservatives or liberals. Only ideas that I like.

On one hand I miss Ann Richards and want Kinky Friedman as my governor. On the other, I voted for Gary Johnson for president. On a third hand(makes for lots of fun when I'm all alone) I happen to love Teddy Roosevelt(not his racist bs obviously) and his moose riding ass(I learned that pic was a fake. So sad).


Well-Known Member
I'm labeled as a lefty and I love large breasts, therefore righties like small breasts. I also like clean shaven nice smelling pussy, therefore righties enjoy hairy smelly pussy.

Right? I mean what we are talking about here is opposites, no? Simple if, then conclusions? Here's another analogy for you; I enjoy fact, therefore righties enjoy bullshit.



Well-Known Member
You understand I've been here quite awhile (actually started reading before obamas first term) and have seen it all unfold?

And please, focus on the whole point:
so in my view, they both hate the poor. One is just full of shit about it. (Not conservatives)

I have no allegiances to conservatives or liberals. Only ideas that I like.

On one hand I miss Ann Richards and want Kinky Friedman as my governor. On the other, I voted for Gary Johnson for president. On a third hand(makes for lots of fun when I'm all alone) I happen to love Teddy Roosevelt(not his racist bs obviously) and his moose riding ass(I learned that pic was a fake. So sad).

Well if we are going by tenure

I have been here longer than you


Well-Known Member
The last time we were invaded was during the war of 1812, if you can even call that an invasion considering we stole the land and murdered it's inhabitants, then are surprised when those indigenous people hate us decades later.

I know every right winger has a secret hard on for some Red Dawn scenario, but grow the fuck up. That's not going to happen, and if you were intelligent in the first place you'd know bullshit when you smell it and you wouldn't be a right winger.

Nope....noone has the balls for that invasion........the invasion is of the MIND.


Well-Known Member
I wish more people would use birth control, we would all be better off. As for abortion, I believe that decision should only be made by the mother.

Interesting....so a preggo 14 year old, such found on "teen mom" should have final say even though the grandparents are ultimately responsible?

Someones wife gets raped and decides to keep.....husband forfeits his new Harley now with no say?


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you talking about, no education?
If you honestly think that my ability to structure a sentence properly, reflects my education, you're an absolute fool.
My major was in business, not English Lit or Journalism, which IMO, are both fucking useless in the real world.

You won't see me lobbying for minimum wage hikes and unemployment extensions, how about you?

Food for thought, wouldn't you agree that anyone that resorts to critiquing grammar, especially on this kind of forum, that they're actually admitting frustration and defeat?
So you don't have an education.


New Member
So you don't have an education.
Isn't it obvious?
If you highly educated lefties are so intelligent, why are you working for wages?
Both of you are always complaining about how business owners (greedy conservatives) are making so much money off the backs of your labor. I think you need to put that education to work for you.
Let's see, what kind of business could you start with that english degree of yours........ awe, I'm kind of stumped here.

Oh, perhaps you could demonstrate your awesome grammar skills to your boss and ask him for a raise!


Well-Known Member
If you highly educated lefties are so intelligent, why are you working for wages?
Both of you are always complaining about how business owners (greedy conservatives) are making so much money off the backs of your labor. I think you need to put that education to work for you.
Let's see, what kind of business could you start with that english degree of yours........ awe, I'm kind of stumped here.

Oh, perhaps you could demonstrate your awesome grammar skills to your boss and ask him for a raise!
My degree is in psychology, not english. But I think everyone here is used to you lying.


New Member
My degree is in psychology, not english. But I think everyone here is used to you lying.
Awesome dude, still a pretty useless major but lets hear what you're doing with that psych degree of yours.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe you said you worked in some kind of factory.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Pot is the only thing keeping me sane. Until America keeps her hands off my stash, I will continue my hatred. It's not the left who feel that way. Stop all war, noun wars are especially stupid.


Well-Known Member
Awesome dude, still a pretty useless major but lets hear what you're doing with that psych degree of yours.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe you said you worked in some kind of factory.
A factory? That wasn't me. I'm still working my way towards a Phd so I can practice as a psychologist. There's not a lot of jobs for psych majors with a bachelors, so I kind of have to go the whole way. When I'm not in classes I work at a family business filling out pre engineering for certain types of additions, drawing plot plans, and all the other boring shit that goes with that. I don't think you've ever mentioned what you do.


Well-Known Member
What the hell are you talking about, no education?
If you honestly think that my ability to structure a sentence properly, reflects my education, you're an absolute fool.
My major was in business, not English Lit or Journalism, which IMO, are both fucking useless in the real world.

You won't see me lobbying for minimum wage hikes and unemployment extensions, how about you?

Food for thought, wouldn't you agree that anyone that resorts to critiquing grammar, especially on this kind of forum, that they're actually admitting frustration and defeat?
Gee, I never thought of that, you are right - there really is no need for precision and concision in communication written or spoken. We don't need no stinking communication skills as they are useless in the "real" world cause everyone knows what everyone else is thinking anyway right? Aren't you one who thinks that journalism is a manipulated, unreasonable joke? No we don't need to train journalists and we don't need writing. Business is the only realy important tool anyone ever needs right?

I found early on that when one manages to speak write clearly - they wind up thinking clearly as well. English is not theory, it is practice a nd clearly it is to our detriment that it is in decline in this country.

no, it is all a waste of time, right Beenthere? the only things that are important are those things that you believe you are good at, right?

Oh, and I've seen how business majors write. They can be brilliant at business but if they can't communicate they are ineffective at best and look like idiots at worst. I've seen enough "business messages" written by you folks. They think that a good suit is important for their presentation but say "well I have ran larger companies for years".

or they simply steal business buzzwords thinking that makes them look competent.

no, mastery of the language we all use is just a big waste of time.