Why does the left hate America?


Well-Known Member
It's so they have more to bitch about.

Fox is an endless supplier of just that provision. It isn't that we on the left don't thrive on things to bitch about. We each have our doomsday scenarios, both about as idiotic in the long run. We are short sighted when it comes to intrusive laws, government overreach, excessive regulations and creeping taxes. They are short sighted when it comes to distribution of wealth and the shrinking middle class. We figure global warming will destroy us, they figure that oil is endless and the national debt will destroy us. Who is right? neither and both.


Well-Known Member
It must be, because it sure as hell isn't the truth. All the democrats I know are angry that Obama isn't liberal enough.
Because Obama is a feckless Bushclone doesn't mean that's how he ran his campaign.

Remember, he's the guy that claimed the oceans would start receding the day he was inaugurated. He was against wars, NSA spying and Patriot Act too. Just like Bush was against big government on his platform.

I'm really not seeing much difference in the actual governing between the parties. I'm starting to become an "it's all rigged" conspiracy theorist.


Well-Known Member
Fox is an endless supplier of just that provision. It isn't that we on the left don't thrive on things to bitch about. We each have our doomsday scenarios, both about as idiotic in the long run. We are short sighted when it comes to intrusive laws, government overreach, excessive regulations and creeping taxes. They are short sighted when it comes to distribution of wealth and the shrinking middle class. We figure global warming will destroy us, they figure that oil is endless and the national debt will destroy us. Who is right? neither and both.
Fox and MSNBC have almost become parodies of themselves. It's no wonder we get to the election booth and have to choose between a kick in the nuts or anal rape.


Well-Known Member

I never could understand why it is that conservatives hate the poor (yes you do, you know you do, you think them lazy takers), yet want laws against abortion, those laws serving to increase the numbers of poor by the millions.
I find that interesting due to the fact that liberals here love to degrade people that are poor and posting here... And they call them lazy and worthless, etc.

And it all occurs while they are championing for the poor....

so in my view, they both hate the poor. One is just full of shit about it. (Not conservatives)


Well-Known Member
Because Obama is a feckless Bushclone doesn't mean that's how he ran his campaign.

Remember, he's the guy that claimed the oceans would start receding the day he was inaugurated. He was against wars, NSA spying and Patriot Act too. Just like Bush was against big government on his platform.

I'm really not seeing much difference in the actual governing between the parties. I'm starting to become an "it's all rigged" conspiracy theorist.

Only a true statesman would refuse to use the powers left to him on a silver platter. Obama is no statesman. We were conned again. But before the right so self righteously say "therem, see? we told you", we should examine their alternative offering.


Well-Known Member
Only a true statesman would refuse to use the powers left to him on a silver platter. Obama is no statesman. We were conned again. But before the right so self righteously say "therem, see? we told you", we should examine their alternative offering.
This is where you'll be surprised that I agree with you. McCain and Romney? seriously people? 300 million citizens and this is the best you can do?

Where we may differ is thinking either would have been any worse, or better, or different. I believe Romney has more economic sense, but the man could have had debates with himself he was on so many sides of the issues.

That's not excusing Obama though, Senator Obama would tear President Obama a new one in debates. I don't recognize this man we call POTUS. I remember his promising transparency, limiting lobbyist power, working across the aisle and no more politics as usual. He presented himself as an outsider who was immune to the DC way.

I didn't like his policies calling for spreading the wealth, didn't trust his communist leanings and lust for healthcare takeover but I kept thinking well, he's got be better than Bush. He's the same damn thing. In fact, Bush was more of a humanitarian. His work in Africa pales anything Obama has done for those in need.


Well-Known Member
Leftist, liberals could be easily cured and rehabilitated by sending them to Cuba or North Korea for "treatment" they deserve.

I was born and lived over 20 years under terror of Soviet block gulag, so I always appreciated living in US, and I am VACCINATED for life from this dreaded commie/liberal disease .

If Obama is unchecked we all will experience our very own "worker paradise" here in US.

Obamacare is just a beginning.

Current Obama Care is just a smoke screen, it is a premeditated stage to 100% gov run and funded healtcare system. In current stage Obamacare is not sustainable and it will soon bankrupt all health insurance industry. But that is premeditated and necessary step in progressive "progression".

In final stage/goal doctors will be mandated to work for peanuts for gov clinics part of their time, only then they will be allowed to have private practice on their own. There will be long lines every days in gov run clinics, they will be free for everybody, but if you are really sick you'll need to go to likely same doctor in the afternoon when he practices in his own office and pay if you really want to get well.

That's how it worked in Soviet Gulag, and that how it will exactly work in USA if Obama and next US prez get their way.

At least you are admitting that the next President will be a progressive. You should be a fortune teller.


Well-Known Member
That's not excusing Obama though, Senator Obama would tear President Obama a new one in debates. I don't recognize this man we call POTUS. I remember his promising transparency, limiting lobbyist power, working across the aisle and no more politics as usual. He presented himself as an outsider who was immune to the DC way.
You do raise an interesting point. My girlfriend is younger and not nearly as cynical as I am. I remember how excited she was watching Obama before he became president. She is still trying to figure out where the hell that guy went.


Well-Known Member
This is where you'll be surprised that I agree with you. McCain and Romney? seriously people? 300 million citizens and this is the best you can do?

Where we may differ is thinking either would have been any worse, or better, or different. I believe Romney has more economic sense, but the man could have had debates with himself he was on so many sides of the issues.

That's not excusing Obama though, Senator Obama would tear President Obama a new one in debates. I don't recognize this man we call POTUS. I remember his promising transparency, limiting lobbyist power, working across the aisle and no more politics as usual. He presented himself as an outsider who was immune to the DC way.

I didn't like his policies calling for spreading the wealth, didn't trust his communist leanings and lust for healthcare takeover but I kept thinking well, he's got be better than Bush. He's the same damn thing. In fact, Bush was more of a humanitarian. His work in Africa pales anything Obama has done for those in need.
Romney may have had more economic sense but he had no plan save to balance more upon the backs of those he has no understanding of - the middle class and the poor. No transparancy - makes me very very angry. limiting lobbyist power - seems not to be the case. Working across the aisle? I have to give him an A for effort there, he tried. Nor could he manage to avoid politics as usual when his opponents were about the business of politics as usual. Immune to DC? I don't know, maybe he was and that is what caused all the problems. He never invited his opponents over for a beer, picked up the phone, jawed with them, coheresed them, cajoled them, soothed them, supported them or made friends with them. Could be they wouldn'tt allow it, could be he didn't know the ways of things in DC.

Spreading the wealth? that is a misused phrase. When 1 percent has 60 perrcent of everything, a little spreading would be a good thing. Lust for healthcare takeover? My experiences most recently indicate that there is indeed a healthcare takeover - by the insurance companies, government seems to have little to do with it except to enable it even further - THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER of healthcare.

We will never know if Obama would have pushed for increased power but I do know that Bush did, hard, and got a lot of it, handing it to Obama. Signing statements, unitary executive doctrine, preemptive strikes, patriot act.


Well-Known Member
You do raise an interesting point. My girlfriend is younger and not nearly as cynical as I am. I remember how excited she was watching Obama before he became president. She is still trying to figure out where the hell that guy went.
At least she can see it, it's amazing to me how many ardent supporters are blind to this. I've seen them either deny or make excuses. I'm not excusing the right either. I realize Bush had the same approval rating as Obama, there are just as many blind loyalists on either side. It's one of the reasons I'm pessimistic of any thing changing. One side does it and gets completely different reactions depending on the letter behind the name for doing the same exact thing. If my guy does it I'm for it, if your guy does it I'm against it.


Well-Known Member
Romney may have had more economic sense but he had no plan save to balance more upon the backs of those he has no understanding of - the middle class and the poor. No transparancy - makes me very very angry. limiting lobbyist power - seems not to be the case. Working across the aisle? I have to give him an A for effort there, he tried. Nor could he manage to avoid politics as usual when his opponents were about the business of politics as usual. Immune to DC? I don't know, maybe he was and that is what caused all the problems. He never invited his opponents over for a beer, picked up the phone, jawed with them, coheresed them, cajoled them, soothed them, supported them or made friends with them. Could be they wouldn'tt allow it, could be he didn't know the ways of things in DC.

Spreading the wealth? that is a misused phrase. When 1 percent has 60 perrcent of everything, a little spreading would be a good thing. Lust for healthcare takeover? My experiences most recently indicate that there is indeed a healthcare takeover - by the insurance companies, government seems to have little to do with it except to enable it even further - THERE IS NO GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER of healthcare.

We will never know if Obama would have pushed for increased power but I do know that Bush did, hard, and got a lot of it, handing it to Obama. Signing statements, unitary executive doctrine, preemptive strikes, patriot act.
Dude, put the blinders away and try to understand how many times O'care has been arbitrarily changed by the executive branch. He pretty much took a line item veto approach that is absolutely against the idea of balance of power. Each president has increased executive branch powers, not just Bush. Obama has taken it to unprecedented levels (until the next one) and as long as we say, well the last guy did it, it will only get worse.

Why do you think he was honest about lobbyists? He has over 20 on his staff when he claimed not ONE would be there.

I'm also getting the idea that Obama is not real bright, terribly misinformed or genuinely disinterested. I don't think O'care is what he thought it was either. I believe he got played just like the rest of us, but he shouldn't have an excuse. He signed the damn thing into law. (And then changed it 20 times since)


Well-Known Member
I live in the Pacific North Left so I see the extreme left as much as I saw the extreme rights when I grew up in Kansas. Peta is a group I consider extreme left their bat ass crazy, these super extreme vegan "clean living" people I meet are typically way extreme lefts, than there are the radio personalities of which I would exclude Rachel Maddow because she at least is intelligent.

extreme left radio to name a few:
Thom Hartman, Ronald Regan jr, Tom Lycis
yeah i must admit the super vegans are a little touchy..you can even see it in them at whole foods, the store has nowhere to go and i always feel those people on top of me, IN MY SPACE!..it's fucking funny as hell and don't get in their way..they are on a mission..ron reagan jr is not so bad..they still keep him on msnbc occassionally:wink:


Well-Known Member
I wish more people would use birth control, we would all be better off. As for abortion, I believe that decision should only be made by the mother.
then why can't you convince those in your party of the same?

your best bet for 2016 is christie and he's pro-life.

women are not cattle we choose to do as we wish with our bodies and we will not have that right taken away..


Well-Known Member
There is no left in this country, let alone "extreme left". In almost every other country the opposition to conservatives is a social democratic or democratic socialist party, and they are still center left. The only extremists on radio or TV are far right nut jobs like Beck, Savage, and Limbaugh who's ideas coincidentally coincide with those found in the neo nazi parties of Europe.

And calling Thom Hartmann or Reagan Jr extreme is ludicrous. They are beyond tame. Hartmann is a psychologist and a respected author. I don't know if you've ever listened to him, but he's a little dry. Reagan Jr just has daddy issues and feels the need to take a somewhat liberal stance as opposed to his father's.
i thought exactly the same thing..that, and being gay.


Well-Known Member
I find that interesting due to the fact that liberals here love to degrade people that are poor and posting here... And they call them lazy and worthless, etc.

And it all occurs while they are championing for the poor....

so in my view, they both hate the poor. One is just full of shit about it. (Not conservatives)
yes winter women calls me names all the time..last i looked she's a rightie..


Well-Known Member
Dude, put the blinders away and try to understand how many times O'care has been arbitrarily changed by the executive branch. He pretty much took a line item veto approach that is absolutely against the idea of balance of power. Each president has increased executive branch powers, not just Bush. Obama has taken it to unprecedented levels (until the next one) and as long as we say, well the last guy did it, it will only get worse.

Why do you think he was honest about lobbyists? He has over 20 on his staff when he claimed not ONE would be there.

I'm also getting the idea that Obama is not real bright, terribly misinformed or genuinely disinterested. I don't think O'care is what he thought it was either. I believe he got played just like the rest of us, but he shouldn't have an excuse. He signed the damn thing into law. (And then changed it 20 times since)

Um... I have few blinders. Have you? Are you aware of the concept of presidential signing statements? Obama has signed several dozen, few of them exempting the executive from laws enacted. Bush? hundreds, most of them exempting his branch. Unitary executive theory? Bush not only invented it but put it into practice over and over again - there is a difference.


Well-Known Member
Leftist, liberals could be easily cured and rehabilitated by sending them to Cuba or North Korea for "treatment" they deserve.

I was born and lived over 20 years under terror of Soviet block gulag, so I always appreciated living in US, and I am VACCINATED for life from this dreaded commie/liberal disease .

If Obama is unchecked we all will experience our very own "worker paradise" here in US.

Obamacare is just a beginning.

Current Obama Care is just a smoke screen, it is a premeditated stage to 100% gov run and funded healtcare system. In current stage Obamacare is not sustainable and it will soon bankrupt all health insurance industry. But that is premeditated and necessary step in progressive "progression".

In final stage/goal doctors will be mandated to work for peanuts for gov clinics part of their time, only then they will be allowed to have private practice on their own. There will be long lines every days in gov run clinics, they will be free for everybody, but if you are really sick you'll need to go to likely same doctor in the afternoon when he practices in his own office and pay if you really want to get well.

That's how it worked in Soviet Gulag, and that how it will exactly work in USA if Obama and next US prez get their way.

Rehabilitated with Cuba's awesome universal medical care?