who is the light expert?


Active Member
I want to make a super high yield garden. I plan on building a 4' x 6' flood table with around 50 plants in rock wool and hydro stone, using around 1500 ppm of c02, R.O. Water, Mylar, and Organic Nutrients. I currently have two 1000 watt hps lights. Is that too much light for a flood table that size? I plan on water cooling the bulbs, ac for air temps, and the ballasts are not in grow room so I do not think I will have a heat problem.


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but 2-1000w in a 4x6 grow area seems a bit over kill. How will you water cool your lights??


Active Member
They sell this sweet as water cooler system at a local plant store. You run chilled water from a reservoir and it circulates in a glass casing around the bulbs. I'm thinking with that many lumens I will have a lot of density in the buds.

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
Too many lumens will burn your plant though, even if you do keep temperatures under control. You may be able to bend your plants outside of the flood area to increase your growing area.


Active Member
I don't have room for a bigger table. I think it will be a perfect amount of light. I am not going to have them too close to the table. . . The question now is energy. Is the extra lumen worth the amount of energy used? Or will I get enough buds using two 600 watts instead?


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to these guys, if you want some killer plants, go with both 1000 watt lights in the room. You could get by with one but you can divide it up pretty even into a 4x3 square for each light. Also if you had the room and you said you were building your own table, make the table 8x4 then you could cut it in half and have a 4x4 area for each light. Plus if you are building it yourself you can use a sheet of plywood already cut to the right size, just add rails.Proper venting and the heat should be a non issue, plus you said you'd have the ballasts out of the room. Then you would have the high yielding room you want, plus when you show the pictures of the finished product everyone will forget telling you to use one light or go smaller, they will probably remember telling you to use both lights also, hahahaha.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to these guys, if you want some killer plants, go with both 1000 watt lights in the room. You could get by with one but you can divide it up pretty even into a 4x3 square for each light. Also if you had the room and you said you were building your own table, make the table 8x4 then you could cut it in half and have a 4x4 area for each light. Plus if you are building it yourself you can use a sheet of plywood already cut to the right size, just add rails.Proper venting and the heat should be a non issue, plus you said you'd have the ballasts out of the room. Then you would have the high yielding room you want, plus when you show the pictures of the finished product everyone will forget telling you to use one light or go smaller, they will probably remember telling you to use both lights also, hahahaha.
The 8x4 table is out of the question, as he mentioned earlier, he doesn't have the space. Using both 1000watt lights, is not recommended. It's not exactly too much light, but it could burn the plants, even if the room is cool. What you want to do, is get two 600watt horizontals and cover a 4x3 with each, this would be much more efficient. If funds weren't a problem, I would do 4 400watt, 2 metal halides and 2 hps, each covering a 2x3 area. The lower wattage would allow you to move the light closer to the plants, thus proving more efficient than the 1000watters.


Well-Known Member
2,000 watts divided into 24 sq.ft. = 83.33 watts/sq.ft. - that's not really overkill, it is just on the "high side" a little. One thing's for sure - you wont have to worry about your lights being too wimpy!


Active Member
Why would you use two Halides in flowering? I thought the blue spectrum's for veggie and red for flower?

I agree on the 600 with with with wider reflector. I think it would be worth saving that much on my electric bill.

I'm going to air cool my 1000s into my home for heat this winter and see how they do with the table. Maybe switch to 600s in summer. . . .

I also plan on stretching the outer plants off table and tying them down. The table is a custom low profile design standing under two feet tall above 50 gal reservoir made so the lights won't be close enough to burn.


Well-Known Member
2,000 watts divided into 24 sq.ft. = 83.33 watts/sq.ft. - that's not really overkill, it is just on the "high side" a little. One thing's for sure - you wont have to worry about your lights being too wimpy!
dude, you just agreed with me, are you going to be able to live with yourself ??????


Active Member
Ideal lighting for that area would be 2 600 watters. In general 1 600 for every 3x3 area is a good coverage, id go with adjusta shades. Or you could go a 1000 on a light rail. 2 1000's is over kill.
And the water cooled stuff is crap it alters the spectrum of the light and looses about 15% lumens i say 2 6's are ya best option!


Active Member
don't listen to these guys, if you want some killer plants, go with both 1000 watt lights in the room. You could get by with one but you can divide it up pretty even into a 4x3 square for each light. Also if you had the room and you said you were building your own table, make the table 8x4 then you could cut it in half and have a 4x4 area for each light. Plus if you are building it yourself you can use a sheet of plywood already cut to the right size, just add rails.proper venting and the heat should be a non issue, plus you said you'd have the ballasts out of the room. Then you would have the high yielding room you want, plus when you show the pictures of the finished product everyone will forget telling you to use one light or go smaller, they will probably remember telling you to use both lights also, hahahaha.

2 lights would cause bleaching of the plants in that area, you would have to use some serious 10 or 12 inch extractor ad at least a 8 inch for intake! You would have to have the lights 3 foot away from canopy to stop scorching! This info is so lame!!


New Member
2 lights would cause bleaching of the plants in that area, you would have to use some serious 10 or 12 inch extractor ad at least a 8 inch for intake! You would have to have the lights 3 foot away from canopy to stop scorching! This info is so lame!!
Talk about lame!.... what the fuck is up with intake fans around here?

By the way, an 8" Vortex would easily cool 2K with enough to spare for another K or so

Yo dude.... if you wanna heat your home with light exhaust you better get a serious humidifier or a shit load of moisturizer.


Active Member
would cool 2 air cooled hoods , not 2 adjusta shades! here we are talking about extracting the the whole room , adding a carbon filter to the eqausion id deffo go no smaller than a 10 inch extracta m8! but after 16 years of growing who am i to say!
and i say adjusta shades becuase they give the best light coverage you can get!


Active Member
What does Adjusta Shades have to do with heat?
they are open ended shades, they let the room heat up were as air cooled hoods have the heat extracted from the shades and they dont heat the room up! dont know much about shades do you !


Active Member
your link dont work! air conditioning is not always practical! and personally my plants love the fresh air!