When did you start smoking with your kids?


Well-Known Member
Like most parents I'm gonna bust through the door on my kids and one day catch them rolling/sparking up and blaze with 'em (especially if their grades are good). But when did everyone else find it okay that their kids get lifted?


Well-Known Member
My boy is 17, and has been smoking weed for about 2 years. We've discussed the pros and cons of weed for years, and how it is ideally an adult pleasure. I have admitted to him that I also smoked during my teen years, and he has known for a while that I am a daily smoker. I want to maintain that parent/child line until he graduates from HS next year, I let him know that I would blaze with him occasionally after that point. In a way, I'm glad that he gravitated toward weed as opposed to dangerous substances, and he rarely drinks. But he doesn't have his shit together as much as I expect him to, certainly not as much as I did at his age. I believe that the parent/child boundary shouldn't be blurred too early, he needs a dad at this point and not another friend. Hard to know when these milestones are reached, every kid and every situation is different...

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
I think 14-16 is an alright age. Don’t let them get completely ripped, make sure they are partaking maturely, make sure they are fulfilling obligations such as school, there’s no reason to stigmatize it. Recent studies show that any “negative” side effects go away no more than 72 hours after cessation of use.

If I smoked weed in high school instead of being prescribed antidepressants, neuroleptics, benzodiazepines, and CNS stimulants, I probably wouldn’t have been such an angsty spazz.


Well-Known Member
As long as my kid is still in school he won’t be smoking weed, or anything else. (With my knowledge anyway)..
That's the key phrase, 'with my knowledge.' When I was a teenager, everyone smoked, tolked, fucked, drank, but we would never burden our parents with that knowledge. We were respectful and together enough to keep secret the shit we've shouldn't have been doing. Simpler times...

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
As long as my kid is still in school he won’t be smoking weed, or anything else. (With my knowledge anyway)..
Not to judge, but I feel like firstly, if you can’t trust your kid to be mature, then there’s more that you could probably do as a parent (“you” being a generalization, not you.) If you think there’s something wrong with weed, why do you do it in the first place? Personally, I smoke an ounce a week and am a straight A student. If you can put kids on Xanax and Seroquel, you can let them smoke weed without fear.


Well-Known Member
Not to judge, but I feel like firstly, if you can’t trust your kid to be mature, then there’s more that you could probably do as a parent (“you” being a generalization, not you.) If you think there’s something wrong with weed, why do you do it in the first place? Personally, I smoke an ounce a week and am a straight A student. If you can put kids on Xanax and Seroquel, you can let them smoke weed without fear.
Def don’t think you’re judging. I don’t agree with Xanax or seroquel for teens either. I also don’t agree with the shit they give kids for ADD and ADHD. My beautiful nephew who’s usually so full of energetic life is forced to take them and I could near cry when I come in to see him staring at a screen but his eyes aren’t moving n his mouth hanging open looking like a god damn zombie. I don’t believe in messing with developing brains. And there’s A LOT of research out there to suggest the cons of smoking pot “regularly” pre 17-18yo. If he was to puff on a joint or smoke a bowl at a party here n there so what that’s what teenagers do I def did. But he will never hear “it’s ok” from my mouth as long as he is still in school.
It’s the same deal for alcohol too not just weed.