what would you do


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i have called the cops told them about this ass hole driving down the street every morning doing 60mph+.. cops havn't ben out.i have thrown oranges at his car he still proceeds to drive like a bat out of hell. im thinking of tossing out a spike strip to get him to stop and beat his ass. he has already hit and killed 2 dogs, whats next one of the 8 kids that live on my block.. its 5:30 in the morning every day. what the fuck can i do and keep myself out of trouble if the cops won't do anything about it.. hell they wouldn't even show up when i had someone trying to break into my green house last year... fucking good for nothing worthless cops...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
lol at the spike strip.

But when you do some shit like that your playing with fire.

Maybe get your neighbors together to have them all call the police and then MAYBE the cops will listen?

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
slash his tyres and leave a note for him telling him every time he drives like a prick endangering the locals you'll proceed to fuck his car up and then eventually him himself i'd leave a list of up coming damage to him and his car
something like this:
dear arsehole you need to slow down driving if you don't next i'll paintstrip ya car then i'll proceed to cut your brake lines and then if ya speeding and survive that i'll pay you a personal visit with my baseball bat and brake ya legs understand all you have to do is slow down whilst leaving the area and stop endangering the kids or like i said the choice will be taken away from
yours sincerely ............
p.s have a good day


Well-Known Member
Call the cops back and ask to speak to a Lieutenant or a Captain, tell him/her your issue and I bet you'll see units out there soon.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i even had a video and plate # of this ass hole and they still would not come out.. but ya i guess i can get the neighbors and all of us call

Robert Paulson

Active Member
cops imo are worthless, take care of your own and they are not needed. that being said i would find out where this guy lives. since he must live around coos bay i would assume he has a gravel driveway. what i would do is by about 5,000 aluminum roofing nails and dump them in his driveway, but that's only for driving fast. i can't tell you what i would do if he killed two of my dogs.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
they wern't my dogs. im sure if i walked down the road i would find his house. maybe ishould try talking to him first, maybe he will piss me off enough to toss thoughs nails in his drive way


Well-Known Member
ask to speak to a captain or chief of police about the guy. doing nails or a nail stripe is asking for trouble. if you are willing to accept and deal with the guy maybe going wacko on you or you house then by all means take action of some sort. ask that a cop sit somewhere were they can shoot radar at the guy when he comes by....give them some times when he is always driving by of course so they known when to set up etc. you could write the guy a note and leave it on his car and ask him to slow down.

Robert Paulson

Active Member
ask to speak to a captain or chief of police about the guy. doing nails or a nail stripe is asking for trouble. if you are willing to accept and deal with the guy maybe going wacko on you or you house then by all means take action of some sort. ask that a cop sit somewhere were they can shoot radar at the guy when he comes by....give them some times when he is always driving by of course so they known when to set up etc. you could write the guy a note and leave it on his car and ask him to slow down.
he already tried that with no results, which does not surprise me for coos county.

they wern't my dogs. im sure if i walked down the road i would find his house. maybe ishould try talking to him first, maybe he will piss me off enough to toss thoughs nails in his drive way
if you talk to him then decide to take matters in your hands, you risk him knowing who you are.


Well-Known Member
i say an try an unsigned note on the car asking him to please slow down. Honestly it probably wont work seeing as how hes already killed animals and still does it, But its a good idea to try to be civil first. Well If that doesnt work then i have one word for ya, Caltrops.

Buy or make some of these bad boys and just throw them in a soda can and put it right in front of his wheels that spin (idk if he is front or rear wheel drive). He wont think twice about running over an empty soda can, That is until those beasts stick into his tire haha. Since there hollow when they get stuck they slowly let all the air out of the tire. Its way safer than say spike strips lol. With spike strips you would have to throw it out while he is driving and he would see you, Not to mention when you pop tires going 60mph its not very safe. You dont want to kill him, just get your point across lol. these will go into his tire all stealthy and wont wreck him. I bet after a few sets of new tires he will get the point.


Well-Known Member
don't do anything stupid mygirls,,gettin the neighbours together is a good idea,,,so are the roofing nails,,,but if you know the time he is coming by,,just throw out a handful,,,,and after he is gone by,,,go out and pick up the rest,,,,try that for a few mornings and he may run outta money payin for plugs or new rubber,,,,if you have already threw stuff at him,,,be careful showing up at his door,,his property,,,his word against yours


Well-Known Member
Talk to him about it if he doesn't know you hit him with oranges lol.
Id rather try a peaceful solution first.
If you damage his shit then you gotta worry about him fucking your shit up or hurting you.You never know whats going through someones head so never underestimate someone.People get pissed when there cars get damaged for some reason lol

Imo laying down nails,smashing his windows etc is a cowardly thing to do.Confront him about it face to face.


Active Member
i have a non violent answer thats crazy enough it just might work! find out were dude lives, and you make some noise on his street so he wakes up, aint late for work, and aint drivin like hell down your street runnin down dogs and what not!

ps idea a throwin oranges at him made me chuckle!:lol:



Active Member
Smashins bad, if your gonna do that you'd do it in the dead of night for idenity purposes, and it ill take hella force to put his windscreen out, and a realitivly long time to smash all the windows, even if you managed to get it all done without wakin up the whole street cost a some new glass and dent master to pull out the dents and a bit of spray aint much. You could however, if you must wouldnt recomend it, pour brake fluid over the car, eat through the paint in mins, damage it beyond repair, and ever so discrete, no noise at 3:00 am when you innocently out wlakin the dog! personally id go with my earlier none violent approach, but it beats the baseball bat!


Well-Known Member
I had a buddy go over to an asshole neighbour and take a huge dump on his windshield at like 3am ...hahaha , the turds rolled down onto the hood so he kicked them back up and squished them into the wipers with his foot.
Entertaining anyways, and ya, we might have been wasted at the time.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
ceramic spark pugs broken up into peices will break car windows and leave the majority of the glass in place it's extremely quiet and very effective simply throw a peice at the window and watch it shatter